
Total Face Value-----$19.07
Walnut season is over and there was a bumper crop this year. It was nice to get out a little at the end of November. The weather has been very warm. Detected at a little football field that has a lot of brush around it. Always check for cans there. I found a Shopping cart that had been painted purple there in the brush along the road as well as some metal bed frames and aluminum that had been dumped . Just a scrapper The cart be in our garage sale next spring
Nice total coins for the month... Did not see your walnut total though.... Cheers, RickO
November was my best month ever.
1 Barber dime
13 Mercury dimes
8 Silver Democrat dimes
1 Standing Liberty quarter
2 Silver Washington quarters
1 Liberty nickel
2 Buffalo nickels
Great silver month for you Bayard. And how much clad snuck in there
Lafayette Grading Set
Let's just say that the squirrels really hate me this year
Lafayette Grading Set
@Bayard1908...Really nice silver totals - AND types..... A month to remember.
Cheers, RickO
@pocketpiececommems ....Poor squirrels....
great job, keep it up.
Total ....... $15.47
10 Wheaties in the pile.
Reminds me of the old joke about ignorance and apathy, I don't know and I don't care.
Nice haul !!!
@Dockwalliper ...Nice totals.... good quantity of quarters. Cheers, RickO
I Don't find much silver but I do change my clad into gold. Right now my tumbler is broken. Maybe something for Christmas
Lafayette Grading Set
Lafayette Grading Set
or, more likely, bought with your finds?
BHNC #203
Bought with found clad
Lafayette Grading Set
Ready for Market.
Lafayette Grading Set
good move
BHNC #203
Your clad appears to be normal color. I tumble my clad with aquarium gravel. It gets clean, but, stays red. What method are you using to turn clad back to white?
WOW!! That is an amazing couple of pictures.... Great work... Is that the years's total?? Cheers, RickO
I use sand and dish soap . A lot of the time it turns it to a blueish tint. When the clad has been in the ground a long time and has that rust red color it pretty much stays that color for me too. The pics are from more than a year. When I have something that I want to get I take some to the ban counting machine .
Lafayette Grading Set
@pocketpiececommems... Another good (and not so messy) cleaning method is a cartridge vibratory case cleaner with corn cob medium..... and good for many uses. Cheers, RickO