Dan Carr Type 5 Lesher Dollar

Anyone seen or have one of these? I just ran across this and it looks to be the rarest Dan Carr Lesher Dollar!
Anyone seen or have one of these? I just ran across this and it looks to be the rarest Dan Carr Lesher Dollar!
Very nice.... and scarce. Thanks.. .Cheers, RickO
Nice item, and I don't know anything about it, but if there is a type with a final mintage of 17 then it will be impossible for most collectors to maintain a complete collection. This is the sort of scenario that causes me to eventually give up collecting a DC series.
This is the sort of thing that makes most people LOVE collecting his stuff. Even if you can't get one of everything, you have a good shot at eventually finding and buying a very rare piece.
way cool, i like
A friend was kind enough to help a brother out. FYI I used to have a complete DCarr collection. I've been unable to keep up but I enjoy what I have and pick up pieces I missed along the journey.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Agree. If it was easy to get one of everything, there would be no challenge and it would be like collecting moderns from the US Mint. This is much more exclusive. You may not be able to get everything, but everyone can celebrate having something rare.
One issue that has been brought up before is if a few people get and hoard all the rare pieces, it can become an issue, but so far it doesn’t seem to be that way from what’s been discussed here.
Part of the fun is finding what Dan has produced. I look at his site all the time, and didn't know about this until just now.
Here is my rare Lesher piece...

Dan had a couple at the Denver ANA. I believe he was selling them for a couple hundred dollars IIRC. I was gonna get one but too much cool stuff, too little $$
Good info @CascadeChris. It looked like a Denver ANA show piece.
Great pic up @Justacommeman! Love seeing the photo! I assume that’s Pike’s Peak on the horizon?
Actually looking into the Valley ( Studio City )
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Yeah I saw them in Dan’s catalog, but I figured they were something he only made for the show display, himself and some special parties.
I didn’t know he actually offered them for sale until now as CC stated
Mark I’m sure is happy to have acquired one and I have no resent as he is one of Dan’s biggest collectors .
Though I am a bit disappointed as I probably have the largest DC Lesher collection , besides Dan ,and would have loved the opportunity to buy one ..
I guess you need to fly into Denver every so often to aquire these type of things
Dang it!!!! I can't stand looking at that......you better give me first crack at it when and if you sell.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I still have a 3 hole strip for the larger 1.5 octagons, and a 6 hole strip for these. Both are currently on Ebay
Of course, it took some work making this frame, so if you wanted to display them like that, it would take a little work.
How much extra to turn them into displays?
I've come to that conclusion too! Trying to work in more Denver trips into my schedule
I am still not happy with my display. It looks good sitting on my desk, but you can't pick it up and turn it around without the coins moving around. I need to find a good way to keep them in place. They do not fit in the holes since they expanded with the strike, so they are just sitting behind the silver bar.
I stood tall on a 1 of 13 final mintage DC item a couple months back.
Its was a BIN fleabay offer that taunted me for a few days.
I've had 1 of 4 final mintage DC goodie going on 6 years.
I feel my DC Collection is complete short of a previous issue or two.
I'd guess I own less than 1% of Daniel's entire catalogue.
If a DC item really moves me I'll buy up more than one.
In one case I own about 10% of Daniel's entire final mintage of 275.
This is the second time that I wrote a whole another paragraph and it didn’t show up on the post !!
Is there some character limit ??
When you are writing something meaningful ,you have a trend of thought and I’m not about to rewrite everything else I said on this subject .
What a bunch of nonsense !!
Just picked up this $10 Beaver yesterday from a different collector friend
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Please try it again, maybe with the "Save Draft" feature? You have a wealth of knowledge and I'm dying to know what you were writing!
I am not saying I don't own any DC rarities. I have a large pewter HT token that I think is scarce and I also own the set of a half dozen pewter tokens from an ANA summer seminar which included an early DC effort. Not sure of the mintage but they are very scarce to say the least. I am also one of only 12 people who own the large Fallen Angel art plaque.
Would you be happier if there were no rarities?
Not at all. To each his own in terms of what they prefer. I can only speak for my own experiences.
Thanks OP for posting. I don't have a Type 5, so hadn't noticed the Reverse is completely different than the Type 4...
Actually, I like the Type 4 Reverse better -- "a traditional US Assay Office design". And (so far) it's a unique departure from the other MM Lesher Dollar designs.
2017 Type 4 Lesher Dollar Token
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
Nice Do you know how many of these are floating around in the Daniel Carr world? TYIA
On the Beaver those where a consignment minting. The customer did a handful in silver and a couple or so in gold. Not sure about brass
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......