Charmy's 2017 DENVER ANA WORLD'S FAIR OF MONEY SHOW w/tons of Pics! (9/4/17 2nd TSA Update)

First, I apologize for this report being posted so late. I had lots of family things to take care of right after the show. Also, my hubby finally retired just before I left for Denver (I'm very glad he's home, but his only instruction from me is "do not bug me so I can get my work done"! - let's see how long that lasts!) So the first thing we decided to do was to get away to our place in Lake Havasu when I returned from Denver and I had to get things ready. The good thing about Arizona is that the gas prices are quite low compared to California which helps take a little sting out of the 113 degree temperatures! Can't wait to take the boat out on the lake!
But first, I told myself I have to get this report posted before I can relax, so I'm preparing this show report while on "vacation." Unfortunately, I left my notes at home, including some of the names of the folks who stopped by my table. I'll do my best and will update this report when I get back home next week. So now on to the show report!
Wow! What a show this was! Even though it was long, it went by very quickly. I went into this ANA Denver WFM show with only medium to low expectations since the last show I did in Denver a few years ago was not very good at all. So I'm not sure whether it was my excellent table location, all the new Pretty Pennies I had recently acquired, or just that collectors were in the mood to buy, but this Denver ANA was one of the best shows I've EVER had! I seemed to be busy from the opening of the show to later in the afternoon. Sometimes I'll judge how well a show is doing (at least for me) by how many times I leave my table, and I can tell you that I barely left my table until late in the afternoon each day!
So I left Orange County on the afternoon of Sunday so I would have the opportunity to hunt for more Pretty Pennies at the preshow on Monday. I always arrive at the airport two hours early just in case there is a glitch going through security, but this time I sailed through in about 15 minutes, even with a bag check. So I had some time to kill and there just happened to be a wine tasting bar directly across from my gate so, well, you know.... I thought I'd start this trip off right!
This Faust wine was amazing, and I look forward to finding it and getting some for home.
Soon it was time to board my flight. I settled into my seat, and felt so very happy to be fortunate to be doing what I love and heading to another coin show!
It didn't seem to take too long before we were landing in beautiful Denver (actually only n easy 2-hour flight)!
I checked into the host hotel at the Sheridan, unpacked, and fell right to sleep. I woke up to this beautiful view of downtown Denver from my hotel room.
I wet over to the convention center so I could drop my bags off at security until set up day.
Well, I was quite surprised at the distance the security room was from the front of the convention center, and all on carpet no less (which makes pulling heavy bags much more difficult)! The security room was at the complete opposite side of the convention center. Hauling two very heavy bags that far on carpet, in thin air compared to sea level air, well let's just say, it took my breath away and made me perspire more than just a little (remember, girls don't sweat, we perspire)! Even those folks who were obviously quite fit had a hard time with the extra thin air. It does take some getting used to.
Then I headed over to the PNG preshow, walked around to all the dealers, starting with some of my favorites. I'm guessing there were a total of about 40-50 dealers set up at the preshow. I was pleased to be able to find quite a few more Pretty Pennies which helped to fill some holes in my inventory.
After the preshow, I stopped by the auction lot viewing.
Then I walked around the convention center and took a few photos (however, Kenny Snow's photos of the bear were better than mine so I used his!). It's a very large and attractive convention center. Most unusual, there is this huge bear right in front of the convention center which is a very popular photo subject!
Then I met up with Rick Snow and Greg Hannigan for a late lunch at the Yard House.
Then we headed off to the PNG dinner. Since I didn't have a table at the PNG preshow where each table holder gets two tickets to the dinner, luckily one of my other PNG dealer friends had an extra ticket. The PNG dinner is held at a wonderfully nice restaurant and they usually serve very delicious wine at dinner. They also honor some of the great folks who work behind the scenes to help make numismatics better for all of us, especially those helping to curtail counterfeiters and coin thieves. So I was very pleased and honored to be able to attend. This dinner was held at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House, and boy, was it beautiful inside.
The menu for dinner
I always feel honored to be in the presence of David Bowers, he definitely an amazing man, still going strong and such a wonderful personality and wealth of knowledge. And John and Nancy Wilson are right up there with folks who work hard to make numismatics a better place for all of us. Their tireless efforts often go unsung, but they give their time, service, and knowledge freely and with great delight to countless numismatic organizations.
My fun little bff Nina, holding "court" as usual! She is definitely the life of any party!!!
