Changing my disdain of silver
I have uncharacteristically and against past personal history....changed my outlook
Heavy! Not worth enough to contain any substantial wealth.
BUT..... with the "controls" of new laws on cash transactions, it may be the only
metal you can liquidate when you .....WANT.... to. And for small enough price.
Face it, generally speaking, modern Americans are stupid.
They know nothing about the history of gold and WHEN it is irreplaceable as an asset.
This STUPIDITY will bite you in the ass.
Modern Americans are so stupid that they have given up everything to the ...government.
Which brings me to my theory that government has now ...WON!
Sorry to say, but it sure looks like it.
In the event of using metal for barter, what the hell can you barter for gold?
Need a spare ranch?
Where can you even SELL gold if the idiocy started this month in India spreads where
large currency bills are now REPUDIATED?
May the new Indian edict destroy their country. Repudiation of money is the sign of REALLY bad things to come.
If you're counting on bartering with PM's stack pre-1965 US silver coins.
My PM plans don't really include SHTF scenarios. They do include continued watering down of the currency.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
I agree that our populace is dumbed down. So, as long as they have a phone and internet access there is artificial intelligence which will never teach history. Cash is not king. That's Zuckerberg's title alone ... bwahahaha.
Absolutely. When I sold off my Ag, it was only the .999 rounds.
I kept and am keeping the bags of 90%.
For your reasons
PLUS....the absolute FIRESTORM any effort to confiscate would create.
"Yew wonts us fokes ta gib up ouah COINS thet we has SAVED UP?"
Nope. Never happen.
I will also never replace ...generic rounds.
I perceive them as a glut.
And new investors want ASEs.
I have about as much silver bullion than I can carry all by myself, and do not want any more than that.
Additional "hard money" investment goes to higher density gold, platinum, and rare coins (most of which are silver)
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Two months worth of US 90% is the way to go, IMO
I have a client with a 55 gallon drum full of Morgan $'s that he calls junk.
Same here. Even threw out my back lifting it to dump it at higher prices.
Just now replenishing the stupid stack.
Kinda fun.
But I still prefer.....GOLD !!!!!
"If it ain't gold, I no hold" - comrade renski
90% is, and has been where it's at for some time. It allows, by far, the largest margin %-wise when selling it. Conversely it allows the most room to negotiate when buying. If you buy and sell it right, it's by far the best.
All just speaking from personal experience and performance of course.
But as was mentioned, I wouldn't want to have to carry it somewhere if I was suddenly displaced in a shtf scenario.
I agree that monster boxes of silver are heavy and worrisome to ship due to the weight.
That being said I do prefer gold....but with the current ratio of 70:1
I'm not sure if I would trade 70 oz silver for 1 oz of gold.
The Eagles are easier to sell in small quantities. However, holding SMALL quantities affects almost nothing.
_I agree that monster boxes of silver are heavy and worrisome to ship due to the weight.
That being said I do prefer gold....but with the current ratio of 70:1
I'm not sure if I would trade 70 oz silver for 1 oz of gold._
This summarizes in a nutshell why stackers eventually gravitate towards gold (or platinum). But, at 70:1 it does seem prudent to ask yourself if silver isn't undervalued.
It does give one pause about what to buy. Portfolio theory would dictate that keeping an existing target ratio intact is a prudent move. Time to recalculate the ratios while prices are "low".
I knew it would happen.
The only thing you can depend on is change.... the markets will fluctuate, cycles will to have both in reasonable quantities. Cheers, RickO
gold or silver? Which has the most upside potential?
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
Dollars gained = gold, Percent of gain = silver. Cheers, RickO
Which has the most upside potential?
I'm calling it - silver at this time. (But, derryb - haven't you been favoring silver for at least a couple of years now?)
I knew it would happen.
gold or silver? Which has the most upside potential?
Gold is likely to decline by a smaller percentage, due to almost everyone hating it less.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
That doesn't make any sense. Unless one invests unequal dollar amounts. But I don't believe that was the question.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I stack both, I do favor silver because ot continues to offer the most longterm upside of the two. GSR confirms it.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
I had to slow on the silver and even get rid of some of junk because of the bulk of it. I understand the GtoS ratio but that's good if you can handle doing all three steps correctly buy/hold/sell at the right times. I'll be happy with a big unusual spike to sell some more, but I maybe waiting awhile.
Silver to me seems to have more upside. But I like all metals, Gold, Silver and PGMs.
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lol, i cant believe you didnt get that coho...
I don't think in terms of individual price moves. Percentage change is the only move thats important. Maybe that's why so many have problems with their finances.
Glad to see your still hanging around rawteam.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Indeed it's a quandary...