Can you tell if it has a mintmark or not? Edit for typo.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
I love it! Daughter needed to be dropped off at her friend, so I hit the 3 CS's after. 2nd Nob Hill collected these coins, the ugly quarter next to the beautiful 62 nickel is 1964! 1st silver quarter find for 2024!! Soaking in Acetone now.
The guy next to the CS machine watched me grab the coins as he was selecting his lottery scratchers from the lotto machine, and I was thinking, The Coin Star return, "You don't always win, but you never lose...."
I normally don’t post one coin finds, but I found this 2009-P on the ground at the ball park, and thought that it was good enough to post.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
One coin yesterday and it was unrecognizable until I got out into the sun. More light revealed a dark, corroded 1906 Indian Head Cent - my first one via Coinstar.
A few days ago, I had a new first. I reached my hand up to the top of the coinstar, and to my surprise came back with a zincoln. I’ll keep checking here in the future.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Back to back days, same Mexican store and again on my way to feed cats. 3 silver pieces, another 63-D, a 194? Canadian 80% silver dime, very worn, can't see the last digit of the date, and a mystery silver dime date covered by some hard material, so I have it soaking in acetone.
From the find posted yesterday, some more interesting details.
3 coins, The mystery dime is a 1964
1940 coin with a Nazi Swastika (after soaking in acetone)
1924 1 Deutsches Reich
Hard to believe yet true, 3 days straight with silver finds. This time Nob-Hill store coming back from haircut, 2 quarters, a 41 and 52, both Philly, plus, not1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Wheat cents which one was a 1916. Let's hope May continues were April left off, nice ending!!
@Joe_360 said:
Hard to believe yet true, 3 days straight with silver finds. This time Nob-Hill store coming back from haircut, 2 quarters, a 41 and 52, both Philly, plus, not1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Wheat cents which one was a 1916. Let's hope May continues were April left off, nice ending!!
That’s interesting to be finding so much silver. Must be something going on to get people to cash in there silver coins in a coinstar rather that take them to a dealer to get at least spot prices.
Agree, doesn't surprise me anymore... I am consistent, I search the 3 locations (close together, within 1 and 1/4 blocks) every day on my way to feed the cats at the post-office and Home Depot. Yesterday just happen to be after a haircut...
Maybe God is blessing me for feeding stray cats...?!?
MtW124 said, "That’s interesting to be finding so much silver. Must be something going on to get people to cash in there silver coins in a coinstar rather that take them to a dealer to get at least spot prices."
1st, I do not believe these folks even know (identify) what silver coins are, and/or to take them to a dealer for spot! 2nd, think about it, the Coinstar takes 10 cents on every dollar so these people do not care about the value, they just want some quick cash. 3rd, when I see 2 silver quarters mixed with 4 wheat cents (and other odd coins), I have to believe that some kid searched grandpa's/uncle's decks and grabbed the loose change. 4) they leave more then only silver, I get hand full of quarters, dimes and foreign coins all the time...
I can not explain why people are leaving silver coins behind and/or why it happens at the (3) stores that I hit regularly? It used to amaze me, but not any more...
Now understand, I work from home and can make my own schedule, there are 3 stores close together and all have coinstars (1 Safeway, 1 Nobhill and a Mexican store) I feed cats at 2 locations and since there are 5 cats at the Home Depot I mostly go there 2 times a day - the coinstars are on the way so I check, so I check every day, rain or shine.
The clerks at the stores know me as a coin collector as I have trade quarter boxes/rolls with them when I roll hunt. I have no issue with checking the coinstar machine, saying hi and leaving, Plus most coinstars are next to lotto machince and people are in and out all day buying lotto tickets...
BTW, I found a silver dime and wheat cent today, that is 4 finds in 5 days, so that is another reason to search, there are many days that come up empty also...
Feeding Kelly the Home Depot cat, she is a sweetie and I would feed her every day even with no coinstar machines...
Went to my local grocery and first looked in the return catch tray. Nothing there so I looked up top and here is what was there. It looks like someone didn’t want there change and just dropped it in the top counter tray. The 2005 Lincoln cent has a little toning to it.
@Conshyboy said:
All foreign coins today the Welsh coin with edge lettering is cool
That £ is worth over $2 I believe.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Big score at the Coinstar yesterday; in fact, it’s the most that I’ve ever gotten. The first try yielded a zincoln and a Columbia 50 pesos. I went back about 5 hours later and got $3.18 in random change! Nothing interesting though, just sticky money.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Went to the store and received a 1964 Nickel in
mint condition. It is PL and I initially thought it
was a Proof. But with a D mintmark it may have
come out from a mint set - very nice clean coin,
very sharp strike with nice mintmark registration,
and with light blue to rainbow toning.
Enjoy !
Here it is - - -
Picked up just under $4.00 plus a couple of foreign coins at the local Walmart. No silver and nothing of interest. First time finding something in several weeks. With what I have accumulated over time, I need about $5.00 more and will be able to take wifey out to dinner, courtesy of coin star.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Ok, so I started looking at these more often. I've found about a dollar in change, a silver dime, and a chinese coin, which was 4 separate finds in about 20 tries. So a 20% find rate of at least something (one find was 2c). Is 20% normal?
@Manifest_Destiny said:
Ok, so I started looking at these more often. I've found about a dollar in change, a silver dime, and a chinese coin, which was 4 separate finds in about 20 tries. So a 20% find rate of at least something (one find was 2c). Is 20% normal?
That’s good. I probably average about 10%, except the past week and in December.(Think Christmas)
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
The it pays to wait saga. So I was going to Ralph’s to pick up a few things.
As I walked in I saw a fella putting a huge jar of coins into the machine.
I didn’t want to look obvious waiting…
But on the other hand I didn’t want anyone else to get first dibs at the reject bin.
I took my time gathering the few things, then self checked out.
The fella was gone….and…and…
here is my haul
@OAKSTAR You should know me better then that Bud... A Denver..
I was hoping for a West Point.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
Yesterday find, someone must have been is a hurry... Pocket full of change, ~ $12. No silver, no W's, no Wheaties...