More numismatic greats! Chris McCawley (and his lovely wife, Julian Leidman, Jimmy Hayes and David Sundman
Part of my posse! Rick Snow, his son Kenny, and Gary Knaus
Ghost Pines puts out some very good wine!
The next morning was set up day. There was quite a crowd of dealers waiting to get into the show.
I set my booth up pretty quickly, and soon vest pocket dealers were coming up to my table showing me more Pretty Pennies. I was happy to pick up several more pieces for inventory, including these Pretty Pennies (since I'm a little late getting this report out, Todd had already finished preparing my new purchase photos!):
I took an opportunity to see the ANA's exhibit and they had some amazing pieces on display!
My buddy Dino Koromvokis showed me this beautiful Flying Eagle pattern piece he had for sale:
So the folks at CoinWeek stopped by and asked to interview me LIVE on Facebook about a "Cool Coin" in my case. Of course, I said "Sure!" I chose this 25 planchet piece from the 1960's that got jammed together in a feeder shoot and sort of welded together. Pieces like this don't usually make it out of the mint, but for some reason, this one did and it's the only piece known to have made it out and not melted. So I took a photo of them photo-interviewing me!
Also, here's a link to the actual video piece on Facebook in case you're interested:
They also did a video interview with me about the 1943 cent, and its popularity among collectors, its history, etc. I think this piece will air at a later time.
After the show ended on Tuesday, we went to the very famous Buckhorn Exchange restaurant. It's Colorado's oldest restaurant having been established in 1893 by Henry "Shorty Scout" Zeitz, a big game hunter and the youngest member of Buffalo Bill's band of scouts. So for those of you who aren't a fan of big game hunting, you may want to skip over these next set of photos. My dad was an avid hunter and provided us with meat that sustained our family of seven throughout each year. My dad still has a large buck head mounted on the wall of his house. However, even though I grew up learning how to use firearms from an early age, I personally was never a hunter.
This is a beautifully carved piece hanging also on the wall about two feet in diameter. It looked just like the reposse/push out pennies I collect so I just had to take a photo of it. Someone in our party even commented that we just can't escape coins even at a restaurant like this!
While we were waiting for dinner, we tried some of the various beers they had. I really enjoyed this cherry beer, it was very refreshing.
The menu was printed on the other side of this "newspaper." As you can imagine, they served all kinds of game, including buffalo and alligator!
Since I grew up on venison and never was a huge fan, I enjoyed a delicious tenderloin!
The next day Wednesday was the first full day the public was let in. This is me and Rick's son, Kenny, headed up to the bourse floor.
James Houghtaling was the first to stop by and say hi!
Followed shortly by John/Claychaser, his son (forgive me, I forgot his name), and my buddy Buck
I was very busy most of the day and was pleased to have sold quite a few pennies. Things finally slowed down around 3pm, so I opened one of the bottles of wine I had brought with me. I really enjoyed this Sonoma Zinfandel, and so did several other folks who stopped by for a taste!
I have always been impressed with how hard ANACS works and how many shows they attend, including taking submissions at many of the smaller club shows throughout the country. Since ANACS is based in Colorado, they had a strong presence at the show. Here's a great group shot of all the hardworking ANACS folks. From left to right: John Roberts (Director of Attribution Services), my BFF Cindi Snow (West Coast/Pacific Northwest Rep), Christian Merlo (Texas Rep), Paul DeFelice (Vice President), Brett Williams (President & CEO), Bill Arnold (Denver Rep), Quent Hansen (Midwest Rep), and Matt Adams (Southeast Rep).
ANACS also held a wonderful reception at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. It was a really nice event, and everyone really enjoyed it. Here are pics of various people who attended the reception.
Rick, Neil, Kenny, me, and Cindi
Cindi and me
Raeleen Endo and Ian Russell (GreatCollections), and Paul DeFelice (ANACS)
James Sego
Dennis, Rick and Neil
After the reception, Rick and I headed over to the Black Hawk casino which is located in the mountains in what looks like it used to be an old mining town. It was raining on and off and the sun shining through the clouds along the way was really beautiful.
I found my favorite Buffalo Stampede penny slot machine but sadly had no luck this time.
