Benjamin Franklin Fuld-153 counterstamps on large cents

I recently ran across this Brunk F-431 Fuld-153 counterstamp on a 1841 Large Cent which I thought was pretty neat.
The Fuld-153 die was made by F.C. Key & Sons in Philadelphia.
Any thoughts on who could have made this? Are there any known owners of the Fuld-153 die that could have made this?
Found some more information from a Stacks auction for another specimen that sold for $1,200 at 2015 Baltimore.
Was Nagy or any of his associates known to have used old dies?
I just found the following E-Sylum articles on Stephen Kenneth Nagy, Jr.
Given Nagy and John W. Haseltine were close associates, and that Haseltine is known to have made restrikes, it seems quite possible that he could have been prompted to use a die that he came into possession of.
Steve Hayden sold the example in the OP for $1400 in 2011
Great find Jonathan. I like how the Liberty band is more evident in the Hayden photos. Looks like someone may have gotten quite a deal on this.
Still looking for a photo of the following:
Steve also offered Fuld-153 struck over a 1838 Mexican 4 Real, ex. John Ford, in Mail Bid Sale #39 Closing February 9, 2014.
Found 3 more specimens so now we have:
1849 Large Cent
1856 Large Cent
Here's what Google turns up for the Hannigan 1841 specimen:
It's hard to be sure this is an 1841 piece because it's hard to make out a 4 in the date.
Interesting.... there must be a story behind these... Interesting project for research. Cheers, RickO
Old Thread Update
Here's an 1840 that sold on April 22, 2019 for $737.44 by Steve Hayden.
I find the reverses fascinating as they seem to come in different conditions with the overstrike.
George and Melvin Fuld indicate in "Patriotic Civil War Tokens" that these were struck as late as 1940.
Anyone know who did these restrikes and the ownership history of the die?
Stack's mentioned Philadelphia dealer Stephen Kenneth Nagy, Jr. (1884-1958) owned the die. Given the timing, can these be attributed to him?