Coinstar Jackpot...WOW!!!!!!

Some of my favorite ice cream was on sale at the grocery store this morning and I went to buy some. At the cashier lane, I was in, I could see the Coinstar machine and saw something shiny in the reject bin. When I stopped at the machine, the bin was loaded with coins. I started scooping them out and dropped a dime and it rolled about ten feet away. A man picked it up and handed it to me. I was totally surprised when I got home and counted what I had found.
Cents------------12 Nine of them are wheat cents. best date----1927
Nickels-----------2 Just common Jefferson's
Dimes------------100 HERE IS THE JACKPOT. 98 of them are silver Roosevelts!!!!! About 10-12 have lots of mint luster and are almost uncirculated.
Quarter---------- 1
Also, there were 24 foreign coins. I won't list them but, a number of them are listed on eBay for several dollars each.
Then, to top it off, after I got my ice cream safely put in our freezer at home, I went to a casino and won $110.11. Really good day to say the least. I could swing the coil for months and not find 98 silver dimes.
I would like to post pictures, but don't know how from Photobucket. MDH
Yes I would have caps on WOW for sure. One heck of a haul. All those rejects just are worth anything:). I Think you may just win a You Suck award on this one. Where are you Lord Marcoven?
Lafayette Grading Set
Photobucket sucks, just copy the picture to your main page, then drag it to the post.
BHNC #203
Fantastic coinstar find.... Amazing that someone left all those dimes there.... and 98 silver dimes... incredible. Cheers, RickO
Holy crap!
I am now trying to list three pictures of my Coinstar find. Hope this works.

The first picture is of the (11) Wheat cents.
The second picture is of the Foreign coins
The third picture is
of the (98) silver Roosevelts
Your suggestion for posting pictures worked just fine. Thanks very much. I certainly appreciate it.
way cool
@metaldetectinghound.... Thanks for the pictures...Your find is the most incredible coinstar reject slot find I have ever heard of....AMAZING!!! Cheers, RickO
Wow, that's pretty impressive!!
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Never ever heard a a find like that, that is incredible for sure
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
In the coin forum the YOU SUCK award is given for spectacular finds. I am now implementing the BEST FIND award.
I nominate you the first BEST FIND award winner!
any 2nds?

How could someone leave so much stuff in the coinstar?
Insert witicism here. [ xxx ]
That's awesome!
@AUandAG.... I second that motion.... carried and awarded. Cheers, RickO
I thought the same thing when I saw all those coins in the Coinstar reject bin. But, I didn't stay around to find out. I just collected them and got out of there.
Well... my meager find yesterday in the Walmart coinstar was a Canadian quarter and half a zincoln.... Cheers, RickO
Wow, nice $100+ find there!
Not trying to buzz kill, but I find it unfortunate that the ones who leave this sort of treasure behind are the ones who probably need the money most.
Collector, occasional seller
It is unfortunate that they leave it behind for their sake but its not that hard to look at the reject tray. And with that amount. DUH
Lafayette Grading Set
Reference my Canadian quarter coinstar find above.... It is a SILVER quarter... 1966.... DY-NO-MITE!! Cheers, RickO
Ths Coinstar machines almost always get even with you. The last six trips I found nothing. My wife did find a dime yesterday. She offered to give it to me and I told her to put in into her slush fund.
@ ChrisH821 I certainly agree with you that the coins that are left in the reject tray at a Coinstar machine are more than likely left by folks who need the money. If I could have found the person who left them, I would have gladly given them back to that person. More than likely, they had already left the store. Similarly, I had a neighbor lady tell me I was a bad guy for finding all the rings I have found over the years. I tried to explain that the rings were no more 'less lost' just because I found them. She wouldn't budge an inch I was always the culprit. Once, I did find two class rings and with a little research, I found the rightful owner and returned them. For my efforts. the lady gave me a $50.00 reward. She felt good that she got the rings back and I felt it was okay to accept the reward. MDH
@metaldetectinghound....I will never understand the strange reasoning that some people use to deem a person who finds things, to be bad. Yours is not the first I have heard this. Personally, I think it is partially a bit of envy. Such convoluted reasoning escapes me. Great job on finding the owners of class rings...
And yes... the way the machines run hot and cold certainly seems like they make up for periods of drought. Cheers, RickO
On my last post, I goofed. I didn't finish it before I hit enter. The actual post is on the What are your most rare finds.
Makes me wonder what nice coins were accepted by the machine.
Man, that's just NUTS! Congrats!
A few months ago I was at the Grocery Store and I picked up a Dime in the Parking Lot. It was a 1961 , with luster around the devices ! That was a good day for me.
BUT YOU FOUND 98 Silver Dimes in the Coinstar! Man what a day that was for you ! Congratulations ! Hope you do it again one day.
I think it is almost definitely envy or jealousy that THEY aren't the ones out there finding the cool stuff! Since THEY can't or won't do it they get "angry" that someone is beating them to it.
I am all about getting out and finding stuff, or junk. I've had the police come and investigate my "suspicious behavior" a couple of times. Never had any issue beyond that, just told them I was looking for coins and stuff and they wished me luck.
Collector, occasional seller
I'm trying to load some pictures of items I have found over the years. Hope this works. MDH
Wow... some gorgeous finds there..... Very impressive. Cheers, RickO
What a fantastic find. Congrats!
I must admit, a silly guilty pleasure of mine is after checkout at the local supermarket, I always make sure I walk past the Coinstar machine and glance at the rejection bin. If there's anything in there, I scoop it out, throw it in my pocket, and look at the discovered "treasure" while back at home.
This past month I found not one but two silver Roosevelt dimes in there on two separate occasions, both 1960 something. I was quite happy about that.
great findings in the machine @metaldetectinghound . hope you find more machine like that
WOW... broke the ice today....A silver quarter and two silver dimes.. bicentennial quarter and two clad dimes...a whole bunch of Euro's and a Chinese coin and two Canadian quarters. Cheers, RickO
Hi rickO
Congrats on a nice find. Wishing you good luck with all your hunts. My wife hit my favorite Coinstar machine this morning and found five dimes, (one silver Roosevelt) two nickels, (0ne Canadian) three Lincoln cents, one Holland American 25 token and a 1993 Bank of Indonesia 50RP coin and two Sony CR2025 -three volt Lithium cell slugs.
Nice wife; She gave them to me. I told her to check every day. I have been sick for two weeks and have hardly been of the house even though every day has been in the upper 70's to low 80's. Continued good luck. Ken
Hi Ken... Nice finds and great that your wife is checking the machine... A little under the weather myself...abscessed tooth...but taking care of it. Hope you find more silver... Cheers, RickO
your neighbor is an idiot
BHNC #203
Four dimes.... one Canadian, two silver... one clad... Cheers, RickO
I received this in change at Costco this morning. Haven’t been given silver in change for over 20 years. The distinct sound caught my attention when he was pulling change from the drawer. I was pretty happy when I left.
The old proverb of being at the right place at the right time sure has some significance. Good eyes. MDH
Great... It has been a while since I received a silver quarter in change....dimes yes....Cheers, RickO
Pulled a handful last week. Nothing special.
4 US quarters, 2 US dimes and 3 US cents.
2 Canadian quarters and 1 Canadian cent
1 Bermuda cent.
Nothing old.
Still a nice haul.... I have had nothing for a while.....snowstorms must be keeping people home...Cheers, RickO