Mis-Struck or Damage

I found this in my pocket the other day. Thought it was damaged other than wear but no signs of pressure on the other side.
I found this in my pocket the other day. Thought it was damaged other than wear but no signs of pressure on the other side.
Would need photos of the reverse for starters....
I'd be strongly inclined to say damage...if it looks beat up...it's much more likely that it's been beat up than that it's an error.
Badly damaged IMO.
Damage. Possibly run over in a parking lot.
@Stew66.... Welcome aboard... that quarter has been damaged... usually termed PMD or Post Mint Damage... (I include that since you are new to the forum).... Cheers, RickO
Post Mint Damage PMD
100% guaranteed damage
BHNC #203
id say damaged as well.