HK-281 Trans-Mississippi So-Called Dollar in silver

Are there any nicely toned specimens of this medal?
Most of the ones I've seen aren't nicely toned, except this one which was posted here a while back.
One of my favorites!
Most gems just tone various shades of gray.
I really like the reverse on that piece.... I often looked for one of them when I went to shows in the PNW... never found one.... I must start to search again....Cheers, RickO
Thanks for the info @afford. I remembered you reported it stolen/lost but wasn't sure if you purchased it or was relaying the message for a friend. I hope it's found and finds its way to you.
Agree with @Broadstruck that most I see are gray.
This medal's beauty was one of the reasons I began collecting So-Called Dollars. Most circulation, IMHO, is bland and repetitive and I'm opening a can of worms... Unfortunately the engravers names are absent on many SCD's in "So-Called Dollars" both editions.
At least some others of us have kept an eye out for it, as well, afford. As soon as the image appeared on my screen I recognized it from your thread years ago announcing that it was missing.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Mine were purchased 10+ years ago when prices were 10% - 40% less.
I have seen at least 2 that I liked more than that one.
Both blue rim toned.
I don't recall any toned any other colors.
That is a really nice medal...sorry it did not arrive!