Check out this recent PCGS submission of 50 Morgan $1's...47 of 50 are PL, 10 of 50 have a + or CC
Anyone think they know what this was about? I believe it was a big TrueView submission.
I'll say one thing.....I hope it shipped USPS Registered® Mail.
Todd must have lots of photos at FUN
I think I know whose submission that is
I did a regrade submission on part of my set to get Trueviews and maybe some upgrades. (12 out 50 upgraded)
The big ones were 1879 64PL to 65PL, 1885-S 64PL to 65PL, 1921 64PL to 65PL, 1921-D 64PL to 64+PL
Not one MS 67. What's a guy gotta do?
Finally, my submission popped!
In truth, I'm on business day 25 for my modern sub. It should post any day now!?!
Seeing all these higher tier coins makes me realize my moderns have taken a back seat to the heavy hitters, which is totally understandable with the holidays and upcoming shows.
OT - I swear I saw a counterfeit 1980 nickel on one shared order. Anyone catch that?
WOW! Very nice!
If the grade don't fit you got to resubmit. Ha Ha.
Now that the 84-o, 87 and 98-o got to 66+, I will have to try again sometime for the 67.
They all have a pretty big jump in price from 66+ to 67.
My submission should have been done on 12/05/2016, but actually took 3+ weeks longer. With the holidays I assume things move slowly.
My coins arrived at pcgs 11/16... any idea when they should be done???
My "regular" order was booked on 11/14 and shipped 12/30. If your order was "regular" service level it should be soon.
You can always give customer service a call and see if they have more info.
That's an awesome submission!
Awesome, thank you. I also have a variety on the submission, does that add to the time?
Depending on the variety, it could add to the time if they have to get the "right" person to review it.
Do they go faster with downgrades?
Oh holy hell. Wish I was the grader opening that submission
somebody sure thinks PL's are nicer than DMPL's. Not one dmpl in the lot.
Wish it were mine....dreams.
The DMPL's will be in a future submission.
I didn't want to throw off the grader's rhythm, since they only spend a few seconds per coin
That's one hell of a submission all right. WOW!!
A 21 PL in 65. Are you kidding me
With the cert of the Beast, no less
By the way, I really learned something having some of my coins submitted for re-grade. I have been mainly a buyer of coins for the last 15 years and other than a raw submission back in 2007, this year was the first year that I submitted any coins for re-grade.
Based on the coins that got an upgrade, I have learned that overall eye appeal and luster will overcome what I thought was a grade limiting contact mark. My focus when purchasing was mostly focused on contact marks and depth of mirrors on PL/DMPL coins. Since all of these coins were purchased via online auction without a buyer rep or viewing in hand it was a lot harder to figure out the which coins had "the look" based on Ebay photos or other auction site pictures. Picture quality from 10+ years ago vs today are much improved.
A regrade submission on some of your older purchases, may give you confirmation that your on the right track in your acquisitions, if you get any upgrades.
Yeah, That's one thing I figured out back in 2005. Selling off my non PCGS PL/DMPL coins.
I drank the Kool-aid and figured out it was best to focus only on PCGS coins if you are collecting PL/DMPL Morgans.
1921 65PL is certainly a sweet coin! NICE! In looking at the coin, it looks better than 65 so I can see a top pop in her future!
I am a bit surprised that at least 1 out of 20 did not upgrade to DM.
I asked that question in a previous thread about getting a designation upgrade on a re-grade submission.
People say it happens but I'm not so sure when it comes to PL Morgans.
I have quite a few PL and DMPL Morgans that I can compare between.
I have owned a couple of different 1901-O in 64 DMPL, this 65PL has deeper mirrors than both of those.

It's almost impossible to get a later date (190x) Morgan in DMPL under today's standards.
I agree on 21, that it still has more upgrade potential. That one little tick in front of the nose might hold it back.

That is a very impressive lot of Morgans... Congratulations.... Cheers, RickO
hold back as well as in front of the chin
Definitely a cherry picked group for imaging, etc.. No one is good enough buying raw coins to get one top result after another.
A 21-D in 64+pl. That is a coin I would love to see.
I agree on the post 1900 DMPL's. I have 3 1901-O's in DMPL and always have people wanting to borrow them to resubmit with their coins trying to get DMPL. Same on the 1902-O's.
Just noticed the 1885-S in 65PL. That is another great coin.
Here is the Trueview of the 21-D.

This is one that I thought had some grade limiting marks on the cheek.
But for a 21-D PL it's pretty "flashy", the graders must have agreed.
See that's why I keep it privet all the time......
Hoard the keys.
Also none of the CC's made a plus grade. Interesting.
Yeah, I thought they were suppose to grade the CC's easy, so I put them all at the front so they would rain down 67's and 68's on me
A little background on the 1921-D that I purchased off Ebay as a BIN for $699 back in 2007, which was a very good price.
After I checked out and paid for the coin, I had to message the seller to actually make sure there was a D on the coin.
Based on these pics by the seller I wasn't sure >
Really nice submission! I am glad that they opted for Secure with TrueViews so all of us can see them! I think that someone finally found a time machine and was hanging around the mint on first striking day.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
That's a very nice coin that images like a 63+. It must look much stronger in-hand to warrant a 64+ grade.
P.S. Here's a larger image of the obverse from Coinfacts.

Got to be a joy to be the holder of this 1921-D $1
64+ that's a grade!!!!