Need help identifying 1985 quarter die break
I found a 1985 quarter and was wondering if there was evidence of a die break. I placed it beside a normal 1985 quarter I found and took pictures. Please let me know what you all think! Also, if it is a die break, is it worth holding onto or getting it graded?
Is the suspected die break a raised line on Washington's forehead?
I can't tell from the photo if the line is raised or incut.
I was referring to the line that was extending from "liberty" to in front of the bridge of washingtons nose. I was also wondering what the line was cutting into his forehead as well.
pmd scratch and counting wheel or roller machine damage. pretty sure.
Agree with the above post, it is post mint damage.
As others have posted, I believe the line left of Washington's nose is a scratch in the coin, which occurred during circulation. The angle of light suggests it is incut into the coin; same as the scratch or contact mark at the top of the coin through E of LIBERTY.
A die break is a gap in the die, which yields a raised line on the coin when the blank planchet is struck by the die to create the coin.
Yes... both are PMD.... Cheers, RickO