Thursday I had to get up very early in order to attend my Dealer Relations Committee meeting at 8am. We had a very productive meeting. I had distributed all the comments posted on the message boards, so we discussed them, and several other important issues involving the ANA shows. We made several recommendations to the Board so now it's up to them to decide what can and can't be implemented. Just so you know, the ANA commits to show venues about 4 years ahead of time, so some things can't be changed until a few years down the road. We also discussed having an ANA rep respond to various questions you all have so that you will have a better understanding of what goes into putting on these shows, some of the specific criteria required in choosing a location as well as the costs. Any way, like I said, I feel it was a productive meeting and hopefully you'll be hearing more details soon.
Thursday was another very busy day for me, yay! I bought a few more pieces and sold a lot more! I didn't even get out on the bourse floor once until later in the afternoon! I had even forgot that Rick Harrison of Pawn Stars was making an appearance at the Modern Coin Mart booth, so I missed taking his photo there, but the MCM photographers graciously let me use one of their photos!
Also on display at the show was America's First Coin! David McCarthy (Kagin's) did exhaustive research on this piece to determine that it was the first coin ever minted by the U.S. government in 1783, the precursor to our U.S dollar issued 10 years later. (fyi, These two photos are not mine.)
Then Thursday afternoon was the "Shave Miles" event where Miles Standish was holding a fundraiser to help support his Child and Family Healthcare nonprofit. Rick Harrison and the Broncos Cheerleaders made an appearance, with Rick being the first one to shave Mile's hair. Also, Dave Halperin (Heritage) had his hair shaved off first!
On Thursday afternoon, I opened the other bottle of wine I had brought with me, a very tasty Carr cab. It didn't last long!
After the show was over on Thursday, we went to an absolutely wonderful restaurant in Little Italy called Luca. It was recommended to us and they indeed did not disappoint!
We started off with this awesome 2014 Rosso Toscano
Followed by this 2006 Il Fauno
Wow, both were amazing wines, especially for the value! These are some of the entrees we had. Mine was the brazed shortribs with creamy polenta and grilled brussell sprouts. The sortribs practically melted in your mouth, they were soooo yummy!
If you're even in Denver, I highly recommend Luca!
Friday morning I had to be at the convention center early again for my Women In Numismatics board meeting, followed by our general meeting. We had Steve Dippolito give a fascinating presentation on "A Century of Empresses, Russia in the 18th Century," which focuses on Russian Imperial coins.
Back at my table, business began anew. I was so pleased with how well this show was going for me, particularly since coin shows and sales slow down during summer!
Then this gentleman walked up to my table and handed me a Lincoln cent and asked me what I thought. I immediately could tell it was a fake and looked up at the gentleman. He had a big grin on his face, so I looked at his badge and it was Dan Carr! He showed me this beautiful portrait of Lincoln and said the coin was carved using that portrait as a model. This portrait had several differences than the design of our Lincoln cent. Very cool!
Next up was my Fly-In Club (for Flying Eagle and Indian cent enthusiasts) meeting where Rick discussed Flying Eagle pattern cents and passed around several amazing specimens. I sat next to Mark (from Colorado) at the meeting, who recently volunteered to be the Colorado State Rep for the Fly-In Club (I'm the club's District Rep Manager, as well as the California State Rep). District Reps help promote the Fly-In Club at any club meetings and shows they attend around the country.
On my way back to my booth, I passed by this scene where a car is on its side. I am guessing they were getting ready to set up for a car show at the convention center?
After the show was the ANA's Awards banquet and silent auction fundraiser. In addition to the exhibit and other awards, this year they were "changing the guard" and swearing in the new board members.
They had some interesting and fun items up for auction and bidding was quite active!
This is the item I won at the auction!
Then it was time for dinner and the banquet. There are always some neat souvenirs left at each table!
Me and my table buddies! Barbara and Neal, and Rick and me
The room was filled with lots of numismatic luminaries!
In addition to the exhibit awards, the ANA gave out several service awards. This year I was extremely honored to be given the Elvira Clain-Stefanelli award which honors "women who have made significant contributions to numismatics. These contributions, whether in research, leadership or mentor-ship, must have made a lasting impact on the numismatic community and demonstrated a lifelong commitment to the betterment of numismatics."
While I knew I was to receive this award, I seriously didn't know how special it was until that evening. When I went up to receive the award, several people cheered, whistled, and hooted and I became very emotional, so much so that I wasn't able to say much when asked to give a few remarks. I know, me being speechless was amazing in and of itself, but it was true. So let me now just say that I am so thankful and grateful to the ANA and everyone who supports me throughout my adventures in numismatics. I hope I can be an example to young women numismatists that they can do anything they put their minds and passions to, and not let anything or anyone stand in their way!
