All About You

Hey guys!
The topic of this post is rather basic.
I would simply like to learn about you.
I am curious about:
1) How long have you been collecting?
2) What are you currently collecting?
3) Do you consider yourself an investor, collector, scholar, dealer, etc? (You can be multiple)
4) How are you involved in numismatics on a day-to-day basis?
5) Any additional information about you (this can be ANYTHING).
I will answer my own questions.
1) 3-4 years
2) Numismatic literature (specifically from this list:, Sample slabs, and coinage from 1943. I also collect other things casually, but these three are the things I actively seek out. Other things I will buy if I come across them include: Numismatic posters, odd tokens, high denomination world banknotes, and anything that catches my eye.
3) I consider myself a collector and wish to become a scholar.
4) I am frequently corresponding with various numismatists, as well as being active on various numismatic websites (including these forums).
5) I am the librarian and YN Representative for my local coin club. I received third place in the YN Literary Awards contest last year.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Nice thread.
1) started in 1957 but stopped after a few years. Started again in the early 90's but stopped again after a few years.
2) Finally started again a couple of years ago and went pretty much wild with Lincoln wheat backs including matte proofs
3) I just love coins but I have become pretty good with the matte proof Lincolns, recognizing and grading them.
4) I am involved on a day to day basis. Searching the internet, looking at books and my coins with some serious passion.
5) I also have a Red Book collection (just started a thread about it). I'm very interested in Astronomy and have a nice 8" Celestron telescope. The weather here is bad though, lots of cloudy days. I also am deep into music, have a degree in it and still play out with a group even though I'm getting up there in years. (will be 68 this spring) I play several instruments and write music, as well as have some pretty good recording equipment right here at home to work with. I love animals, especially cats and dogs. I try to maintain optimism about my fellows but lately it has been a little bit tough. I wish we weren't so divided politically in the U.S. and the world.
1) So how many years would you estimate you have been active total?
4) I am similar, I love just picking a coin book off my shelf and reading it.
5) Which musical instruments do you play? I play the oboe. I also have two cats.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
1) What got you started?
2) The one coin per king/queen is a cool idea? Do you have a particular metal you prefer?
3) Have you considered writing an article about your quest to get one coin per king/queen?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
I would say total is probably something like a dozen years but really I've never been completely out of it. So if I think of my interest as at least "embers glowing", it has been about 60 years!
I'm best on the piano (that is even more than 60 years!), guitar, bass guitar and a little woodwind experience from college. So I can play a little flute and saxophone but right now I'm terribly out of practice. Regarding the piano, I also play organ and even though one would think they're the same, the techniques to performance are different.
Do you play the oboe with other musicians or in an orchestra or group? I love the oboe! Listening to classical oboe concertos are especially joyful for me.
I understand the "embers glowing" thing. This is part of the reason why I am into collecting numismatic literature. Even when you aren't buying new coins, you can still be learning about what you love.
Is there a particular reason you chose flute and saxophone?
I play my oboe in my school band, and also take private lessons. I used to be part of a children's' symphony. I also love the oboe. Now whenever I hear the oboe in whatever music (like movie soundtracks) I can immediately identify it, which I think is cool.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Is there a particular reason you chose flute and saxophone?
Actually "They made me do it". In music school at college, the program I was in required you to take "applied" instrumentation. That meant you were given a basic working knowledge of the different instruments in case you got a job as a band director. That way you could help the kids with technical playing issues and also be able to figure out "who should play what" if you were putting together a performing orchestra or band.
I was more passionate about the woodwinds because I like jazz too. So it was natural for me to work harder at the flute and sax while during the instrument survey. The music school had instruments they owned to loan to students. They only had one saxophone! (lol) It was in pitiful shape. I still enjoyed it though and wish that I had kept up with it more.
