"So-Called Dollars" by Hibler & Kappen" is available on app

"So-Called Dollars" by Hibler & Kappen" is available on app from Amazon.com. the price is $9.99.
"So-Called Dollars" by Hibler & Kappen" is available on app from Amazon.com. the price is $9.99.
Another great thing is that both editions of H&K are available on Google Books now!
Both are searchable but it seems you only get page views in the 2nd edition.
Ironically, I just bought it yesterday!!!!
I wish they could make some other references similarly available at a reasonable cost. I've wanted Mitchner forever but it's out of print and about $400 per copy. With 3 volumes on Asia, it starts to add up!
I prowl the book and antique stores, looking for out of print coin books... have found a couple, but it takes a lot of time searching dusty old racks and piles. Cheers, RickO
Yes, i'm always looking. I also buy whole estates and I keep waiting for them to show up.