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More 55-D Toned Lincoln Cents

rmpsrpmsrmpsrpms Posts: 1,904 ✭✭✭✭✭

I posted a Toned 55-D Cent earlier, with a BIE, in this thread:


I have started to image the rest of the Toned Cents from this roll, and will post them as I take them in this thread.

I'm using a different background than the black one I used previously. When using black backgrounds, it's hard to ensure you are showing color accurately, and that the brightness or darkness of a coin is correct. For these shots I will use a True Gray background, and use the background Gray to adjust white balance and brightness level the same for all shots. This seems much more important for Toned Cents, which have a wide range of color and brightness, even on the same coin!

Here are the first couple coins:

I will post more later...Ray

PM me for coin photography equipment, or visit my website:



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