Oh yes, now that you mention it, I believe I remember my band director talking about how he had to do this as well. Have you ever played in a jazz band? Do you play alto, tenor, or bari sax?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
**20 years casually, 9 years actively, and 2 years dedicated to my registry sets
**Jefferson Nickels and varieties, Omaha Bank Hoard labels, various eye catchers. **_
I collect, sell upgrades and lost interest items, extensive visual research, moderate reading research. I aspire to be a scholar of coins someday and I am obsessed enough to wish this was a full time job, source of income, or career
I've been off work for a hot minute... so I am on this forum daily now, i sell leftovers on eBay, and I am in contact with several registry members and collectors/dealers
I have other interests that I cycle thorough, Collectibe lego sets and figures, painting and art, buying and selling silver and occasional gold (this has financed most of my registry)
I am on the autism spectrum as an Aspie, level 1, or Aspergers. This makes special interests like collecting very focus and driven to the point it's all I pay attention to sometimes. It also makes human social interaction strenuous. I am active in varying degrees within the autism community online, and correspond with folks around the world. I have contributed my art to posters, ad campaigns, and a book in the United Kingdom.
I have had many jobs and a few careers, military service OEF and related 2001-2005, electrician, reef and coral aquarium keeper-specialist, did the Mr Mom thing for a year.
I love coins of all sorts and hope to assemble various type sets in addition to my Aspie Rocco Jefferson sets.
Alto was the only one they had that I could practice on. Tenor would have been better, but I didn't have a choice. I've played in some jazz groups over the years but never played any woodwinds. In those groups it was guitar, piano or organ.
How many Omaha Bank Hoard labels do you have?
What is your eBay?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
For OBH labels, So far I have 4- cents, 1 quarter, 1 half, and 12 nickels. If I can score a buffalo and a dime I'll have an OBH type set
My eBay id is:
Here is an older photo of a group I have
If any has any OBH coins they want to let go... or if you see any on eBay id appreciate a heads up. If I get one I'll send you a buck or two? As I can afford I buy and would show appreciation Finders fee.
1) 24 years. I started young, so I should still have many years ahead.
2) I'm a hopeless generalist. Everything that is, or was, money interests me. In an attempt to bring some semblance of focus to the collection, I've decided to make the core of it one coin (or banknote) of historical significance from each century since coins were first struck. I started at the beginning with an electrum Lydian coin, but I'm so picky about what to fill the other holes with that I'm left vulnerable to impulse buys while waiting for the right coin to come up for the core collection.
3) "Hoarder" might be most appropriate given my conscious lack of focus, but "collector" is probably a kinder label. I care more about the history behind the coins, than the amount of modern-crap greenbacks I could get for parting with them.
4) I've been the president of our local coin club for the past decade, following in the footsteps of a dealer friend who always promoted the educational side of the hobby. We must be doing something right, because we have an active membership, and even about a dozen kids involved.
5) I've been a collector for as long as I remember. I started with Star Wars action figures (no I didn't keep them in box). Other than coins, the hobby that's gotten the most attention are collectible card games. I'm a collector, and a gamer, so CCGs are a hobby I can do both with.
That's a cool group. Thanks for sharing.
OK, then why did you comment?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
That is a really cool collection! How long did it take you to assemble?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
I am a generalist too (at least in part). When I was first starting, I bought everything I could afford. I have started organizing myself so I would stop running out of room. But that is a good idea! It is amazing you have so many kids in your club! What kind of programs/outreach do you have? I am the only YN who attends my coin club meetings regularly.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
OK, because I do not want to argue eith you, why is that your opinion?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
1) How long have you been collecting?
Since I was a child in the mid 1970s
2) What are you currently collecting?
Walkers--I am especially fond of early Walkers
3) Do you consider yourself an investor, collector, scholar, dealer, etc? (You can be multiple)
I have the passion and mindset of a collector but I am also a long term investor. I am a researcher and a voracious reader of numismatics. I also like to study market prices & trends and the history and nuances of each issue in the series.
4) How are you involved in numismatics on a day-to-day basis?
I chat here and ATS daily and do a lot of internet research (articles & other websites). I try to attend at least 3-4 shows a year.
5) Any additional information about you (this can be ANYTHING).
