I picked up a couple of new additions
I found them attractive so I added them to my doubles Just thought I'd show them. What else can you do with em?
Comments are always welcome and thanks for looking.
Happy hunting, Joe
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
Some one has to repopulate the herd. New blood is always exciting.
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
Nice new additions to the buffalo herd! Congrats.
I woulda been shocked to open this thread and see a whole mess of ugly buffs, and LOOK, there are four!
Just kidding, super cool, as usual.
nice,i like
WOW... those are beautiful. Great pick up.
That deal on the buffs shoulder of the 28 looks WAY worse than it is. It's just shinning pretty good in the pics. There’s something there alright, it's just not all that. The obverse is beaming beautiful in my book.
Thank you to all for you comments.
Nice...You got the "Black Diamond" ...MOJO
Is the 15 a proof ?
R.I.P Son 1986>2020
Ok Joe......you are going to have to school me on Buffs because your coins are always amazing?
Still thinking Joe...............
I just have a nice camera. Thanks buddy
Yes, they are very attractive. Thanks for sharing
GREAT coins Joe. All nicely struck and nice toning. I think that you have the nicest herd around.
Joe those are nice Buffs.... but that 1915 has STUNNING detail.... I really like that one.... that is one I would have picked up even when not looking for a Buff..... Cheers, RickO
Your doubles are better than my singles! Nice coins and thanks for posting.
Always posting nice coins.
Just a pretty business strike.
As usual, beautiful addition to your herd, Joe. Thanks for sharing.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I like the 1915. LIBERTY is struck better than 99 per cent of the pre-1916 Buffs.
Do you drive a Chevy "Blazer"?.
You should.
Thanks, Pete. I was hoping I’d hear a comment from you.
Really nice ones! I'd buy duplicates when they are that nice, too.
My YouTube Channel
just absolutely the cats meow! Nice to have duplicates and triplicates like that. Even quadruplicates!!
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
Joe...as usual you have added MORE beautiful Buffalo's to your herd! You amaze me!!!!
Always beautiful additions. Thank you for sharing.
I see some doubling in the "Liberty" on the 1919. Is that a variety? Not a series I know a whole lot about, unfortunately. But those look very nice.
Although I am not an expert, It looks like LIBERTY might be doubled to some extent. The R and T display it the best. I don't believe this particular coin is a listed variety, but I may be wrong.
It is minor doubling at best.
WOW.!.! Just gorgeous
You are all very kind. Thank you for your complements as it is always well received.
Yes I have noticed the doubling on this 1919 myself and kinda wondered about it as it looks very similar to my 16-d Buff. I am not a variety collector so I’ll refer to the experts when it comes to anything out of the ordinary. I’m sure you all know very well who they are. I collect buffalo nickels because I find them extremely beautiful in every way. So, I try to find the prettiest ones I can. Such a wonderful series to collect too.
Thanks again to you all for the very kind words.
Happy hunting, Joe
Beautiful glow bombs!!!!!
Joe, you should change your board name to Chief Buffalo Hump.
Nice one Joe. Love the 13D...reminds me a bit of the one I had stolen from me years ago. What's the grade? Mine was 65.
Hi Jom, It’s great to hear from you again. Yes this is a beautiful pcgs 65. Do you have your slab number? I purchased this Buff from a very respectable dealer but if there’s a problem let’s work it out.
Beautiful glow bombs!!!!!