Then the new board was sworn in. Even though I know Gary Adkins will work hard and be a great ANA leader, I very much enjoyed working with Jeff Garrett on the Dealer Relations Committee. He was very involved, had some great ideas, and worked hard to make the ANA a better organization for all of us. It is this type of hard work and dedication that any organization needs and the ANA was very fortunate to have Jeff. Thank you Jeff, for your service to the ANA and numismatics!
Saturday morning I finally had some time time to view the exhibits. As always, there were several amazing exhibits, but what I really noticed and was pleased to see this year was that there were several "woman" themed exhibits.
Then I visited the U.S. Mint booth.
I came across these young numismatists gathered together going through their treasure trivia loot!
Then it was time for our WIN Summer Seminar scholarship raffle drawing. The days before the drawing, one of our board members, Dreama went around to every table on the bourse floor and was able to sell over $800 in tickets. Together with that, we had sold over $1,800 in raffle tickets. Fifty percent of the sales of these tickets goes towards our Summer Seminar scholarship, while the other 50% gets split between two winners. These are photos of Dreama giving the winners their winnings!
This is David Lange (NGC) along with his well-deserved award for Numismatist of the Year!
Brent Pearson is an talented hobo nickle engraver and I ran into his table at the show. The Denver show was first show. He knows I collect hobo pennies and gave me this pretty piece that he had carved:
The PCGS folks!
Always-happy-Paul at ANACS!
My awesome booth neighbors, Northern Nevada Coin!
It's always a joy to see Lance!
My friend Oded Paz, the Reposse/Pop Out Expert!
LAs photo of me and my lil ol medal and placque!
It's time to pack up and ship out!
Nina and I had flights close together so we took an Uber together to the airport. When she lived in Orange County, we used to meet up at the airports quite often, so it was fun to spend some time together catching up on our families, etc. When we got to the airport, we weren't surprised that our bags needed extra screening which is pretty usual for us. However, what we didn't expect was a very rude and nasty TSA agent who had no patience and clearly wanted to be an alpha dog. And this is why we get to the airport at least TWO hours before our flights!
It started when alpha dog picked up one of my bags and began walking to the private screen room. However, I asked her to stop because my other bag was still at the xray machine and i needed to keep my eyes on both bags at all times. That's when she got the "attitude." When the other TSA agent grabbed my bag and Nina's bag, we proceeded to the room. However alpha dog wanted us to enter the room first, but I said I would follow her (again, wanted to keep my eyes on my bags). But she insisted on being behind us, so I instead walked NEXT to her, but had to enter the room immediately ahead of her. Then she began going through my raw coins very roughly with several of them falling out and her tossing them just anywhere back on the tray.
Then while the alpha dog was going through Nina's PCGS boxes, pulling each coin out one at a time, she couldn't get the lid off one of the boxes. She tossed it on the table and demanded to Nina to "open it." No please or would you mind, no politeness whatsoever. So I said "PLEASE?" but of course she just scowled and ignored me, and continue meticulously pulling out each and every coin.
While she was going meticulously trough my SIX doublerow boxes of certified coins, I eventually began to video tape her while Nina snapped some pictures, but then alpha dog went outside and got her superior who told me I was not allowed to video tape his agents. I said I just wanted to make sure nothing went missing because the coins were falling out of the trays. He told me "his agents don't steal!" I just shook my head. He forced me to delete the video right in front of him. Then alpha dog kept leaving the door wide open every time she went out to do the swipe test, and we kept closing it for security purposes. She complained to her superior about that too and he told us to keep it cracked open, which we had never heard of before. However, when alpha came back in I ignored that command and again shut the door behind her (small victory).
When we were finally finished, we saw several of our dealer friends waiting to go into that room for private screening. We warned each one of them to be careful about alpha dog, that she had a really bad attitude and would draw out the whole process as long as she could. After that experience, Nina and I really needed a drink! We found a nice bar that had great Cadillac margaritas and chips and salsa!
We also took some selphies and Nina added those funny filters to some of our pics. That was a hoot!
While I greatly enjoyed this Denver show, it was a long week and I was worn out and so glad to be headed home!
Bye bye beautiful Denver!
Hello Orange County!
So glad to be home with my hubby and adorable soft fluffy kitty Penny!
So as I mentioned, this Denver show was a huge success for me. I thank the ANA for working so hard and doing such a good job putting on this show. All of your staff and volunteers did a great job and everything seemed to run very smoothly.