I am a finance guru and follow securities & PMs markets. I like guns, knives & other antiques. I love the outdoors and am very much into fitness & sports.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
I put those together in the last 12 months. Most of them came in the last two months since I got into the OBH label.
Love these for some reason. I read only the dimes 46-64 can be completed as a set from this Hoard, but no other denominations. I have seen as early as 1937 and late as 1971 on holders.
Yes, but I am asking why you do not want to reveal that information. I am curious.
I also happen to disagree. I believe argument can be good, but not on these forums. These are a pleasant place for discussion .
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
1) How long have you been collecting? 39 years.
2) What are you currently collecting? Wristwatches, particularly Bulova Accutron and Omega. Ocean liner and airship memorabilia.
3) Do you consider yourself an investor, collector, scholar, dealer, etc? (You can be multiple) Dealer/scholar.
4) How are you involved in numismatics on a day-to-day basis? I am the Texas Regional Rep for ANACS- only on weekends.
5) Any additional information about you (this can be ANYTHING). I specialize in 20th century varieties and Morgan/Peace VAMs. I sell on eBay.
We have a Junior Coordinator who does a short program/activity with the kids during the break in the meeting. Beyond that, the kids participate in different ways depending on their interests. Some like to show off their latest find in our Show-and-Tell segment, others like "running" for our monthly auction (delivering lots to their winners, as they are sold). Whenever I do one of the various drawings during our meeting, I always have a junior draw the ticket. The Coordinator gives them "points" for participating each meeting.
Once a year we hold a Junior Auction where the YNs get tickets for the points they earned during the year, and place them in containers next to various prizes donated by the members. Then we do a drawing for each prize (back-up prizes are on hand for the occasional junior who doesn't win a drawing). It's fun to see how the kids decide how to divide up there tickets. Some put them all in a few prizes they really want, while others spread them around for a chance to win multiple prizes.
The other big event we do is put together Christmas bags filled with goodies donated from club members, and give them out to the juniors at our Christmas party. We usually end up with a few extra bags which we auction off to benefit the club (and give us old folks a shot at the loot). We also raffle off a Mexican gold two, or two-and-a-half, peso to the juniors at that meeting.
The kids who don't have a collector parent in the club seem to stick with it for a year or two, then probably move on to other interests, but new ones take their place regularly. Oh, the YNs also make 8 1/2 x 11 mini-posters of what they like to collect, and why. We make a display out of them that we have out at our annual coin show to promote the club and our junior program.
1) 68 years
2) Coins that attract me... have done series, I like gold and silver.
3) Collector
4) This forum, my coins, internet sites.
5) Tactical firearm instructor, spelunker, knife collector, old playing card deck collector, Former U.S. Navy etc.
Cheers, RickO
1) Started collecting about 18 years ago (with a few breaks till present time) though I was a collector since I was a kid. My most recent "serious phase" has been for the past 5 years or so. The first coin I purchased from a coin dealer was when I was 13 and it was an 1803 large cent.
2) I collect medieval European coins.
My primary focus is British Anglo-Saxon coins, with a subfocus on the coinage of Northumbria (8th-9th century) called stycas. My collection goal is to obtain one coin of each monarch by each moneyer. I am making progress, about 75% complete. When/if finished, it will probably be one of the most comprehensive sets of this particular area outside of museums.
I also collect early British Anglo-Saxon sceattas, and later Anglo-Saxon pennies.
My US interests include bust half dimes and bust half dollars.
3) I am a collector and lack the time and discipline to be a scholar. However I do try to read as much as I can.
4) I am fairly involved, belong to a couple of coin clubs which meet regularly, keep in touch with other collectors, and browse dealer inventories regularly.
5) Not much else here. Given my unusual coin interests, you probably have me profiled as a weirdo, which is not that off the mark.
I started in the mid 1980's but took about 30 years off to raise a family. Took up coins again to try my hand at E-Bay selling when I lost my job in 2009 (like about 12 million others did).
I collect a bit of this and that. I (pretend) to know Morgan's best).
I buy anything, re-sell most then invest the profits in coins I keep. My collection, while not large, was essentially free.
