PCGS regrade - can I get new holder and Truview even if grade does not change?
Does anyone know if I can submit a PCGS coin for a "Regrade" and request a new holder / truview even if the grade does not change? This is not clear on the PCGS website. Thanks
Others will know better than me but you can either crack it out or send for reholder, for example.
Yes PCGS will do that for you.
If I am correct they crack on a regrade with trueview service requested the coin is cracked out for regrading and for the photo. It should come back in a new slab.
If you're fine with the grade already given simply do a reholder with trueview service. Both ways your coin will be photographed and graded raw and then reholdered. You could also request their secure service which includes a new slab and label and a trueview.
Please post before and after Trueviews.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
If you opt to Reholder into a PCGS Gold Shield™ holder you won't have to pay TrueView fees.
- Bob -
MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Hell yeah, why pay for one grade when you can pay for 3. Resubmit every year when the holder style changes. PCG will gladly retake your $$$$ to change the plastic to the latest and greatest. Don't forget your cac and w white re-stickers too. $200 round trip if yous lucky lulz!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I am sure you can get almost anything they offer if you specify and pay the fees....I would recommend a telephone consult first though, to avoid any paper communication issues. Cheers, RickO
RickO thanks, sounds like a good idea. I like their true view for coins that I want to keep a long time, especially for gold, since it is very difficult to capture all of the detail in my own photos. And one of my holders is all scratched up anyway.
I am pretty sure a re-grade will be "re-graded" as a raw coin. Thus a new holder and you can tru-view. They do have a service where they will not take the coin out of the holder if it will not upgrade (thus you can keep an old holder unless the grade changes).
Last summer, my dealer went through my coins and picked 7 he thought may upgrade. They all came back in new holders, with new certificate numbers. (3 upgraded). These were submitted in the PCGS holders for grading.
In short, TrueViews require a re-holder. TrueView is actually an add-on to other services. You have to choose Re-holder Service and add TrueView to that, then pay for both.
So if you send it in for Re-grade Service and add TrueView, you will get a new holder no matter what. The only thing I'm not sure about is if they will charge you for Re-holder if it doesn't get a new holder from failing to re-grade.
You can always go to the online submission center and see how the system plays out as you enter your information. Before you commit you will see what the price will be. Then you can just not hit the submit button if you don't want to do it.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
A TrueView is not an add on if you choose to Reholder using PCGS Gold Shield™ instead of the Regular holder. The TrueView will be included at no charge.
The cost of a Regular reholder is $12 and a TrueView $10 for a total of $22
The cost of the PCGS Gold Shield™ is an additional $5 Reholder fee, but the TrueView is included at no extra charge. Total cost $17.
- Bob -
MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
What is the typical turn around time for sending coins off to PCGS for a reholder into a secure slab and a true view?
Theoretically, it should be the same as for a coin submitted raw under the secure tier. My experience recently has been that they pop a little faster, but your mileage may vary.
Ask for it to be Gold Shield holdered it's only $5.00.
It's on the new forms.
Less than 30 days my last one was mailed 6/27/18 and I have them back already.
Sample of their work. BTW this image was available last week when I put it in the registry.
Re-holders are pretty quick.
Collector, occasional seller