"LordM's Epic Treasure Hunting Game" (on CoinTalk)

In typical LordM fashion, it's a sprawling, overcomplicated, Rube Goldberg sort of contraption at the moment.
But that's because we're still in the early stages of the game, which should run for several months if not a year or more.
It's still a bit messy and being tinkered with, but should settle into a smoother-running routine fairly soon.
It should be fun for all, and everyone who scores points will get something. It is not a "winner take all" affair.
Points will be redeemable for real (non-dug) coin prizes or modest PayPal gift payments at various times in the game (or can be saved up and accumulated until the end of the game).
Check it out.
For every CU MD Forum member (or CU Forum member in general) who joins up and posts over there in the game thread, I am offering 25 free points in the game to start you off, just as a bonus for coming on over.
Remember the "Virtual Treasure Hunts" of days gone by on this forum? This is vaguely similar, but will have hundreds of targets.
OK LordM.... have not been to Cointalk.... will have to check it out.... not much time for extra forums...this old guy is constantly busy...but could be fun... Cheers, RickO
Wow, you're really putting a ton of work into that one!
For your amusement, I looked at it just after you posted the "spooky clue" for DD-011.
My first thought was 1951 Franklin half, as in "Bride of Frankenstein" (insert facepalm icon here!) and "Area 51". Now that the correct answer has been posted, I see that my failure to recognize the first picture threw me off.
I'll stick to this forum for now, but will check the thread every once in a while!
Apparently I have been a member of Coin Talk for 6 years. Forgot that I had joined.
I did the same thing. Joined in 2007. Maybe posted ten times, then came back here to CU.
Just started posting again there this September.