I read the boards and review auctions almost every day.
This hobby is rewarding and has exciting moments. There are sharks to avoid.
Sounds totally awesome and fascinating! Can you share photos of your coins/ collection? I would like to see unique uncommon things like that.
Which kinds of airships?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
I am sure many different publications would accept an interesting article about it. It is a unique topic.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
That is a really cool idea! How many coins would a complete set consists of? I would also love to see some pictures.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
What is your eBay? What kind of coins do you collect in general?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Wow, that is really cool! Perhaps I will pitch the idea to my club. But how do you get kids into the club initially? Thanks!
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
What kind of set are you forming of large cents? Date set, sheldon variety set, etc.?
As for spending more money on books, I fully support that!
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Date set, but I am also a sucker for late die states and have duplicates of some dates because the coins were made using shattered dies or because they are interesting varieties.
RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'
CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
I thought it was all about the coin!
1) I started filling Whitmans at 8 or 9, began buying low-grade Lincoln uncs at the local Woodward & Lothrup (they had a coin section on the first floor) and as per usual, found better uses of my money as a teen. Resumed interest after the kids got through with college, and have been active again since about 1999. I'm 71 now.
2) I'm collecting classic and modern gold, and modern silver and platinum now, as well as random stuff (mostly ancients) that pique my interest. I've had collections of Lincolns, Washington quarters, Franklin halves and three-cent nickel proofs, but I've sold most of them, save for the 3CNs.
3) I'm a collector.
4) I frequent this place often, and have for years. I never miss a FUN show, but otherwise my activity in the hobby is limited. I've met fascinating people and made great friends over the years through this hobby, though; isn't it amazing the breadth of people that the hobby draws, who have so little in common otherwise!?
5) I'm a retired psychologist, who especially enjoyed writing. I very much enjoy history, family and foreign languages.
Fun thread. Thanks!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Zeppelins, particularly the Los Angeles (LZ-126), Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) and Hindenburg (LZ-129)
I have been collecting for 53 of my 60 years. I have a complete to R-6 rarity draped bust heraldic eagle half dollar reference set, and have not bought a coin for 5 years.
My current and future emphasis in numismatics is research of early Mint and US engravers prior to 1830, which includes research from many government and private historical archives. I have purchased for research many 18th century illustrated books published in the US, congressional reports of Mint information, and other interesting stuff.
I have also cataloged early Washington State medals for the past 30 years, and possibly will publish this information down the road in 10 years. So many interests, so little time...
We tend to get the biggest influx after our coin show in June. We advertise a scavenger hunt for kids at the show, and we seem to get quite a few families participating in it each year. It's fairly simple with a list numismatic trivia questions (often related to the current year's ATB quarters), with the answers posted in different places around the room. The hunt starts at a table we have devoted to those junior exhibits, staffed with club members to talk about our club, and the programs for the juniors. A few sign up each year, and the activity seems to generate some good interest. Good luck on your mission to bring more YNs into your club!
1) How long have you been collecting?
Since around 1967 - so I guess about a million years
2) What are you currently collecting?
I I like early Amercian coinage, Bust, Seated, a few Barbers, Standing and Walking Libs. I am interested in old gold, but it's a bit out of my pay grade.
3) Do you consider yourself an investor, collector, scholar, dealer, etc? (You can be multiple)
Collector for sure, try to be a scholar but many others appear much better at that than I, not really an investor- I've probably only sold 5 or 6 coins.
4) How are you involved in numismatics on a day-to-day basis?
Try to read as many websites as possible, talk with friends when I can, books.
5) Any additional information about you (this can be ANYTHING).
I have to limit my interest as too many things seem to catch my interest. Sometimes I see a cool medal or token that catches my eye and need to talk myself out of it. Given a billion dollar lotto, I could go through it pretty fast.
Could I see some pictures of a shattered die cent from your collection?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Is most of your collection slabbed, raw, or is there no big majority?
I also love meeting people and having conversations with various numismatists.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Have you written any articles about your research?
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Thank you so much for the help!
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year