I'll get around to photographing the reject slot was full find from last week when I get off my lazy bum this evening.
Another bunch of left quarters, no silver, W's or Wheaties...

Today, $2 in President dollars, $3.50 in quarters, 7 dimes, 2 nickels and some foreign coins.

1964-D dime on Saturday, the streak continues...

What’s that Green Thing??

Can you tell if it has a mintmark or not? Edit for typo.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
I have not checked the Coinstar machine since they moved it at the store that I go to. I need to start checking.
I love it! Daughter needed to be dropped off at her friend, so I hit the 3 CS's after. 2nd Nob Hill collected these coins, the ugly quarter next to the beautiful 62 nickel is 1964! 1st silver quarter find for 2024!! Soaking in Acetone now.
The guy next to the CS machine watched me grab the coins as he was selecting his lottery scratchers from the lotto machine, and I was thinking, The Coin Star return, "You don't always win, but you never lose...."

From Safeway, 16 cents.
I had never checked a coinstar machine and decided to today. I got a 43-S merc and a dime that failed to drop. I may have to check more often.
Found the cent on da floor, 1964-D dime was all alone in the return at the Mexican store, 2nd 64 this month...

I normally don’t post one coin finds, but I found this 2009-P on the ground at the ball park, and thought that it was good enough to post.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
One coin yesterday and it was unrecognizable until I got out into the sun. More light revealed a dark, corroded 1906 Indian Head Cent - my first one via Coinstar.
A few days ago, I had a new first. I reached my hand up to the top of the coinstar, and to my surprise came back with a zincoln. I’ll keep checking here in the future.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
1963 Denver, Mexican store on the way to feed cats...

Back to back days, same Mexican store and again on my way to feed cats. 3 silver pieces, another 63-D, a 194? Canadian 80% silver dime, very worn, can't see the last digit of the date, and a mystery silver dime date covered by some hard material, so I have it soaking in acetone.

53 cents, no silver, not even worth a photo
From the find posted yesterday, some more interesting details.

3 coins, The mystery dime is a 1964
1940 coin with a Nazi Swastika (after soaking in acetone)
1924 1 Deutsches Reich
I found 87c in regular pocket change the other day. First time I've ever found anything after checking probably 20-25 times.
Hard to believe yet true, 3 days straight with silver finds. This time Nob-Hill store coming back from haircut, 2 quarters, a 41 and 52, both Philly, plus, not1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Wheat cents which one was a 1916. Let's hope May continues were April left off, nice ending!!

