New building = Worse Customer Service
I guess I was silly but I actually thought PSA's move to better facilities would equal an improvement in customer service especially turn-around times. They have been in their new facility almost 2 months and service is at an all-time low. I sent in a 5 day order, waited over 2 weeks just to get it logged and now am on day 9 business day and still no grades. In the past it was usually logged within 2-3 days of receipt and estimated time was always met. This has never happened before to me on the higher priced services. In fact I don't think I have ever had a high service level miss the estimated turnaround. I am second guessing my renewing before the price increase. Then again for me personally SGC and BVG are not an option so what am I going to do except wait. PSA has a monopoly and they know it and it looks like they have no plans to improve customer service. One thing I know is I will cut back on submissions. I will only sub what I really need/want not what I would like to. Only high priority subs for me.
I usually buy stuff already graded, as sometimes it can actually be worth it vs subbing. I have a bunch of things on deck to send, 30-40 cards. But that’s it. Most of my stuff is purchased.
2 months isn’t that long to be in a new facility to expect improvements. Kinks are obviously still occurring and a new facility does not mean instant improvement. It means things will improve and be better and can take more volume but I am sure it will take a quart to two quarters of operations for them to get their standard operating procedures down pat.
Also i would get a refund if they busted a deadline you paid for. If they deny that then that is bad customer service (but still wouldn’t have anything to do with the facility)
In before the bam hammer drops and the lock.
Patience grasshopper
I'm on biz day 38, of and estimate 20. I realize it is estimated, but this is almost twice the projected time. At 40 days, I will try demanding vouchers....ha!
At some point with estimated time on turnaround I wish that they would just institute policy on sending out vouchers instead of having people calling customer service if they blow past the time period. It probably won't ever happen.
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
I'm in the exact same boat as you. Sent a 5 day express order which was received 12/14, not logged until 12/29, and I'm now on day 9 with nothing. What have been peoples experience with getting a partial refund or vouchers based on a missed deadline... is it worth trying?
I'd wait until your order pops because that could determine how many vouchers they would be willing to give you.....
Looking to BUY n332 1889 SF Hess cards and high grade cards from 19th century especially. "Once you have wrestled everything else in life is easy" Dan Gable
Not for nothing but let's throw some common sense into this thread:
As a successful business grows and expands, these are the challenges you face. This is why you are waiting. It's why I'm waiting, too. I look at my pictures of what I sent in and wait for my little green check mark to show up.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I know there have been factors that can cause delay but this weekend they will have had my cards for a month on a 5 days service. I'm not looking to picket outside their door but I think venting from time to time helps me feel just a bit better. In the meantime, back to refreshing my orders screen.
Wasn't trying to stop anyone from venting- it's healthy.
I just like to get good info out there to help people who want good info. There's a bunch of legitimate reason on top of the 'normal traffic' right now that are causing delays. If you feel wronged, your right as a customer is there to speak up for refunds and vouchers. I advise tact and respect as opposed to whining and threatening. Usually works better. Most don't need this advice but there are some that do so there it is - free of charge!
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I'm just super excited that 2 of the 3 subs I sent in, in December have been logged. Outside of some group subs, I haven't submitted anything myself for more than 10 years so I'm probably more anxious than most people are to get grades to pop. I'm ok with the wait and figure if i just send in a sub every two weeks or so, I will have a constant flow of poppage for a while come Feb, March, April, etc.
You gotta think that Xmas & New Years Day both falling on a Monday sort of skewed some of these delays just a bit too. I thought i read somewhere that the PSA offices took the following day off as well.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
PGS Panamanian Grading Services has a 48 Hours turn around. We will grade your cards within 48 hours or we will bump you a grade. Only $1 dollar.
Please specify Penny Saver or Screw down holder for your cards.
If I am on vacation, i will take your cards with me and grade you on location in Mexico or wherever it is that i will be going. You never have to wait.
PM. To send me your cards.
Restrictions Apply. Valid only in Alaska and States Bordering Alaska.
California Residents may have to pay extra due to time change.
We're you "The Big Hurt" in a previous PSA Life or am I thinking of someone else?