NGC to start "GRADING" stamps. ONLY in mainland china for now. Boom for stamp market?

in Stamps Forum
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We deal with Chinese, Middle Eastern and Russian antiquities and collectables! Please welcome to check out our Gallery at 189 S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, CA, 90212
My direct number is 512-808-3197 Raul
My direct number is 512-808-3197 Raul
Maybe in China but probably not in the US.
......if in the u.s. I'm thinking only chinese stamps.
My direct number is 512-808-3197 Raul
Maybe not a boom per say but definitely a plus+ for the stamp market in general ......

🇺🇸 Harlequin
Is there a stamp market for anything but the popular rarities in high grade?
I think this would be good for the stamp market. i for one would be interested in seeing if they exapnd beyond China. PSE is a good stamp grading company as is and i know many collectors prefer stamps unslabbed so who knows.
I'll ponder that as I use some more 50 year old stamps to mail my letters.
For rare stamps, maybe. For anything else, just keep licking and sticking.
I think they will have a long way to go before putting a dent in the existing major grading service. They waited too long.