Coppercolor's Coyote Ugly Rainbow Toned Lincoln Cent Collection... Sold... More Pics Added

I am quite excited to let you know that Coppercolor's Coyote Ugly Rainbow Toned Lincoln Cent Collection has been sold... to me!
Anybody who has paid any attention to collecting colorfully toned Lincoln Cents knows of Coppercolor and his Coyote Ugly collection. This remarkable collection took a concentrated effort of over twenty years of painstaking effort culminating in what is undoubtedly the finest collection of rainbow toned Lincolns ever assembled.
More than twenty years effort puts Coppercolor back far enough in time to define him as a trailblazer, even THE trailblazer. It is particularly impressive to me when somebody can identify a niche in our hobby and boldly go where nobody has gone before. Coppercolor did just that, scoured coin shows, double mint sets, old albums, the internet, and put this collection together, coin by coin, without a road map. Many of the coins in his collection were sent in raw and made by him. I honestly believe that Coppercolor helped legitimize the grading of colorfully toned Lincoln cents with our host.
A few years ago Coppercolor was nearing the culmination of his set, having only a few dates left for completion (some dates are almost impossible!) At the same time, having studied toned copper for a while, but not yet making the plunge, I started down the path of a toned Lincoln set only after Coppercolor agreed to be my mentor.
Copppercolor finally achieved his ultimate goal of completing a toned set of Lincolns. Then, he decided it was time to move on from his collection. (Fear not for Coppercolor, it was a very happy and positive life changing moment for him and his family. I know, I made a point of asking his wife if it was okay that he sold the collection.) Knowing that if I was serious in completing an exquisite toned Lincoln set, there were coins in Coppercolor's set that were possibly unique, finest known, and for sure hard to put down. An offer I could not refuse.
I have combined the Coyote Ugly set with mine and am really ecstatic over the results. Then again, that is analogous to being on the J.V team and being ecstatic over being pulled up to the Varsity team at the end of the season just to sit on the end of the bench.
Here are some of the coins from my collection. I am in the process of upgrading and TruViewing many of the coins, so there are still some monster toners that have yet to smile before the camera. Hope to have the process complete in the next few months. Enjoy!
And for you Lincoln toner collectors, especially those who have also been unselfishly guided along the way by him, hats off to Coppercolor!
1909 PCGS 66+ RB pop 2/0
1909-S VDB PCGS 67 RB
The only 67 RB graded, a pop 1/0. Partnered with Coppercolor on this coin, through Angel Dees. Alynne of Angel Dees carries a picture of this coin with her wherever she goes, her favorite Lincoln. Andy of Angel Dees says it is the second or third finest known, regardless of color designation.
1911 PCGS 66 RB
1912-S. PCGS 64 RB. Monster color.
1913-S PCGS 66 BN pop 1/0 Blue Bomber.
1914 PCGS 66 BN
1917 - D PCGS 66+ BN. Pop 1/0 and the only graded 66+ 1917-D regardless of color designation.
1926 - S PCGS 65 RB. Only 28 coins graded 65 regardless of BN, RB or RD. None graded higher. Condition Census.
1931-S PCGS 66 RB. Impossible to find with color.
1935 PCGS 66 BN. So, many LIncoln toner specialists would say, as would Coppercolor himself, the most outrageous toned Lincoln cent they have ever seen! I will not argue.
1935 - D. PCGS 66 RB
1945 PCGS 66 RB. Talk about outrageous, top 10 ever!
1953 - D. PCGS 66RB. The double mint set coins just keep coming.....
1956 - D PCGS 66 BN. and coming........
1957 - D PCGS 66 BN. and coming.
Hope you enjoyed!
Edited to add: I included more pictures in a post below.
Beautiful coins!!! Congrats to both of you !
Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to seeing the new TrueViews. I've been watching Jeff's set for years with an envious eye. I'm happy the set will not be needs to be seen. The 1935 and 1945 have long been my favorites.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
That is one hell of a Herd of Mooses!
Great coins, a monster set.
Andrew Blinkiewicz-Heritage
Simple outstanding nothing less
I love your enthusiasm and pride! Those are some wonder coins!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Those are some great coins without a doubt!
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Impressive! Hope they remain stable!(That's not to imply anything artificial!)
Any thoughts of starting a registry set?
My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
Big news for sure! It is very cool that the set is staying intact and actually expanding by joining with another set.
Will the combined set be in any of the PCGS Registries? It would be really great to be able to access views of it.
In any case: Congratulations!!
Very Very nice !!,,,,MAN,,,That 1914 just knocks me out of my chair,,,the 1913 as well.
They are all beautiful !!
R.I.P Son 1986>2020
Amazing collection!
Congratulations on acquiring this very cool set!
