1756 half real!!!

Met up with a buddy for about 5 hours of detecting. Hit a spot that has yielded some cool relics previously (I was there once before and got a merc). Started slow and got a couple buttons, a really nice 1886 ihc, a busted up draped bust large cent!, and a couple wheats. Got a signal near the road that sounded like a simple zincoln at about 3 inches. After all I got a copper Lincoln at 4, so the signal and depth made sense. Got it out and saw a very thin silver coin. Glanced and thought it was play money at first as they can give a similar signal. It looked silver though. Brought it over to my buddy and quickly we could see 1756 staring back at us. Incredible! My oldest dated silver coin! I did find a cob a couple years ago but don’t know its date. What a crazy day! Never found the pillars design either. Things slowed after that and I got another 1886 ihc. My buddy found a silver roosevelt and silver Washington quarter so we both went home with something.
Hh all!
Wow! Mindblowing!
Fun to imagine when it was lost.
I don't know anything about degradation of silver coins in soil.
So, is it safe to guess it was lost over 200 years ago?
Made my day!
Amazing.... what a super find... actually, your day was very good.... But that silver coin is awesome. Cheers, RickO
So people have been losing stuff for 250+ years so that you could find it now. Great finds
Lafayette Grading Set
Holy crap that's sweet!
nice day out, congrats
BHNC #203
lotta good stuff there