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Denver Coin Show Report and new additions

Wasn't able to snag time off this week, so I was relegated to catching the final day of the Denver Coin show, with the usual early dealer departures leaving the bourse diminished but still fairly robust for a Saturday morning.

Arrived shortly after 10am public opening and there was a line, and the bourse did have a buzz for the final day. Dealers I spoke to said the show was fair, if a little slow on Thursday, when the city had its second snowstorm of the month. Some speculated that the real coin market (outside of bullion) was still recovering from the ANA World's Fair of Money, and folks were still recovering from purchases then (I'm definitely in that camp!).

Had no particular collecting goals other than finally acquiring a decent collector version of the Oregon Trail commem--collecting for the design, not pop--and have been generally disappointed with the usual blast white coins. Bob Bair's article on the Frasers in this month's numismatist stoked the urge to take a look again, and I spotted a nice 1926-S with decent peripheral toning and nice luster on both sides, with really no marks of any kind.

Acquired a couple more Buffalo toners for a good price. Will crack a couple out for my Dansco album (not the rattler or old NGC holder ones).

Finally, picked up a couple old OBW rolls of Lincoln pennies, 68D/71D/74D.

And, yes, the 1885 Seated Liberty PF65CAM. Lovely colors and reflective fields, no hairlines. Couldn't get a great pic from the iPhone camera, but you can get the idea from the pics I grabbed at the show. I'm usually not in the market for proofs of any type but this coin just called my name.

One other highlight of the show, and I'm sorry I forgot to take a pic, was an 8 foot strip of coin webbing leftover from 1943 steel cents that a fellow Denver area coin club member brought to the Denver Coin Club table for display. Definitely caught a lot of attention and was a great way to get folks to consider joining the club as it spurred some nice intro conversations with collectors of all ages who were fascinated by the item. If I can get a pic of the strip next month, I'll try to share that here.

One dealer shared a wonderful Dansco set of clad Roosevelt dimes with monster, and I mean monster album NT toning. Said he picked them up in Hawaii. They were not for sale, unfortunately (for me, LOL).

All in all not a bad way to spend a Saturday. There really aren't any other shows to speak of until 2018, so I may have to just suck it up and get down to FUN in January.

GSAs, OBW rolls, Seated, Walkers. Anything old and Colorado-focused, CO nationals.

Gonna get me a $50 Octagonal someday. Some. Day.


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