Well.. the pics are tough. Dark tone and not much light. The G is interesting. I have a few more posts with new variety notnlisted on wexler or copper coins! First post.
I was not to sure either. This one is very hard to capture for me! The tiny seperation or lines in the g and a few other letter could that be just die deterioration. Thanks for the feed back! Have you had a chance to look over my other 1960 small date post?
Based on those pictures, I do not see a DDO.... Cheers, RickO
I was not to sure either. This one is very hard to capture for me! The tiny seperation or lines in the g and a few other letter could that be just die deterioration. Thanks for the feed back! Have you had a chance to look over my other 1960 small date post?
I don't see anything unusual either.