You will get Two 1 oz Silver Towne Silver Buffalo coins, Two A Mark 1 oz Toned Silver coins, One 1 oz Sunshine Minting toned Silver coin, One 1/4 oz Standing Liberty Silver coin for $82. You can read my reviews from customers who have given me great reviews.
It would be customary to ship the items first since you are new and without references (within these forums.) We have had our share of deadbeats that have no history on these forums then go "missing" with our members money.
Not implying you will do the same, but trust and creditworthiness must be earned.
7 post selling silver under spot BIG RED Flag, don't wanna hear complaints if you don't get it
Here is a shoutout I received from a VERY popular YouTube stacker with over 400 subscribers. Please subscribe to his channel because he offers valuable info on silver. My Kyle Gifts on Etsy is mentioned around 6:10. You can see the silver eagles I sold him.
Doesn't Etsy provide a guarantee like Ebay?
Yes! Etsy offers a Buyer's Protection just like Ebay. Here's the link:
O.K. - Here is what I don't understand. It takes about 10 minutes to set up an account on eBay. You could then list these coins at a much higher price and sell them quickly. Why would you leave money on the table and sell your items for less than spot? It just doesn't make sense to me. Your selling 5 1/4 ounces of silver for $15.62 an ounce when silver closed at $17.50 an ounce.
YOU can sell these to a B&M and get more money, with cash immediately , in hand .
Why do you want to give Forum members this deal ?> @sol15g said:
YOU can sell these to a B&M and get more money, with cash immediately , in hand .
Why do you want to give Forum members such a deal ?
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this isn't coincidence I don't know what:
Guy came in right before I closed today with these exact same rounds, quantity and type. said he got them from some on line site. he sold me the 4 1 oz rounds, but kept the 1/4oz slq piece.
Looks like outsiders see some Forum members as an easy mark.. shame
one has to use common sense. I can guess he wants a payment other then regular paypal?
no images is interesting as well. Joined a few days ago and already selling.
red flag city.
A shout out to "shite out luck", will accept metals on COD, maybe.
Someone explain the scam? Holdingfor 14 days?
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
I stop dealing with Ebay years ago because of their relationship with PayPal. PayPal once allowed a guy to con me because of some rule they said MasterCard had which MasterCard said does not exist MasterCard said PayPal wrongfully interperted the rule. Also, why is it wrong to give people a good deal?
Good question! I say why not give people a good deal. Why not donate to charity or volunteer at your local homeless shelter which I've been doing for years. Why is it so wrong to be a nice guy or to give people a good deal on silver? People are talking about banning me for nothing, Truth is I give people GREAT deals on silver which is why I have ALL positive reviews on Etsy and is why SEVERAL popular YouTube silver stackers keep mentioning me (KyleGifts on Etsy).
Here's a link of a VERY popular YouTube silver stacker mentioning me around 6:10 and talking about all the great deals he's received. Please subscribe ti his channel because he offers good info on silver. Also, you can read the comments and see that he is friends with the top silver stackers in the community. So why woud he give me a shoutout if I was a scam?
The deal is still up on Etsy if interested.
I don't get people and why so many people want me to get banned for giving people a deal on silver even though I've NEVER received a bad review from a customer on Etsy.
Some people have been burned by deals like this in the past where a new poster comes on and offers something at prices below spot and the new poster never delivers. I hope you are legit and I hope you stick around. I haven't noticed you posting anywhere but on your BST threads. If you really wanted to become part of the community, start posting on the precious metals forum so people can get to know you and trust you a little better. Whenever someone comes in here as a new poster just looking to give a below spot deal, it normally turns south. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on precious metals on that forum. Give it a go. It would also make me happy if you became a regular poster and were around giving below spot deals a year or two from now. I just don't think it is going to happen
Do you mind sharing your old eBay ID so we can go look at your feedback from years ago and see some of these completed great deals you were giving back then?
I don't have my old Ebay address because it was years ago. You can read my Etsy reviews and share it with everyone here.
The good news here is that someone from this website did purchase the ASE and hopefully he will give the details on his experience with buying from me.
I just don't know anymore
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Anyone wish to admit to be the member here who DID allegedly buy 'the ASE'??? Now trying to ply his trade in the sports forums.
I believe it was tizofthe. Not 100% certain though.
Choice Numismatics
CN eBay
All of my collection is in a safe deposit box!
