Dear bid sniper,

THANK YOU for sniping me!
I don't know what I was doing, bidding on that coin. What was I thinking? It doesn't fit into what I collect ... and even if I DID want it, I've seen better since! That was NOT the coin you (well, I) wanna take home to mom. So I'm so glad to see that now I don't have to explain to the wife, "what happened?!"
"Hello. My name is mt_msla. I sometimes make late-night bad decisions on coins."
"Hello mt_msla."
"But I'm learning!"
Insert witicism here. [ xxx ]
You're welcome.
Snipping is part of the game. Glad you learned from it.
Ah yes.... the midnight sniper strikes again.....
Sometimes I have bid on an item, then later think to myself "Why?"....and for some reason, no one out bids me..... torture... then, the midnight sniper strikes...
Yeeaaayyy.... Does not happen often...Cheers, RickO
Yeah...I got bailed last night too.
I've been sniped before. Yes, sometimes it could be a relief.
I for sure agree with the "what was I thinking?" crowd.
When selling, I love the sniper!! the more the better!
Yes! Thank you. Because of you I have nothing to fess up to on the "how many coins did you buy this week" thread.
Happened to me twice recently, and both times I was hoping someone else would win at the last second. The relief is almost (but not quite) better than winning something I really want!
@mt_msla: While reading your post I just missed an opportunity to snipe a coin that I had been watching. You deserve to be the successful bidder.
too fast with my fingers and slow with the thoughts....
Too often I was relieved for being sniped