Quick question on this PMG holder. Is this normal?

Sorry in advance for the bad photos, the light glare on the holder was bad. However, I just got this recently reholdered and must say I am impressed with the clarity. I did notice however it scratches very easily. My only problem with it is that the note is stuck at the very top and won't come down. I have been tapping it a little bit and nothing.... any advice? Also, is it normal for the holder to be a little be wavy? When on a flat surface you can push the middle of it down just a little bit and it pops back up......
I haven't experienced this as being normal, but I have seen a few that you're describing !!!
Nvm about the note being at the top, I see on their website that's what it is supposed to be like! However, what would you all do about the holder? Is it not a big deal and I shouldn't worry about it? I mean it is very slight but nonetheless not flat.
Tap it opposite end sometimes, against dresser . sometimes take bottom or top of holder in your hand, give it a tap. Note will move. I noticed (with pcgs holders though) the large size holders are a bit smaller than before, which i do love! The note doesnt shift as much.
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
The note is beautiful in holder as is. What grinds my gears most is when an ugly speck is in the holder. A crumb looking speck i try not to fixate on, so i move the note in the holder in hopes of covering said "crumb" up.
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
As explained on the PaperMoneyForum, this is exactly how PMG sets the note to be encapsulated in the holder - away from the edges where the plastic is heated and forms the seal. PMG had some issues in the past with warped holders - though that doesn't look very bad. If you don't like it, PMG will probably re-holder it for you.
Hey thanks guys! I saw a video on the process and the note at the top doesn't bother me now that I know it is supposed to be like that. As long as the slightly warped holder doesn't affect the note over time I think it is fine. Would you all leave as is or complain to PMG?
My only worry would be is if the note was adhered to the holder. If is it not, I would accept it and move on. Nice note, btw.
Collecting small-size star notes.
Mishawaka, IN
Nice note!
Looks like a nice note.
Thanks for all the input guys! I appreciate it a lot. I'm not going to do this if its bad but what if I put some books on the holder would that help flatten it out lol? Or would it just damage it? Trying to learn as much as possible! As I am relatively new to currency still.
Putting the holder under books or other heavy weight will not flatten a warped holder. If it bothers you, have PMG reholder it for you (they should do this for free). If you can attend a show where PMG is doing on-site grading, you could avoid having to mail it in.
The slight wave in the holder will not affect the grade of the note in any way.
It is likely caused by a slight misalignment during the sealing process.