Next up: Long Beach, then Santa Clara!
The Penny Lady®
Great report as always. I was also pulled over in Denver, as usual. Fortunately, I did not have that bad of an experience. The TSA agent correctly guessed there was a coin show as she had apparently dealt with several people with coins just before me.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Whew! All is right in the world again! Charmy has posted her show report. Thank you...always a pleasure to read.
I must to say it, this is your greatest show report ever!!! You captured so many aspects of the show and outside the show, that I felt part of the event.
Thanks again, Charmy.....and congrats on your much deserved Elvira Clain-Stefanelli award. (honors "women who have made significant contributions to numismatics. These contributions, whether in research, leadership or mentor-ship, must have made a lasting impact on the numismatic community and demonstrated a lifelong commitment to the betterment of numismatics.")
Bravo !!
Nice report Charmy; thank you for bringing the show here for those who couldn't be there- congrats again!
Charmy, that was your best show report ever........thank you for all the effort necessary to put it together. I also really enjoyed talking with youat the ANA.
Great report!
P.S. Those TSA Agents were complete total knuckleheads. Wow.
Thanks for the great report, again!
A 'long' show that went by 'quickly'...........that means you were very busy
The pics of the pre show look interesting
Pretty pennies are always nice
Of course....the feline penny was glad to have you home.
Thanks for the report for those of us who could not attend

Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Nice report!
More numismatic greats! Chris McCawley (and his lovely wife) and Julian Leidman, and a couple others (so sorry but I can't recall their names)
Fella on the far right is Jimmy Hayes - knows a thing or 2 about coins and politics!
Thanks for all the pictures and information!
Nice bears and what looks like a nice 30-30 lever action [but @ricko may correct me]
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
By the way, for those of you interested, this is the actual narrative of the TSA experience I wrote on the plane right after it happened. It is more complete and detailed. I called it "Nina's and my "big adventure" with TSA at the Denver airport!"
So Nina and I were heading home from the ANA show in Denver. TSA flagged Nina's and my bags for extra screening, which is certainly nothing new to us. In fact it happens at least 90% of the time I travel with coins. As usual, we asked for private screening since our bags contain valuable coins that we don't want exposed to the public. We had to wait quite a while since there were many of our coin dealer friends all around us going through the same thing.
This woman TSA agent (we later found out her name was Regan) grabbed one of my bag and began to walk off with it. I asked her to stop since I needed to keep both of my bags in view at all times. She rolled her eyes at me as if I was an unruly child and waited for another TSA agent to grab my other bag as well as Nina's bag.
This lady TSA agent was obviously in a bad mood or perhaps she was just born surly, who knows. As she carried one of my bags, she told us to walk ahead of her. Since as I mentioned we needed to keep our bags in our sights at all times, I said we'd follow her into the room. She again ordered us to walk ahead of her so I chose to walk beside her but reluctantly entered the room in front of her.
She then took the bag containing 11 trays of my raw coins and flung it on the table. I asked her to please be gentle with my bags and tried to tell her how to open it so all the coins wouldn’t come tumbling out, but she didn’t understand my instructions on how to turn the bag and got snippy and argued with me on how to open the bag. She then opened the bag and began to roughly pull out each rubber-banded set of trays that I had meticulously organized in my bag. I asked her to please not break the rubber bands and again asked her to be please gentle with the trays, but she ignored me and roughly removed each of the rubber bands and pulled apart the trays while my coins began falling out behind my bag where I couldn't see them. She just tossed the coins back on the top tray even though that's not where they came from. Then she flicked her hand at the other male TSA agent indicating he could put them back together. But not wanting them to make a further mess of all my coins, I asked her to let me put everything back together and she "graciously" allowed me to do so. She left the room to run the swipe test, leaving the door open, so Nina closed it while I reassembled my trays of coins.
She then came back and proceeded to go through Nina's bag and pulled out about 5 PCGS boxes which contained 20 encapsulated coins each. She opened each box and pulled out each and every coin one at a time then put it back in its slot. When she got to the 4th box, she couldn't remove the lid. I told her how to do it by squeezing the box in the middle but she was still unable to pull off the lid. So she actually tossed the box on the table and ordered Nina to "open it." No "please" or "would you mind opening this," she just curtly ordered Nina to "open it!" So I said to the agent, "how about a 'please?'” but she of course ignored me.
