All these ebay stories..
...and we never seem to get a happy ending...
Here's a good one from today. By doing and saying the right things, I made more in an hour than YTD ebay and my job.
Buyer: I'm buying items ABCDEF and G with free shipping and a discount with combined shipping.
Me: ... (thinking OK screw it I'm tired of these people I'll just block)
Me: I'm sorry, but we no longer do combined shipping due to recent thieves who ruin it for good folk like yourself. Unfortunately, I cannot sell you items A-G below list price. They've only been listed less than a day and I should be asking +25% on all of them and +50% on some. Let me know where you'd like to go from here I'd be happy to help.
Cust ends up offering 5x the value of one item, and then does an offer for item 6 with the cost of items 1-5 included... suddenly I have thousands of erroneous money in my PP that idk wtf I'm doing with. Trying to package completed orders and deal with "ugh this new idiot probably not gonna buy anything or buy two of them and say ones missing in a few days".
Me: Sorry to trouble you but it looks like you offered far too much for some items. I've refunded your PayPal immediately after noticing the error.
Cust: Thank you so much! It is a pleasure in knowing that kind and honest people still exist.
Me: Sure. It seems you were having some trouble so I cleared out all offers and orders and canceled your PP. Where would you like to go from here? We can start fresh. I leave for the post office in 30 minutes.
... 15 minutes ...
... 15 minutes ...
Post office time approaching, t-minus 8 minutes.
Brinnng, brinnng, brinnng goes my phone as customer orders two of all six items.
Me: Thanks for your hearty order. I'd like to verify that you do indeed want items A-G, but now in quantity 2 for all six, yes? I want to be sure you do, indeed, want 12 items total considering the technical difficulties.
T-minus I'm late to post office.
T-minus hope-Deb-left-side-door-open for me.
Me: I'll bring your packaged items with me to the post office just let me know by 4:55, as I'm awaiting your verification.
4:55 comes. Customer verifies. Then I get this:
Cust: I cannot thank you enough. I just found out I'm having a major surgery and my hands are still shaking. I'm sorry for all the initial trouble and my lack of a prompt reply. I wanted your items before anyone else saw and got ahead of myself. I was on hold with my doctor and got all the worst news while trying to stock up and everything went wrong at every step of the way. I hope I didn't come off as demanding. I just wanted them all, LOL.
Me: No problem. Very sorry to hear about your misfortune. Sometimes it seems life is just a rollercoaster of BS with occasional commercial breaks of happiness. I hope your surgery goes well. I went through (the same thing) a few years ago. I know I'm a stranger on the internet, but if you can't find someone and you are in need, I'm here. I also included an extra item in package 6 please take a look and god bless, please take it as a sign of hope on the horizon, and that there is kindness and love out there.
Cust: I will be back Sunday. If you have inventory to stock by then, please do, as I'm building a new collection myself. There are many others I'd like, and many others I hope you have, and plenty of money to spend. If you have any extra backup of items H-S, can you hold off on relisting so I can buy them Sunday?
Just wow????????????????/
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
That's really nice.
I learned, many years ago, that you can't judge someone by their initial appearance, so to speak.
Wow... that is quite a story.... Hope it works out well for both parties...I would be nervous about the whole thing. Cheers, RickO
I was nervous about it but I looked them up and they're husband and wife living at the same house the past 45 years, married most of it, he likes biology stuff and is in the bio dept at a nearby uni, she's a retired APRN who likes crochet and basket-making. Crazy the stuff you can find out about people with a name and email!
She was really the exception not the rule. The crowd that some of my stuff attracts is partially made up of milennial drug addicts looking for something else and found me. Those people are usually the demanding broke ones who "still have to fix this weekend" (heroin). The things people say on ebay blows my mind. It's only been 3 months and I could write a book lmao.
I had even written out the sorry can't help message with another tab open to block her, then counted to 10..
We went from expecting our bills to be paid OK if we watch it, to being 2 months out on everything.. thank god.
This lesson became a lot more valuable.
Interesting customer
BHNC #203
Did it happen ?
Everything worked out fine. A few days later a couple smaller items sold to this customer. I got the screen grab yesterday. We are in talks about my unlisted "back room" stock at the moment.