Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins


sol15gsol15g Posts: 110

You will get an 1/10 oz Gold Maple Leaf Coin that will ship within 14 days. I have two successful transactions with Billson from this website and 16 sales on Etsy without a bad review. This price is at least $32 cheaper than what you can find online. Also, your purchase is protected with Etsy buyer's protection and you can pay with PayPal and get double the buyer's protection.



  • mkman123mkman123 Posts: 6,849 ✭✭✭✭

    Here we go again....what member has the guts to try

    Successful Buying and Selling transactions with:

    Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110


    I would appreciate if you remove your comment from my B,S,T. I have spoken to a moderator of this website about some of the comments on my last two BST and was assured such comments would NOT be tolerated If you don't like or want the deal then move on but keep your negative comments to yourself or get reported. I believe Smittys was given a warning about his behavior in my BST by a moderator where another warning would mean permanate ban from this website. I don't post negative comments on your or anyone else's BST I would appreciate the same courtesy be given to me.

  • FishproFishpro Posts: 389 ✭✭✭

    Why the 14 day delay in shipping?

  • SurfinxHISurfinxHI Posts: 2,507 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't have a dog in this fight, except to note that mkman has been around a long time, and there have been a rash of bad deals on this forum of late. Many with posters having fewer than 100 posts.

    I personally don't think it is appropriate for you to say what you did in your post, and imply/state that you got another forum member, who has been in good standing for a long time, in trouble. That is doing the same that you accuse others of.

    Anyway, good luck with your sale.

    Dead people tell interesting tales.
  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110


    I get my coins from my brother in law who owns a pawnshop and the delay is based on when he gives me the coin. I sometime sell coins without a delay as my last shipment with Billson from this website went out the next day because my brother in law gave it to me right away.

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited May 7, 2017 12:45AM


    mkman123 is coming into my B,S,T to start trouble. mkman123 being a longstanding member don't give him the right to come in here and mess up my B,S,T. He is talking like buying from me is risky when I have 16 sales on Etsy and 0 bad reviews. Billson has made two purchases from me without a problem plus I mentioned how the the buyer would be protected with multiple buyer's protection plans. I sold Billson a tube of ASEs for a price that was $60-$80 below what anyone was selling it for and I later sold him two Queen's Beast silver coins in Air Tites at a price no one could match and he received his orders as promised and left me a great review.

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited May 6, 2017 11:20PM


    Smittys got the warning AFTER he reported me and tried to get me banned from this website. I told the moderator how he and his friends had been harassing me and he got a warning. I also promised to report any future wrongdoing or similar behavior which I am doing. I am not being a hypocrite, I am just doing what I promised to do because the moderators want to keep their website about collectibles and want the other stuff left out. Also Smittys being a longtime member does not excuse him going into ALL my BST and calling me a scammer, con artist, and cursing me out. He even used my BST to advertise the items he was selling so he was breaking the website rules. So remember, Smittys was the one who contacted the moderator to get me banned and I used that moment to explain and show the moderator what Smittys and his friends were doing to me so he came after me and I did what anyone backed in a corner would do- I defended myself and told the truth. Thanks for your reply!

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    PM sent!



  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110



  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 7, 2017 7:19AM

    @mkman123 said:
    Here we go again....what member has the guts to try

    Totally uncalled for.

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110


    I agree. Thanks!

  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 9, 2017 10:09AM

    @Outhaul said:

    @mkman123 said:
    Here we go again....what member has the guts to try

    Totally uncalled for.

    LOL.. selling coins here ,,,,below what a B&M would PAY..LOL again

    I add since moderator name bought up ..is that Moderator ok with BST listings, selling coins that seller doesn't not own or even have in possession ?

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Got it, Kyle! Thanks for the deal!



  • SmittysSmittys Posts: 9,876 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I did get a warning so tread lightly people.
    sol15g is right.

  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    @Smittys said:
    I did get a warning so tread lightly people.
    sol15g is right.

    I must ask this question once again ....is a seller welcomed , encouraged on BST.. who sells an item , that he neither owns., nor has in his possession? .....while immediately collecting the money ....promising delivery weeks down the road?
    Does this meet the approval ?

  • mkman123mkman123 Posts: 6,849 ✭✭✭✭

    bestday, don't say too much or hassle the OP, soon your gonna get a warning like Smittys LOL

    Successful Buying and Selling transactions with:

    Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited May 27, 2017 4:09PM


    I am welcomed according to the moderators and many people on this website. If you don't like my deals then dont buy it. Outhaul purchased my gold Maple leaf and received it as described. Billson has purchased three orders from me and received them as described while saving over $120. Also, not all my orders ship with a delay. I sold Billson some Queen's Beast coins that shipped the next day. I also sold him a pretty large order where most items shipped right away just like I am selling a 14K gold ring for $99 and a 1/4 carat diamond ring for $120 (which is a a lot less that what others are selling them for) that will ship right away. I did not come here to argue or to get people banned or blocked or to be a problem to anyone. All I am doing is giving people on this website a good deal on gold and silver and some may ship with a delay but they will get a deal they can't beat anywhere else. So what's wrong? Why are you so against people buying items with a delay if they know upfront? Some cars are sold and paid for months in advance. Lonzo Ball's $400 and $900 shoes that are being sold now won't ship until the end of year but the buyers like my buyers know the shipping date upfront plus I have 21 sales and 0 bad reviews. I just don't get why you have a problem with someone buying from me. Etsy has a buyer's protection plus the buyer's can pay with a credit card and get double the buyer's protection. Plus if a buyer pay by credit card through PayPal then he or she will have three buyer's protection plans in place.

