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1950-D Franklin Half with FBL Rev help

AzurescensAzurescens Posts: 2,763 ✭✭✭✭✭

Happy Saturday everyone!

I came across this 1950-D in an inheritance box. It was inside a plastic shell inside a flip. It looks like an auction piece "$30 res." on the back with "$55" on the other side.

Outside of the scuffing at the shoulder, I don't really see anything wrong with the coin, and was wondering if it was solid enough for a 66 or 66+. It's got clear and clean bell lines, some of the best I've seen, and is just a very crisp strike. Minor scuffing.

I can setup the tripod and digital camera if anyone thinks this could be upper 60's. TBH, when looking at the coin with MS 65s and 66s open on my tablet, this looks better than them.

Any other thoughts or opinions welcome. I've always loved these coins. I've included the MM since there's a RPM variety from what I understand.

I'm not sure if I have a $55 coin or a $1300-$2300 coin (PCGS MS66+ HA 2/17).

Mint Mark

Bell lines

Other shots.

Cheers and thanks all! Sending some weekend love to all.


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