I posted on sports, he's says I'm stalking him just to promote my ebay page lmao
He's busy threadcrapping on YOUR BST post now.....tossing out negative allegations. Hopefully, people just look at the source.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Wonder why if OP is so greatly loved by his own forum of silver stackers ,then why his chooses to sell here on BST, instead on his forum ?
I've SOLD against your wishes. You have no credibility here. The people of this website STILL bought my coins. I might offer them another deal in a few days so try to stop that sell as well. No one is going to turn down a good deal for you so you're wasting your time. I might change my name to SOLD.
Not all his broken oars are in the water, with this cat.
Anyone who gets taken in the BST after all the posts last five weeks, better to remain anonymous
What will be the over/under..... days waiting to get the ASEs delivered ?
Newbie to Forum ,can't remember Ebay name .... Strange to sell an item that you don't own......
I posted before and advised you to browse around to find out why people questioned you.It appears you did no browsing.You have to earn respect here and you have to earn trust here. You aren't doing yourself any favors.This board just went through a scammer that followed almost the same pattern that you're using.That is why people have questioned you.To last you're going to have to accept the lumps and have thick skin.You WILL be questioned until you start adding references.4 etsy reviews and a Youtube shoutout doesn't matter.Veteran members will call you out and warn the board to be careful until you start earning the board's trust.I know that first hand.DO NOT blast someone like smittys who has been here a long time. You will lose out by doing that.I can almost guarantee that there have been quiet members who have blocked you and will not ever buy from you as a result of calling out smittys.Having payments made by check are fine here provided the person sending is ok with it.You have no merits to warn people not to trust smittys.Make public your sources who say smittys sells fake items.Make public the pawn shop that gives you such great deals.Until you earn that trust you are just a new member who is selling extremely cheap items with zero references who will be questioned repeatedly.
BST references several
Selling is the easy part. The 'when are you going to ship the product?' is the big question.
And, why does a 'shout-out' TO someone who no one here knows, FROM someone who no one here knows, warrant any trust?? Although, those FOUR whole etsy reviews SHOULD be enough for people to trust you! Oh, and to retrieve your ebay name, simply enter your email address where your ebay name goes, and you should be able to retrieve it if you can follow simple instructions.....IF you ever had one, one that you WOULD want us to see. But, I'd guess etsy is a much better place to sell, it must have more eyes searching for 'stuff' there than on ebay!!
OOOHHHH I got a shout-out on youtube, WAHOOO!!! I guess I can list that Bentley I own, and 2 weeks after the sale, arrange shipping, huh???\
edited for spelling
You don't have a leg to stand on right now. You might have "sold" some items here to a couple folks that were willing to take a chance and that's fine. If you don't deliver you won't have arms and hands to scratch your arse with either. I would not mind making a purchase or two from you but you need some credibility here first. I guess we will find out in due time.
I am not trying to earn respect from the likes of Smittys. I am NOT here to kiss butt. I sold my coins and will sell more. I've heard from several people who are against Smittys and the people who are acting like they own this website. At the end of day Smittys did not stop my coins from selling and no one fell for his nonsense. A person on this website even gave me his email address to send my deals too before posting it here so he an see if he want to buy them. Smittys and his friends have tried to get me banned for non reason and it DID NOT work because I have done nothing wrong plus a couple of members have said they xsupport me.
It is funny how you keep mentioning that I have 4 Etsy reviews and fell to mention that I have 14 Etsy sales which means 10 of my buyers chose not to give me a review. I am sure they would've gave me a bad review if I cheated them so you are making yourself look silly. I personally don't hassle anyone to give me a review. So 14 sales on Etsy and no one gave me a bad review. And you are wondering why your attempts to get me banned has failed.
People here are buying from me because of these reviews i received on Etsy:
Yet another great transaction. Communication was clear and shipping fast. I highly recommend this outstanding seller!
Fast shipping, items as described. I will buy again. A++++
Coins were sent promptly and arrived on time. 1 coin case cracked, but that was no real fault of the seller. All in all, a terrific transaction! Thank you!!
***Oh and the coin case that was cracked was a few Air Tites I through in for free. So the people of this website only sees 14 sales and 0 bad reviews which is why I am selling.
