November Specials???
Posts: 1,369 ✭✭✭
Any clue? Sending in some stuff for the pre 56 deal, but wondering if anything else is on someones radar that has insider I have more things to submit
Dave Johnson- Big Red Country-Nebraska
Collector of Vintage Golf cards! Let me know what you might have.
Collector of Vintage Golf cards! Let me know what you might have.
They are still working Saturdays...
I'd be happy with a similar deal for cards after 56. Fingers crossed here!
They haven't had a modern special since February if I am not mistaken. I am not optimistic about next month.
Finally did the bulk sub 100 card @7.00 a few months ago. I am hoping for a decent special, but don't really expect it. They are just way too busy.
augusts special was any card, up to $100 value, for $10 per limit.
This is not a is every month for bulk $10 per card for 10 cards. and if you go over 25 the price that special was weak.
I'd pay a premium for "get the flip accurately labeled with [insert variation they don't recognize, set they don't grade, set they do grade but labeled it inaccurately when they started and it's too late to go back on it so now all the cards will forever be mislabeled because heaven forbid the error get corrected, HERE] special.
so i can send in 10 cards at $10, any month of the year so long as im a member?
Here here! I absolutely share that sentiment!
Yep, and it's only a 30-day turnaround.
$8 each for 50 cards, 45-day
$7 each for 100 cards, 45-day
Yes sir. They have 3 prices for bulk all the time. Turnaround is slow usually, but with zero real specials on post 1956 in the past 8 months this is all you can do.
Looks like the November CC specials are carbon copies of the bulk offerings. What, exactly, the point of offering "specials" at this point is beyond me.
Exactly. This is a puzzling move and technically not a “special” at all. In fact if I am reading it correctly it would seem a better deal to be “unspecial” and use the bulk services, at the same prices, as they do not include the “turn around time varies with demand” language. I see zero logic in this offering and I’m a PSA fanboy.
Sadly my wait will continue.
is the 100 card turnaround time really thirty days or is that a typo?
I used the 10/10 bulk yesterday. Piggybacked with a 5 day card I sent (had to for value). Two more Altuve Refractor rookies for the hoard and some vintage (including a 58 Clemente screamer).
Like it or not, we are stuck with PSA. None of us are running to BGS. SGC is legit and some cards look amazing in their slabs, and frankly SGC hit home runs on the thing we complain about here - turn around. But most of our cards go to PSA. Whether deserved or not, PSA has earned a gold standard. They make you more money if you sell, and give you a better perceived value for the stuff you keep. You can argue modern vs vintage/BGS vs PSA, but I have recently noticed Altuve rookies(modern) are doing better dressed in red. So, I will choose to wait for PSA to "receive" my package thats been there a week, on a 5 day order
I believe its a misprint because the "click here more details" link it shows 45 days.
Agreed. I've tried to lie to myself at times saying I'm just going to switch to SGC/BGS when I get frustrated with turnaround times, but I know I won't. Also, for the most part PSA have been pretty good about turnaround times in the past couple years. This week is the first week that I've had an open order go 5+ days overdue. I feel like PSA doesn't get enough credit when they get things out early and only get the blame when they get swamped and are slow. That being said my compulsive urge to check for poppage is killing me!
Let this be a lesson!
If you are the type to vocally condemn for bad performance, you should also vocally commend for good performance.
And not just with respect to PSA...
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I sent in a renewal sub last week and it was received on Thursday and logged in Saturday afternoon.
I bet this has some something to do with it.
Check out my Facebook page
Spot on. However, any relief won't come until early next year.
Welcome to the forum
No way to be sure, but once again this month I am betting the monthly specials have something to do with the PSA office relocation. The next time the monthly specials pricing comes back down, they may be inundated with a heck of a backlog of subbed items a lot of us have been letting pile up over the past several months.
I'm pretty sure we are looking at the evolution of what a special Is. They raised their prices so these are now deals...
Business is tremendous for PSA. I am hoping the move to a bigger space with improve the turnaround time. I am actually fine with the new specials now. Man, those 5.00 and 5.50 days were nice !
I understand where you're coming from on that, but the reason I disagree is that (1) $7.00 is the same cost as the standard bulk rate and therefore not "special"; and, (2) during late summer and into early fall, for a few months, while the "special" was at $7.00 or higher for 1956+, they were at $6.25 for 1955 & earlier, and that $6.25/vintage rate is consistent with what would be offered concurrently with 1956+ @ $5.75 per. Looking back over just the most recent couple years, $5.50 for 56&up would be on par w/ $6.00 for 55&earlier.
I do hope you are right @miwlvrn it just has been a while and I sort of gave up on the elusive special since an entire year went by and they had more cards graded during that year than ever evidently. They raised the regular prices (for some levels twice in the last year) and may even be testing to see how many use the "specials". Maybe bulk submission was underused? Admittedly I never tried it until the specials for post 56 died out.
Well, it sure was nice/relieving to see the Announcement post at the top of the threads today regarding the specials!