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110

    Smittys got a warning AFTER trying to get me banned and AFTER cursing me out serveral times while calling me a scammer and con artitst. Smittys also advertised his items in my BST. The moderator contacted me because Smittys wanted me off this website and the moderator read his posts and saw it was against their rules. The moderators want to keep this website about collecting and want everything else left out and I can't blame them. I know you are friends with Smittys but the truth is he was wrong. I did not do anything to him or you or anyone else to warrant to the treatment I received. If my deals are not for you then you can just pass them by but to curse me out, call me a scammer and con artist is wrong. I have not and will not scam or con anyone. This website is lucky to have people like Outhaul and Billson who welcomes and give people like me a chance. And as I said before, not all my items ship with a delay and Smittys even called the silver I was selling for under spot price with no delay a scam.

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bottom line is that the OP states his terms up front. If you can live with them, fine. If you can't, then pass.

    I took a chance and won. As a matter of fact, because it shipped one day later, he refunded me $12 for it.

    Never overlook the fact that we ALL started off here with a zero post count. So, somewhere along the line, someone invested some of their trust in you.

    Look up the thread in the US Coin Forum titled "A matter of trust."



  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    If you all happy ///....LOL ...just to add buyer beware ..

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited May 29, 2017 1:12AM

    Bob thanks for your comment and I fully agree with you.

  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    @sol15g said:
    Bob thanks for your comment and I fully agree with you.

    If another forum member vouches for seller .. God Bless

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @bestday said:

    @sol15g said:
    Bob thanks for your comment and I fully agree with you.

    If another forum member vouches for seller .. God Bless

    Read my posts and tell me where I vouched for him.

    Honest to God, you're like a dog with a bone, facrissake.

  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    @Outhaul said:

    @bestday said:

    @sol15g said:
    Bob thanks for your comment and I fully agree with you.

    If another forum member vouches for seller .. God Bless

    Read my posts and tell me where I vouched for him.

    Honest to God, you're like a dog with a bone, facrissake.

    Read the definition of the word .........vouch ...... B)

  • MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,385 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Vouch: assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true or accurately so described:

    as in , why not take the gamble. Roll the bright red flag dice.
    Go, bestday.

    Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.
  • ChrisRxChrisRx Posts: 5,619 ✭✭✭✭

    Hope I am wrong here, but...

    With all the recent alts pulling scams, it seems to me the next step is "chumming the water" with smaller sales (maybe even below market value to build trust) and when that trust is had then hit em' with a biggie and disappear.

    @solt15g I hope this is not the case but the fact is it's hard to trust those with unusual selling tactics and limited résumé.

  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited May 31, 2017 1:07AM

    Outhuaul did not vouched for me. He only talked about his experience dealing with me. Also, I am not a scammer and I am not planning on building trust and scamming anyone. I have 22 orders and 0 bad reviews and a 5 out 5 star rating on Etsy which says a lot about my trustworthiness. As far as the recent scammers, I did not have anything to do with that. I was once scammed out of hundreds of dollars by a scammer (whose name, city, and state I shared with Billson) which is why I sell on Etsy instead of other places. PayPal allowed a scammer to scam me after I showed them evidence that I sent my customer his order and after I provided multiple emails of him confirming he received the order and wanting to buy more from me. PayPal chose to ignore those emails and said something like they have a loophole where they could not do anything in my case despite me having email after email of him saying he received the order and wanting to place another order with me. So trust me I know how it feels to be scammed. Furthermore, I sold to a pretty popular poured silver owner (whose name I gave to the moderators and I will give to my buyers if they want to know) AFTER a close friend of his vouched for me.

  • Geckster109Geckster109 Posts: 231 ✭✭✭

    @bestday said:

    @Smittys said:
    I did get a warning so tread lightly people.
    sol15g is right.

    I must ask this question once again ....is a seller welcomed , encouraged on BST.. who sells an item , that he neither owns., nor has in his possession? .....while immediately collecting the money ....promising delivery weeks down the road?
    Does this meet the approval ?

    So long as the terms of the transaction are clearly spelled out, and then clearly satisfied, why wouldn't the seller be encouraged or welcomed in the BST? Who has been harmed, and how so?

  • Geckster109Geckster109 Posts: 231 ✭✭✭

    And major dealers do the same thing all the time with pre-sales.

  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭

    @MilesWaits said:
    Vouch: assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true or accurately so described:

    as in , why not take the gamble. Roll the bright red flag dice.
    Go, bestday.

    I thank God I have not been scammed on a deal .. which only hurts more me to see others get taken...here on BST

  • MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,385 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I agree, BD.
    I have avoided the rancid deals for the potential short-term gain because I have listened to the wise members, like you.

    Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.
  • sol15gsol15g Posts: 110
    edited June 1, 2017 7:33PM


    I agree. I tell the shipping date upfront on all orders. I am not here to scam people.

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