Why can't I contact others on the PSA set registry?

Before you say "call PSA", I did. They setup a fake set and emailed me and it went right to my email.
It was me, a guy at work, and I just setup another registry for my son. So three different accounts tried emailing each other. No luck.
I tried clicking that mail icon next to the name on the set registry. I got nothing. I set my preferences to allow email. Nothing.
Any ideas?
Well, you can try locating that member on these forums in several ways - a post, a message, even asking other members. I'm new to all this (I haven't even posted my set to the registry yet) but there's a lot of good people here.
I get the sense that this place (the forums, not PSA and their registry which is still wildly popular) is no longer the hot spot for collectors that it once was and so not as many people who used to check still do as they have found other places to interact that have quicker response time and a more fluid market. I, too, have fired off messages via the registry and not heard back - I figured it was a lack of interest in responding on their part, not a software issue. Maybe it's both. I could be wrong about this but I read a lot of what is posted and this is the sense I get. I could be way off.
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You're right that people often don't respond, but the OP is saying he is contacting other accounts that are his, and the messages are not getting through. That is clearly a technical issue.
I was empathizing and offering some other things to try; I agree it is seemingly a technical issue but I don't know how quickly it will be resolved.
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When you clicked the envelope next to the user's name, do you get the "Contact Member" page?
When you type in a subject, message, and click Send, does it say "Email sent successfully"?
Try and contact me (bobsbbcards) the same way. You can choose any of my sets listed in the link below.
Rather than click on the envelope thingy, try clicking on the user's name in one of the sets. When the set comes up, click on Contact xxxxxxx in the upper right. Do you get the same "Contact Member" page?
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
I sent you an email using the PSA site like you said. LMK if you get it.
Also, if its ok, another guy I know may try it. He's having the same issue. PSA is supposedly working on this, but who knows.
You can tell the other guy to try it, but so far no email from you. Baffling since I get emails through the registry all the time.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
Thanks Bob. I tried and so did he. Odd.
Nothing on my end. Very strange.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
Probably something Bob did
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I setup a new account and emailed you Bob.
I emailed my new account to my old account old account got it.
Then I emailed my old account to my new account and my new account didn't get the email.
Then I emailed a guy from work form both accounts and neither got it.
My head hurts.
I got the one you just sent.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets