Lincoln Cent Wheat Ear Reverse Design Origin?
Hello fellow Numismatists,
Since starting out, I have learned about a majority of the variances in the design for Lincoln Cents. Although for most of the designs I can conclude what the designers intended, in regards to the wheat ears from 1909-1958, I can not find any information regarding the subject online.
Does anyone know a concrete reason as to why V.D.B. chose the wheat ears for the initial reverse design back in 1909?
"I will prepare, and some day my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln
"I will prepare, and some day my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln
Calling RogerB..... I would wager he has some information on this.... Cheers, RickO
Explanation is in the book, "Renaissance of American Coinage 1909-1915." The composition was evidently original with Victor Brenner. Readers can buy the book for their personal reference library. Book is also available on loan through the ANA (for members) and via interlibrary loan (ILL) at public libraries. ANA charges 2-way postage and libraries add a small handling charge - $3 in the County where I live.
The wheat ears are from "durum wheat" which is grown all over the world. Makes great pasta. It's the wheat that feeds the world. Can't tell you why Brenner chose it.
Would love to know more about why Brenner chose this. Of interest, he originally spelled the country's name with "VNITED" but that was rejected by Roosevelt.
Ah pasta..... great idea... I make a fantastic sauce... (won three cooking contests)....Yep, durum wheat...the base for most pasta... except gluten free .... Wow... how fast I got derailed.... got to go start my sauce.
Cheers, RickO
Thank you all for your replies. However, I asked why V.D.B. chose the design (versus what the design is based off of). Could anyone add on to RogerB's post and explain the reasoning?
"I will prepare, and some day my chance will come." - Abraham Lincoln