She then exited the room to run the swipe test with the wand and again left the door wide open. Each time she left the door open it put our coins in plain view of everyone outside so we again closed the door. When she returned we asked that she please keep the door closed but she again scowled at us. I then decided to speak up. I told her that a little niceness would go a long way, and being rude unnecessary. She denied being rude and then told ME to stop being rude. I was flabbergasted that she thought I was rude. I can be rude when I want to, but this time I was trying to be professional so we could get out of there in one piece and not miss our flights! Again, I just shook my head.
Next, it was time for her to go through my larger bag which contained 6 double row boxes of slabbed coins (about 50 coins per box) which happened to be locked. She asked me for the key but I told her it was a combination lock. She actually ordered me to open it which I did. She then pulled out each box one at a time, and pulled the lid off, but since I didn’t have a very good view of her hands, I moved closer and decided to video tape her. I was thinking if she knew she was being videotaped she might behave a little nicer and handle my coins more carefully (I really didn’t videotape her because I thought she was going to steal my coins).
She pulled out a few coins at the beginning of each row to give her more space, then flipped through each coin, then placed the lose coins back in the beginning of the row. Now that she was on video, she finally behaved more professionally. At no time did she ask me to stop videotaping her, nor did her partner.
However, when she was finished she again went outside for the swipe test, leaving the door wide open with my coins in plain view. Apparently while she was out there she complained to another agent because this new male TSA agent came in and told us we needed to leave the door open part way. We explained that, for security reasons and the sensitivity of the contents of our bags, we needed to keep the door closed, but he told us to leave the door cracked open any way. But when he left the room I simply closed the door behind him. It stayed that way. A small victory!
When the surly lady TSA agent was finished with my slabbed coins, she went outside for the last swipe test and came back with that same male TSA agent. He informed me that I wasn’t allowed to videotape his TSA agents. I told him I couldn't see all the coins as the agent was removing them from my other bag and some fell behind the bag where I couldn’t see them, so I wanted to make sure none of the coins in the last bag went missing. He said "his TSA agents don't steal." Nina and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.
The new guy then ordered me to immediately stop videotaping and to delete the video in front of him. I did as I was told since I wanted to get home and didn’t want to be detained any longer. But I kept the photo I took of the two agents, as did Nina.
The surly lady agent finally came back in, told her partner the last bag was clear, and rudely flicked her hand at us indicating she was through with us and we could go, without saying anything further to us whatsoever.
The Penny Lady®
Fantastic, this may be one of the best ones yet.
EAC 6024
Yet another disappointing TSA tale.....sorry to hear you were subjected to the government strong arm.
Great report as always and congrats on the award. Do you know who's matte proof collection that was on display? Thanks.
Thanks for a well rounded report
Charmy, your experience with the TSA cannot be tollerated. Please file your record with your political representatives and ask for accountability from the Director oif the TSA. We do not have to be tolerant of ANY Federal employee when they act disrespec tfully to US Citizens. Because they are trained to treat Islamist Extremeists in this manner, does not mean that they have to treat you in the same manner to be politically correct. I have no tolerance that US Citizens are treated the same as non-US citizens.
Perhaps public transportation in the US should be limited to US citizens to minimize the TSA inspection requirements. Let non-US citizens fly on private aircraft, or on the bus.
Thanks for the great report! Always enjoy your narrative and pictures. The TSA being rude and unprofessional? The heck you say! That's the first I've heard of it! (sarcasm).
Sorry for the troubles you had with the TSA. I suggest you (and Nina) file a complaint with the TSA. You can go to their website and click on "Contacts" and from there you can file a complaint either by email or phone. The more people complain the less likely these abuses will occur.
Thanks, Charmy, for another great report.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
I can't add much more, other than we appreciate the time you take to put together the report, and for those of us that couldn't make it person, feel like we still got to experience it.
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.
Quiet a report - congratulations again on the well-deserved reward!
BTW - the 1861 Clark Gruber $20 in the ANA Museum area is one of the fakes that I discovered in Denver while visiting Frederick Mayer 11 years ago or so...
What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
A wonderful report, Charmy. As always, but this one was the best. I felt like I was there. Well, actually I was but I didn't get to see a fraction of what you did. Thanks for sharing.
And sorry for the way you were treated by TSA. I do hope you let TSA know what happened and the agent's name. You can't be the only person that she has treated this way.
Great report, Charmy, as always.
