If you were a coin...

When were you born? And where? What are some of the things you've seen throughout your life?
This could be fun.. please give it some thought. The world through a coin's eyes.. unlimited possibilities. Buried from Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii, or lacquered with a bunch of your cousins on the wall of a Victorian style aristocratic home? What would you see and what would life be like?
The things Morgan Dollars must have seen and been used to pay for in the old west!
A United States / Philippines 1910-S Ten Centavo would be pretty cool. That is if you were lucky enough to survive the bombing. Below is a short reference from the internet -
The 1910-S Ten Centavos is hailed by collectors as “the fantasy” of Philippine numismatic. Though the coin has been properly documented by historian, its rarity and the controversy behind it made it as the most difficult coin to be claimed as existing. According to historical records, the coin was then displayed at the National Museum together with the also lost remains and bolo of Andres Bonifacio. During World War 2, American air planes bombed the western portion of Manila and many building and infrastructures were destroyed. Including among the badly damaged building, was the National Museum itself. Due to chaos and looting, many believed that some of the important artifacts including the skeletal remains of Andres Bonifacio were either stolen or left beneath the ruble. The 1910-S Ten Centavos including its record which was also on exhibit and an attraction of the museum were among those lost treasures of Philippine history. Less than half a century later, the news broke-out that a specimen has survived even though most numismatist and collectors still doubt of its mintage.
1909 and I would be patiently waiting on Mars for Elon Musk to send Gal Gadot to pick me up.
I’m a Quarter Dollar from 1901 minted in San Francisco.
I was stored briefly in a canvas bag in a large bank, then I was wrapped in a paper tube with 39 of my siblings and sent to another smaller bank were we sat in a vault for two years.
Seems there were already a lot of quarters in town, and we weren’t terribly useful at the time.
The sulpher in the paper started itching our skin to be honest, and we were hoping to get put out into the streets and become part of commerce. But all we did was sleep.
Finally a nice man came into the vault and plucked us out and sent us with another nice man. We walked with him awhile (everything smelled like horse poop) until we got to a small building. But instead of being released from our tube we just sat together in a metal box for what seemed like forever.
We could hear the jingle of coins every day, and a lot of times the box would open and fingers would grab a tube, but never OUR tube. Never MY tube. Why, we were the only tube of 1901 quarters in here.... do they not like us? Is that it?
Then one morning something happened. We heard jingling coins again, but also jingling windows, glass bottles, pots and pans. Then we heard snapping. And twisting. We heard crashing. Things breaking. Then we heard a huge roar!! Then a thud, and then silence.
It lasted so long. We thought someone had taken the box we tubes were in and purposefully smashed it against every building in San Francisco.
But it was actually only one building in San Francisco, and it had simply smashed into us. Such that our box and so much wood and other things got pounded into the ground quite deeply.
So deeply in fact, that many men who found other things from the building after this big crashing, and from many other buildings in our town, after the big crashing, these men trying so hard, never found us.
But we’re still here. In our paper tube, all 40 of us. In our smashed metal box, that so well protected us.
We are still here.
Waiting to be released. And spent.
Just so I was not one of those Saddle Ridge treasures that had to be buried for over a hundred years - like this one that is now in my possession.
Of course in its short life before burial it would have at least had the opportunity to travel from Carson City, Nevada to the "Gold Country" of the Sierra Nevadas in Northern California.
I am a Five Dollar gold Indian born in 1909 in Denver. Living in the better part of town, I am a birthday keepsake for a young lad who keeps me in a special box in his bedroom. I am only viewed on special occasions or when he is bored. It is now 1929 and I have not seen him in years... he is too busy with other important activities. Cheers

I have seen a few counterfeit U.S.Philippines 1910-S 10 centavos. I have heard of others.
There is one in an NGC slab out there that most feel slipped through the grading service and is counterfeit too.
There was another that got slabbed but was bought back by another grading service.
There is a dealer out there offering $100K for an authentic one.
43 years collecting U.S. Philippines.
This has been staying at the front of my collection for as long as I can remember. I really love the reverse. Such a gorgeous design.
I also like that the guy on the front actually looks native.
I remember how this little coin would buy me a couple shave ice & a skewer of chicken on a heap of rice. This is every children's dream.

Guess what is the US equivalence? 0.0015 cent!
I felt so content growing up; having a dozen of similar coins in my pocket.
IMHO one can not help but see the new perspective in live If one truly see the journey of any given coin.
Started from the island of Bali...

Pura Isle (temples) to Paradise...
never once stray from the shore...
here is south Maui beach where I resided.
If I were a coin, i’d be prehistoric. That’s how old I am. LOL
I was "born" in 1794. Was not made out of the best copper and was buried for a time. I did see a lot of people and events of the early US. After being used heavily in commerce, someone put me in a sock drawer for decades. Finally a collector found me and gave me a new plastic home....

I have a pretty good counterfeit....pretty sure it was altered from a 1920 a long,long time ago. It was in a very old collection I purchased 10 or 15 years ago. Now I need to remember where I stashed it so I can post a picture!