Correct on finding the penny in the ground. Was put away in a jar together with other ò that I had been collecting. I had some time,so decided to go through my collecting. I knew I had several rare pennies. After looking thorough,I was amazed in what I had, brought tears in my.
From that image, I'll just trust that you are correct.
Just guessing, you found that in a parking lot or on the street? Cheers, RickO
Little acid wash will do that.
I think the Facebook people are making incursions.
i dont see a gold bean on that one. jmo
Correct on finding the penny in the ground. Was put away in a jar together with other ò that I had been collecting. I had some time,so decided to go through my collecting. I knew I had several rare pennies. After looking thorough,I was amazed in what I had, brought tears in my.
You'll really like "puke gold". See the Legend Report and get some soon.
Congratulations! You are 1 cent richer.