As for that rude, arrogant TSA agent, I hope you write up a full report. Crap like that shouldn't happen or be tolerated.
It was nice to see you again. I finally stopped by after a few passes by your table, but you were normally busy and I did not want to disturb your business dealings. Although you did look over your glasses at me a couple times and flashed your famous smile. Great report, per usual.
Those TSA people can be some "you know whats".
Taking Stuff Away
Tearing Stuff Apart
Touching Sensitive Areas
Toiletry Search Area
Transparently Senseless Aggravation
Totalitarian Subjugation Acclimators
Tearing Suitcase Apart
I am sure that you guys/gals can come up with some others.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
Great report!
Loved this bill!
I enjoyed your report, especially the exhibit photos.
Very enjoyable report and plenty of nice pictures. Always know when I open the thread,I've got time to make a cup of coffee,before my computer stops loading the images...
I want to know what this lady heard to have this expression.

"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
Great report as always. When I left Denver it took 50 minutes to get through security. I had shipped my coins ahead, so they did not have to look through my case. I love the 1899 Indian Cent. I remember back in 1973 when I had an original roll! I should have kept those.
Outstanding report Charmy.... You covered everything very well. Congratulations on the award, I know, through your postings over the years, how much you do and can say the award was very well deserved. That Faust Cabernet is a lovely wine.... as are others you posted....Thanks for a super report...Cheers, RickO
Thank you for the interesting show report.
Yikes Charm. I only had 2 full blue boxes in my backpack with about $20k in coins in them. On the way up there going through TSA at LAX an agent pulled my backpack aside. I asked to see the xray and the blue boxes looked like a brick with my un-wound charger wires around it. Can you guess what it looked like lol. I just let him thumb through the boxes right there. Took a few seconds and he let me on my way. On the way back through Denver I made sure to wrap my chargers up and had no problem going through TSA aside the water bottle in my backpack I had forgotten about which he just threw out. I can't believe having to deal with agents like the one you got. For all the truly dangerous stuff that gets through TSA (Google TSA test fail) it's amazing we have to deal with things like this and that they are not fully disbanded or privatized yet.
Thank you for the great show report!
This ANA was so busy that I had a grand total of just 15 minutes of personal time to explore the bourse. Otherwise I would have stopped by to say hello.
In the photo above, Jimmy Hayes has already been identified by Lakesammman. The gent to his right is David Sundman of Littleton Coin Company, who's undoubtedly sold **millions **of pennies over the years!
Charmy's show reports are epic! After reading them and enjoying all the images I feel like I was there.
But I'm sure glad I no longer use a modem. LOL
Great report, as always...
/1/ You need to update your FaceBook profile, Penny is feeling neglected (you only list Sierra).
/2/ Definitely complain to TSA
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
Sure would have liked to have seen a closeup of that coin board.
Thanks. I always love these.
You need to file a grievance with TSA and I would contact your Congressman. Unacceptable behavior both in rudeness, but also damaging personal belongings. No one should be treated that way, and no one's belongings should be so carelessly handled.
Thank you for the report, Charmy!
Great report, Congratulations on the award.
Always grateful for your reports, since I can make very few shows.
Great report. Sorry you had trouble at the airport.
By the way it's Neil, not NEAL, but I'm sure he won't mind.
Charmy, I will never be a dealer and I will never get to experience the non-business side of a convention the same way you and the other dealers do. But your report makes me feel like I've been invited to all the dinners, all the meals, and all the fun. I feel like one of the cool kids!!! Thanks so very, very much.
Charmy, great report as usual. Cograts again on your award.
PS: Finally upgraded my internet to 50mbps(actually better at times) so I could finally view all the pictures before it was time for bed.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Everytime your reports get better and better. You may need to stop being so good as I feel its better than me actually going there......easier on the legs

But no fooling, Charmy your reports are fantastic and it took me at least 30 minutes to go through your trip.
Regarding this BS you went through with the TSA agents, you have to see this to the end and I would not rest until she was severely reprimanded or lost her job. These people do have a tough job but there is NO excuse for what happened.
They need to educate their people as you are not the first dealer to travel!
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
As always, thanks again for a most informative report. Congratulations on the award as well.
Just fantastic! Thanks for another great report Charmy.
Private screening rooms ? . reminds of old Moscow customs where you took most of your clothes off.. plus they looked at every item in luggage .. any connections ?
Nice folksy report.. ..2.19 gas ? even cheaper in Indiana