Morgan Dollars - Should I grade or should I self slab? - GRADES POSTED!

Okay, looking for grades and feedback on the coins below, if you please. I'm still working on taking better pictures.
Thank you!
Coin A
Coin B
Coin C
Coin D
Coin E
Coin F
Coin G
Coin H
Coin I
Coin J
Coin K
Coin L
Coin M
Don't quote me on that.
C with the variety. G yes and all the others no. It's too bad those were removed from the GSA cases they were in as they were already in plastic.
Which variety do you see in C?
Don't quote me on that.
Coin E looks nice enough. Keep in mind, even though the CCs are $200 coins, there is very little spread between grades so it still may not make sense to slab 64s or below. And I agree with the above. Please keep them in the GSA holders if you can!
VAM 3d? maybe not but think that's what I see. I don't think PCGS will variety it and would have to go to NGC.
Nice Morgans... are you planning to sell? Not sure if it is worth slabbing those since most - maybe all - are midgrade... Do you still have the GSA holders? They will sell better in those than in slabs IMO. Cheers, RickO
How are you going to self slab? Also, were they really cracked out of GSA holders?
Yes I plan on selling to raise money for my other coin wants. They weren't in holders, don't know if they ever were. When you say midgrade you mean what? AU or MS?
Don't quote me on that.
Self slab as in just a coin protector I buy, not gonna create some fake PCGS cases.
Not in holders that I'm aware of.
Don't quote me on that.
When I said midgrade, I meant 63, 64.... Based on those pictures, that is what I see... could be a 65 in there, pictures can be deceiving.... List them on the BST (maybe with better pictures and individually)... Cheers, RickO
Instead of self-slabbing, right now there's an $8 per coin ANACS special (15 coin minimum):
They also do variety attribution ($9/coin extra).
Successful BST transactions with forum members thebigeng, SPalladino, Zoidmeister, coin22lover, coinsarefun, jwitten, CommemKing.
I agree - list them on the BST they will surely generate some interest.
Definitely send to PCGS but only send the second and fifth coin in express.
always the cc other self IMHO
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Coin G-1879-S is a shot DMPL I think. I would consider sending it in along with E (shot 65) and D because it's fairly clean and has the kind of toning that some guys may pay more for. Coin I looks PL but not DMPL. I personally don't see anything in C but that's your call. Everything else looks to be 3 and 4 grade stuff imo.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
Haha - G, E, D, I went for grading...hope to have them back soon.....submitted on 3/23.
Don't quote me on that.
Ha. I didn't notice the date of this thread. I'm curious to know results. IS coin I flashier in hand? The reverse looks PL but couldn't get a good read on the obverse from the image.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
my photos suck. I'm trying to build a setup to take better pictures....I think I is PL on both sides, but agree not DMPL like G. Grades should be back next week I hope and I will be posting pictures and GTG.
Don't quote me on that.
Can't "spend" them until I get them back and "trade" them for cash....or preferably other Morgans...
Don't quote me on that.
I bookmarked this thread for when that occurs.
I think the 79-S should be at least 64 DMPL. Coin E I'll say 65 to 66 PL. Coin D 65-ish. Coin I, 64 PL
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
Does anyone think any of the 79s have a 78 reverse? I still have a hard time getting that right.
Don't quote me on that.
Nope, they are all reverse of 79.

The top feather on the arrow of a reverse of 78 is barely visible.
PCGS Grades Posted
G - MS63PL
E - MS63
D - MS63
I- MS63
C- MS65+
Don't quote me on that.
Tough grades I assumed E and G at least 64.
Send them all in via economy.
Yes. I've a lot of questions around the grading still but my eye is getting better. Sometimes I just don't see the difference between 2 pieces and why one gets a 63 and another a 64.
Don't quote me on that.
I can help you take nice pics for selling.
Numismatics & Photography