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1974 "Faceless Lincoln" Penny?

Jsara226Jsara226 Posts: 6
edited March 4, 2017 12:35PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Hey all!

I was going through some old change I had sitting around and found this penny that struck me as odd. I actually remember setting it aside the day I got it because of how strange it was to me. Apparently it got mixed back into my regular change by mistake. As you can see it appears that the Lincoln and the memorial are just silhouettes of what should be there (as far as details are concerned). I first thought it was just worn out, but the more I looked at it and felt it, I realized that it wouldn't be as smooth as it is and it would probably have quite a bit of pitting marks on the surface if it had been filed down by pavement or something else. Also, the outline of the silhouette is almost an exact outline and not distorted all over the place as it would be if it were to be filed down. The other thing about this coin that made me wonder was that the background of the penny is completely normal. I tried finding one that looked like this and couldn't find anything. I wanted to know what you all thought and if you can solve my mystery! Thank you!


Best Answers

  • ModCrewmanModCrewman Posts: 4,039 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Welcome aboard.

    In my opinion, it's post mint damage (PMD). When wondering if you have found the next great error coin, it's probably best to ask yourself first "What post mint things could have happened to this coin to cause what I'm seeing?" There are far more ways for a coin to be damaged after it leaves the mint than there are in the mint. Especially when you find one that looks as well travelled as the one you have...think "damage" before you think "error." We all started where you are, so keep asking questions.


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