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1974 penny Have you seen anything like this?

I go through a lot of pennies and have never seen anything like this. The front is an add on, the back is indented.

Any thoughts on value or does this happen more often than I know. I am not a coin guy and sorry for asking a question I can look up on my own (I tried) if it is more common than not.


I am working on the Nolan Ryan master set. Need 1004 more cards to complete. I might actually spend more on plastic than I did on cardboard.

Best Answer

  • PocketArtPocketArt Posts: 1,335 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Looks to be glue, or, some other sticky gunk on your coin revealing an impression which looks to be an error; yet, isn't. It appears you have a substance on coin with an impression on obverse and reverse left by two coins which were stuck to your '74. Soak in acetone, and maybe repost results. Thanks.


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