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EDIT-super newb post. Answered LOL

CRH4LIFECRH4LIFE Posts: 849 ✭✭✭✭
edited June 17, 2018 2:34AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Torn between RPM and perfectly placed damage as a memeber of a fb coin forum mentioned. No one has marked it off as damage yet simply stated to keep untill another found. Figured I would get some valuable opinions



  • RogerBRogerB Posts: 8,852 ✭✭✭✭✭

    '78 RMPs are not made any more but can be found at vinyl record shops and overpriced flea markets.

  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,444 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's what I like, Roger. Good flea markets and humor.

  • morgandollar1878morgandollar1878 Posts: 4,006 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Perfectly placed knick that raised the metal to look like an RPM.

    Instagram: nomad_numismatics
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Post-mint damage.

    All glory is fleeting.
  • BuffaloIronTailBuffaloIronTail Posts: 7,494 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Seems to be PMD. Looks like something pushed the mintmark over, damaging it.

    The flat and shelf like area where the mintmark was originally looks "Sheared" to me.

    Hope this helps.


    "I tell them there's no problems.....only solutions" - John Lennon
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would agree.... PMD... the sharp impression below the mint mark substantiates this... Cheers, RickO

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