I love the 1912-S, 1913-S, 1935, 1945, and quite a few others!
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
Congratulations on your new set.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
Awesome set! I have some MS raw brown coins turn some colors in 2x2s, and others not. Same with the Whitman albums.
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Coins like these make me appreciate this site and those who post here.
Congrats on a wonderful set. You have some really beautiful coins and it's great that you were able to buy the whole set intact. Thanks for sharing.
Great write-up and coins!!!
Thanks for the share. Wonderful story and beautiful Lincoln’s.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
@Ronyahski !!!!!! Fantastic. Congratulations!
Kind regards,
Absolutely beautiful and quite the accomplishment!
~Midwest Coin Exchange
@Ronyahski....Congratulations on your acquisition... You (and Coppercolor) are the @AuroraBorealis of cents. Doing a major show, with the two collections in one viewing venue would be a major attraction. Cheers, RickO
I'm speechless. Your a lucky man my friend ......That is a feat that will never be eclipsed..
Lordmarcovan, WTCG, YogiBerraFan, Phoenin21, LindeDad, Coll3ctor, blue594, robkoll, Mike Dixon, BloodMan, Flakthat and others.
Awesome coins.
I was wondering who this set was going to go to.. happy to see the care you're taking with it and it is truly a monster set! The 35 is beautiful, but I've always been partial to that 1914!
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Daryl, and friends,
Thank you for announcing the transfer of ownership and for the kind words.
My goal became finding, and getting PCGS to grade, every one of the 140 coins in the set with OBVERSE, rainbow or emerald green color, which are the inarguable NATURAL colors for extreme toned copper. An exceptionally tough project. I got most of the way there, save for the 1923S which has a rainbow reverse, and a number of the tougher dates where I selected original blues. Yes there are original blues, and they can normally be identified (17d, 13s etc are good examples), and I avoided buying into the glut of fake purple blue material that’s come in the market in the past seven or eight years
More than once i felt like i was the luckiest man on the planet. It took (and I made) a lot of friends along the way for this set to happen I took some huge chances, by stepping up big on raw coins the kind which PCGS Id rarely seen in 20 years but knew were original. . like when I spent $4,000 on a modern album of Lincolns 36’-58’ which contained mostly junk but the image showed 6 unique coins that looked like had amazing potential. That translates to $600 per coin for specimens I was pretty sure would only grade 64 or 65, with retail prices around $1, but their color looked off the charts. Turns out one of the top three color coins on the planet came from the set, an absolute BLAZING prooflike rainbow toned 1936S that is one of the highlights.
There were several sets that came to market which had some high grade colorful coins in it and i got first shot at every one. Thank you Andy & Alynne Skrabalak and 66RB.
There was the coin (1940P) I spent over 12 years looking for after I was the underbidder in the old teletrade format. There was a coin I couldn’t afford so I found a partner (Daryl!)
And i bought all 140 coins for the set using the profits I earned from buying and selling other coins, mostly quarters and halves (with color)
So after 22 years of building a set, who gets so lucky as to be able to sell the set to a friend, to not lose money even after recklessly chasing the most amazing Lincolns on the planet, to have the set in a place I can see still go see it, and to have sold it to a collector who still wants me to help him continue to improve the set.
Thank you Daryl. I sense you're as happy to own it as I was, and that couldn't make me happier.
In 22 years (I had originally purchased many of these raw in the 90's) I never had a single coin from the primary set fade or lose its color.
Several of the questionably toned blue coins I set aside did develop some of the telltale signs of a coin that had been treated with MS70. These coins developed either a silver sheen or a series of silver dots that were once difficult to spot, but now are obvious. Unfortunately this negative trait doesn't develop quickly, it takes years, making me think that something is either still reacting on the surface or that the original skin was removed causing a trailing reaction. And so there should be no wondering why I shied away from blue coins. This has been the hardest thing to try to pass down to the next generation of toned lincoln (copper) collectors.
I wish I had imaging of the rainbow and green PCGS indian cent collection (40% complete) I had built over the same time period. I sold it five years ago through a known dealer and it lasted all of about two days. Same kind of quality but I had to sell it in order to have cash on hand to complete the lincoln set. Talk about a sacrifice.
Great set, can I get the details on the 26 S please.
Here are a few more coins in the collection:
1913 - D PCGS MS 66 BN. Pop 1/0 in BN.

