Frank Gasparro's Signature

Is there a market for this type of stuff?
I have a few and don't know the value?
Pat Vetter,Mercury Dime registry set,1938 Proof set registry,Pat & BJ Coins:724-325-7211
Is there a market for this type of stuff?
I have a few and don't know the value?
no market for me.
BHNC #203
Just looking for the information not trying to sell them!
No problem, I was just responding, not looking to buy.
I didn't mean to be demeaning. Sorry if you took it that way.
I know of no market for them, but... I am sure that eBay must have had a few-- they have everything!
BHNC #203
Yes. marker/value might be somewhat limited, as you are really looking for people who bridge two collecting areas, but we are out there. (I bought a FG sig from dealer Harry Forman ten or 15 yeas ago - they were left over from a fundraiser of some kind that FG participated on some years earlier. I think I paid $15.)
Thanks for the information
Frank Gasparros' signature is probably only interesting to coin collectors like us. I personally think he was a great engraver.
I would be honored to have his signature.
The worth of it is how YOU feel about it.
I have a couple of his autographs.
The first one came with the 1964 assay commission medal; this is Mr. 1873's example
The second one is [b]on[/b] the 1976 assay commission medal. This was the late Mark Hatfield's, Senator and Governor of Oregon.
Ed. S.
I believe there was a thread here or on another forum a year or so ago about this subject and some artists sigs are extremely rare and can command nice premiums.
Frankly (pun intended), I found his work to be quite uninspiring with Susan B Anthony as a crowing achievement.
Joseph J. Singleton - First Superintendent of the U.S. Branch Mint in Dahlonega Georgia
Findley Ridge Collection
About Findley Ridge
The criticism is unwarranted. I once asked him, in his office, why the
portrait was so bad when I knew he could do much better. He said
that the mint director and the family demanded that he use the
photograph that he had been furnished and no deviations were
allowed. He said that he had offered to give Anthony a more pleasant
visage and was told not to ask again.
Thanks for that great personal anecdote. I hope you tell that story often so that it gets preserved here and there, as it is an important piece of the puzzle as to why some of FGs designs seem uninspiring to some people.
Frank Gasparro definitely had a unique and recognizable style of designing/engraving. I must say that it has grown on me a lot over the years, and dare I say it, I actually like the SBA now.
Isn't it amazing how some information comes to light.
Thank you
denga for that insight!
Very interesting information on the SBA..... thank you..... as to autographs, I have several books signed by authors (coins and firearms), but have never been an autograph collector. Years ago, autographs were highly sought...and a large secondary market existed. Just never interested me - except for books I have read and enjoyed - reference books, not fiction. Cheers, RickO
Wasn't he also told to follow instructions on the Ike?