3c Propriety stamp

in Stamps Forum
I found this in my dads stuff after he passed thought it was kind of cool and just wanted to share it.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Very nice! I really like the early stuff. I'm new to stamp collecting so I am not to familiar with grading yet but the stamp seems to be in very good condition!
🇺🇸 Harlequin
Those old revenue stamps are actually what got me started in stamp collecting in the late 50s. I though I had a gold mine but, alas that was not the case. Tho I still collect stamps to a small degree my main interest has shifted to coins in the last 45 years.
Definitely cool and a good history lesson about tax laws in past decades and centuries.
Really nice revenue stamps! The overprint also looks to be very clear. It’s even better as it’s on an original envelope. Cheers! Great find..
Its actually not on an envelope. Its on the back of the picture itself.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Oh alright... that makes it even more special