1915 - D PCGS MS 64RB. Rainbow coin.

1936 - S. PCGS MS 64 RB. The coin Coppercolor mentioned above and he described Nuclear Glow. The picture cannot do this coin justice. It just glows in your hand. Never seen another Lincoln like it.

1940. PCGS MS 66 BN. The coin that took twelve years to acquire.

1941 PCGS MS 66 RB.

Oooohhhhh, keep em' coming Ronyahski!! Many of these have never had images and they look great. The 40' is richer in color but I like how it's shown. The 36S as you said, cannot be appreciated in the slightest even though they got the color right, because it's radioactive. I once used it to light my way through a patagonian karst cave, how can you show that in an image?
And the 15D, the entire field is bright emerald green but when working with Phil, he couldn't get the image to show the rainbow arc as well as the field color. What an amazing coin in hand and for a teens branch mint. Hey, I want that back!!
And the 41' is super as well. I always had my sites on that thing in a 67 holder. What's to hold it back??
You should get the 13D truviewed. The image came out of PCGS lesser imaging service and makes it look mossy, but it's brighter and more exciting in hand.
More please
Here's in hand photos of a few that I've commented on. Unaltered, and taken just to show color or brightness.
Here's the $4,000 book

This is the 1936S from the book

Dieing to see the truview of this one:

That 1926 is insane!!
Those are EPIC!! Congrats to all involved!!
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
A few more raw images:

Wait til Ronyahski gets a truview of this sucker!!!

OMG they just keep coming:




@coppercolor Those 41's sure to stick out in that Dansco page!
Those three and the three steel cents caught the straight on flash of the light source. Their toning matched the 44's but were lighter.
However I sense you're saying else and maybe I'm missing some humor?
Did you see my reply about color stability?
Don’t worry buddy, you’ll see some of mine at FUN getting regraded or imaging. I’m well beyond 40%
~Midwest Coin Exchange
Hoard the keys.
I was referring to what appears to be toned beauties all around those 3 reds which appeared to not have toning in the picture.
Yes...I saw your reply. I hope you understand I'm not knocking 1 single aspect of your coins! Everyone I know is always concerned about the stability of copper!
Must be nice, having a mentor. I think they’re extinct.
Wow. I'm not much of a Lincoln guy but this is a set that I'd love to see in person someday. Fantastic.
I LOVE seeing all this beautiful stunning toned copper! Congratulations to both of you. It's great to know the collection was sold in tact and to another toned copper lover.
The Penny Lady®
Some amazing copper in this thread. Big Congrats!
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
You know what the best part is about this collection?
No two lincolns look even remotely the same. To me, this is a further strong litmus test for originality.
Glad so many of you are enjoying them!
Thanks! I'm not too savy with the Registry. I understand that there is a showcase for toned coins, so once I get more pictures of the set, no problem with posting them all.
Sorry, not sure what you mean by "the details".
Nice to see Coppercolor back on the boards, enjoying some of the new pics of his coins. Some of the pictures he posted above capture the essence of these coins better than the TruViews. There are many more of them that need to be captured on film. The 22-D he included is one of my favorites, just an elegant kick-@$$ rainbow coin with a 'tude.
Those are way Too Ugly!
If you're ever tied of them, let me know!
Congrats again on a great collection!