I want a coin...(the evolution)
I want a coin
Lemme see, I want it to be nice looking and historically neat
Wonder what's out there
Check the Bay..... naah, but wait....
Oh, here's one.
Hmmm,,,no, not quite
Oh look, another.
and the seller has his own website!
Make phone call
Hi, I'm inquiring about the ...xxxx.... on your site.
You still HAVE it? Great.
Now about the price.
Oh, yes, that would be nice.
OK, I'll take it.
Look back at the image.
Ohhhhhh.....yeaaahhhhhh..... cooooollllll
Where IS that mail man/person/carrier?
How many years does the mail TAKE?
Pace pace pace
Oh, the doorbell......
scribble scribble
oh.... WOW.... just...... WOW !!!
Exactly RIGHT.
Look at the image again.
Oh yeah..
Mine mine mine....
Figure out the registry inventory gizmo
Add to virtual album...
Ahh.... neat..... yeeeaaaahhhh
(3 days pass)
Okay, over to the bank today.
Wait.... lemme look again.
Ooooohhhhhh...... coooollllll
OK, my box is #1213
scribble scribble
open door...
(clink) ("clack" if it's slabbed )
(month passes)
I gotta look at that again.
Oh yeah....
Back to bank.
(3 weeks pass)
I'm sure glad I got that thing.
....Look at virtual album 26 times....
Hmm. that was fun.
Well, now what?
Oh. Hmmmm.
I want a beer.
Well, well, well...... point taken.
I used to have similar experiences when I frequented the dating scene.... Temporarily satisfying, but there were more out there.... Until...... Well, finally, Cheers, RickO