2017----Year End Totals

Dollar Coins----------5
Total Face Value-----------$448.64
Silver coins---4. (2 quarters & 2 dimes)
Sterling Silver---5 Rings, 1 bracelet & 1 charm
Most unusual find. Model T hub cap and a roll of quarters
Sweet, congratulations !!!
@pocketpiececommems.... Fantastic... great year.... Love the roll of quarters find... that is the best way. Too bad they were not all silver quarters.... YEEEEAAAAYYYYY...
Cheers, RickO
Dollar Coins----------2
Total Face Value-----------$146.56
Silver coins---9. 1 Washington quarter, 3 Rosey dimes, 4 Merc dimes, 1 Barber dime.
1 Indian Head cent, 60 Wheat cents, 1 Buffalo Nickel
Sterling Silver--5 rings
I also dug a Euro coin bringing my total coins recovered to 2006.
@Dockwalliper .... Great year end total.... some nice silver coins and rings.... Hope 2018 brings you some gold... coins or jewelry.... Cheers, RickO
Dock, is it to early for Hockey Pucks?
Lafayette Grading Set
The ice was up and running early this year so it should be a bumper crop this spring. Forecast is for rain this week so there might be some early pickings.
We had a January thaw so I took a walk around the pond. 23 pucks and a quarter.
It’s cold again so there should be plenty more in the next thaw.
not a bad haul all
Wow... 23 pucks.... What do you do with them? Cheers, RickO
Nice Puck haul for the first time out. Do I remember correctly that one year you had well over a hundred.??
Lafayette Grading Set
I think it was about 120. Had another year in the high 90s.
Picked up 5 more today, new total 28.
I am still wondering what you do with them..... Resale? Cheers, RickO
I have sold some and given some away.
I have several hundred stashed away as part of my retirement plan.
Lafayette Grading Set