That’s interesting to be finding so much silver. Must be something going on to get people to cash in there silver coins in a coinstar rather that take them to a dealer to get at least spot prices.
Agree, doesn't surprise me anymore... I am consistent, I search the 3 locations (close together, within 1 and 1/4 blocks) every day on my way to feed the cats at the post-office and Home Depot. Yesterday just happen to be after a haircut...
Maybe God is blessing me for feeding stray cats...?!?
@MtW124 @tommy44
MtW124 said, "That’s interesting to be finding so much silver. Must be something going on to get people to cash in there silver coins in a coinstar rather that take them to a dealer to get at least spot prices."
1st, I do not believe these folks even know (identify) what silver coins are, and/or to take them to a dealer for spot! 2nd, think about it, the Coinstar takes 10 cents on every dollar so these people do not care about the value, they just want some quick cash. 3rd, when I see 2 silver quarters mixed with 4 wheat cents (and other odd coins), I have to believe that some kid searched grandpa's/uncle's decks and grabbed the loose change. 4) they leave more then only silver, I get hand full of quarters, dimes and foreign coins all the time...
I can not explain why people are leaving silver coins behind and/or why it happens at the (3) stores that I hit regularly? It used to amaze me, but not any more...
Now understand, I work from home and can make my own schedule, there are 3 stores close together and all have coinstars (1 Safeway, 1 Nobhill and a Mexican store) I feed cats at 2 locations and since there are 5 cats at the Home Depot I mostly go there 2 times a day - the coinstars are on the way so I check, so I check every day, rain or shine.
The clerks at the stores know me as a coin collector as I have trade quarter boxes/rolls with them when I roll hunt. I have no issue with checking the coinstar machine, saying hi and leaving, Plus most coinstars are next to lotto machince and people are in and out all day buying lotto tickets...
BTW, I found a silver dime and wheat cent today, that is 4 finds in 5 days, so that is another reason to search, there are many days that come up empty also...
Feeding Kelly the Home Depot cat, she is a sweetie and I would feed her every day even with no coinstar machines...
Went to my local grocery and first looked in the return catch tray. Nothing there so I looked up top and here is what was there. It looks like someone didn’t want there change and just dropped it in the top counter tray. The 2005 Lincoln cent has a little toning to it.
All foreign coins today the Welsh coin with edge lettering is cool
That £ is worth over $2 I believe.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
I found a 64-d dime, car wash token, and 32c in pocket change today at Kroger.
Big score at the Coinstar yesterday; in fact, it’s the most that I’ve ever gotten. The first try yielded a zincoln and a Columbia 50 pesos. I went back about 5 hours later and got $3.18 in random change! Nothing interesting though, just sticky money.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Went to the store and received a 1964 Nickel in

mint condition. It is PL and I initially thought it
was a Proof. But with a D mintmark it may have
come out from a mint set - very nice clean coin,
very sharp strike with nice mintmark registration,
and with light blue to rainbow toning.
Enjoy !
Here it is - - -
Picked up just under $4.00 plus a couple of foreign coins at the local Walmart. No silver and nothing of interest. First time finding something in several weeks. With what I have accumulated over time, I need about $5.00 more and will be able to take wifey out to dinner, courtesy of coin star.
Found 2c and a chinese 1 jaio.
Got $0.88. Twice in a row!
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
My first find in a couple of months, 30 cents, but I will have to travel to spend it.
A Cuba 25 centavos 2006 and a Canada 5 cents 1975.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Ok, so I started looking at these more often. I've found about a dollar in change, a silver dime, and a chinese coin, which was 4 separate finds in about 20 tries. So a 20% find rate of at least something (one find was 2c). Is 20% normal?
That’s good. I probably average about 10%, except the past week and in December.(Think Christmas)
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
My Walmart this morning. I have been coming up empty the last few weeks until today.
After a long dry spell a British 5 Pence today. WooHoo!
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
A lone 57-D 10c at the Safeway coin star right after a successful coin show 🙂
Left side is from the Mexican store, right is Nob-Hill, no silver but a 1956 Wheat cent and change....

The it pays to wait saga. So I was going to Ralph’s to pick up a few things.
As I walked in I saw a fella putting a huge jar of coins into the machine.
I didn’t want to look obvious waiting…
But on the other hand I didn’t want anyone else to get first dibs at the reject bin.
I took my time gathering the few things, then self checked out.
The fella was gone….and…and…
here is my haul
probably my bestestest coin star haul ever
All US coins, no foreign, no tokens
After an EXTREMELY long dry spell, the reject bin was flush today. $3.05, including two 1964 Kennedy halves!!!
mbogoman Lutho
As you wish...
mbogoman Lutho
Found 2c and a car wash token today.