Big SHOUOUT to @NotSure
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
@sol15g You're missing the point. Given the recent history of too good to be true it's unreasonable to think members won't be skeptical. I'm sure smittys warnings did work and it was done for the safety of the boards. Those warnings saved several members from buying from you. Until you understand that the questions won't stop. You may not want smitttys respect but in the process I guarantee you lost respect from a good portion of the community.
BST references several
@bigzestee may make some sense
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
SOL: bottom line is your reputation is cooked here. It would be wise for you to MoveOn.
You continue to dig a deeper hole. You fell.
I, myself, just hope that he,she,it,they do not learn from this and come back stronger. JMO
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
My point is my items have sold despite Smittys attempt to stop the selling. He is talking like I AM a scammer which is wrong considering the fact I did not not scam anyone. Many people here just want a deal and does not care about the so called COMMUNITY. I sold my items because they see me as honest and upfront plus I have 14 sales and zero complaints. Smittys might not like a delayed shipping on the ASE but others here had no problems with it Heck, several wanted the deal after it sold. So he can keep writing because it is not working. The truth is I give good deals and i sometime add extra to my deals for no reason and few people will turn down cheap or free silver no matter how much Smittys want them too.
My rep is cooked? Did you miss the part when I said I sold my coins or how many said they support me or how several members wanted my deal AFTER it had sold. Why would anyone turn down a good deal because you and Smittys don't like me? At the end of the day more people will buy from me because they will here from those that bought my items without a problem. You actually think people here will turn down a good deal?
Definitely shady, but I wouldn't be surprised if the first shipment goes through. Then after positive feedback, a larger "deal" appears in a few days...then the scam will most likely happen.
It's not difficult.
If you are new without forum references, ship the coins first (before payment)
Keep trying to stop people from buying from me because it is not working. No one care what you think and the people of this website is not going to turn down a good deal because some stranger is calling the seller a scammer without being able to name one person the seller has scammed. By the way, Etsy has a buyer's protection in place so my customers are protected. Scammers do what Smittys does by asking people to mail a check without any buyer's protection in place. My customers are protected!!
@sol15g Your items will sell to someone who accepts the risk. Plus they'll get their money back if it goes bad. Your 14 day hold doesn't make sense. A pawn shop doesn't sell anything until it owns it. If it owns it there's no need for a hold. If they don't own it you're selling on the hope that the shop will eventually own it.Which means you're selling something you don't physically own yet. If you can't see why members have been skeptical then there's nothing anyone can say.
BST references several
Smittys has earned the right to be paid by check. There's a lot of members who pay by check. In fact my first sale was paid to me by check and resulted in a reference added. There's a lot of older people who don't use online payments. The more you post the more you show you have no clue how things work here.
BST references several
I said my brother alerted about the ASEs and will give them to me after a certain time or when it is legal to do so I guess which is why I said it will ship within 2 weeks. I was honest with the person who bought it and with everyone else about the delayed shipping. Yet they still wanted it despite others having a problem with a delayed shipping. Some people here only wants a good deal and is willing to accept a delayed shipping to get a great deal. Oh and the buyer will receive the ASEs. There is zero chance of me not getting them. I will give the buyer a full refund plus $100 if he don't get it maybe $150 because I can back what I sell. And my other deal did not have a delayed shipping on it. So there's no risk with me because I am honest and upfront plus 14 sales and 0 bad reviews must mean I am doing something right and that is why I have received several good responses.
At the end of the day, the buyer who bought the ASEs will have 20 Silver Eagles for atleast $55 cheaper than what anyone else can offer it to him. He will end up on top and rewarded for the slight delay. He can now take the $55-$75 he saved and buy more silver, put gas in his car or do whatever he wants with it which is why others here wanted that deal as well because it was an amazing deal that no one can beat. I hace received a lot of support from people of this website who dont want to go public. I am have met several really nice people who have said I have every right to sell here and have said some of you are acting like you own this website. I came here without criticizing anyone and without doing anything wrong but a bunch of people jumped on me and said they are justified for doing so because others not me did this or did that in the past. Like I said earlier, Smittys do not make the rules here and few people are willing to abide by his rules. At the end of the day I did nothing wrong and the people here knows it which is why my items sold in record time.
Paying by check offers the buyers no buyer's protection. I understand how things work and I want my buyer's to be protected. And for the older people I hope they have a son, daughter or grandkids that can help them with the online payment. I will NEVER asks anyone to mail me a check or to make a payment without buyer's protection.