1979 P Susan B Anthony - strange double

I came across a SBA in a roll and it had some points of interest on the reverse. There seems to be no varieties of this type for this coin so I have nothing to compare it to...any thoughts?
I came across a SBA in a roll and it had some points of interest on the reverse. There seems to be no varieties of this type for this coin so I have nothing to compare it to...any thoughts?
Die crack?
I have more pics...any help would be appreciated
Interesting. While it looks like a common "shift" as the dies are coming apart, The shift in both directions is interesting. I've seen coins with their design strengthened and thus deeper into the die. They have the appearance of the "C" in your image. Don't think you will become rich
but I've asked an error expert to take a look.
nice find
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
I am no expert but isn't that the classic "shelf" effect of MD?
Note: The shift in both directions is interesting and I might add unusual.
Uncommon, but that is not a doubled die.
NO one has said it is ...so far. Can you explain what we a looking at?
I was answering the OP as to the title of the thread.
I believe we are seeing chatter during the strike.
In both directions right? I guess it could happen but not with the same depth and wide spread as I believe it would take too long to occur.
Only thing I could think of.
Lot of wild stuff happens during that fraction of a second the metal moves.
It reminds me of a dime I recently showed as a multi strike while in collar.
If this works it is a link to that thread...
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
Could also be a case of abraded dies combined with MD.
Abraded dies can be funky too.

Try to explain each letter in this motto compared to other letters,
Metal movement under pressure can do strange things. "Die Chatter" is one of them. Of course this is not the only thing....as MDD is also known to occur.
No, this is not a doubled Die. It looks like a late die state with the peripheral elements starting to erode, That erosion is being aggravated by Machine Doubling Damage.
Another extreme case of MDD with side effects.
I'm not an expert.......never claimed to be one......but I think I've tried my best to explain this as I see it.
This poor little coin saw hell and made it through...I think its pretty cool...a survivor as it was...I had suspicions that it was MD...but to have on a "plateau"...that's weird...and the cracked "O" as well.
It's still a keeper. File it in the "Show and Tell" folder.
Here is the bottom L's of Dollar....kinda fooled me with the tips of the bottoms looking "doubled"
I agree Pete...no one liked these coins but I absolutely love the reverses on these coins
The mint ran dies pretty hard too back in the late 70's and into the 80's

I have a dime that looks like that, J
Looks to me like 'die erosion' of the edges of the devices, nothing more. Could be wrong of course, just gut feelings and nothing empirical to prove what has happened here.
"Keep your malarkey filter in good operating order" -Walter Breen
Probably that combined with machine doubling.
THAT is interesting!
BHNC #203
That '93 Washington is very interesting..... I would keep that in a display for sure. Cheers, RickO
Interesting coins but none of these are widely doubled in both directions at the same depth. @JRocco has come the closest with his dime.
This "dollar" error coin is great! Allow me to show you a medal which was made by the U.S. Treasury Dept,. The Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo. medal misspelling. Please note the mis-spelling of,"Manufacturfs Bldg. on the reverse of this medal, So-Called Dollar, HK-368a. , second picture.
Misspelling errors by the US Mint are more rare than minting errors.
Its funny how something so important as these things that they don't double check...and double check again..."Measure Twice, cut once"...(construction reference)
This "dollar" error coin is great! Allow me to show you a medal which was made by the U.S. Treasury Dept,. The Alaska-Yukon Pacific Expo. medal misspelling. Please note the mis-spelling of,"Manufacturfs Bldg. on the reverse of this medal, So-Called Dollar, HK-368a.
Misspelling errors by the US Mint are more rare than minting errors.
2015-P ?
Yes the Dime is a 2015 P, Rocco. I have seen a few of these out there