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1884 CC Morgan pickup

SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭

I'm MUCH more of a Peace dollar guy than a Morgan guy, but every now and then I'll find a Morgan dollar that has a look that appeals to me, and the price is right, so I'll go for it.

I was at a local coin club meeting earlier this year. During the show and tell period of the meeting one of the members, who is also a vest pocket dealer, mentioned that he had just picked up an assorted collection of Morgans, and showed us some of them. I really liked the '84 CC, and after the meeting asked the member if he wanted to sell it, and if so, what did he want to sell it for? He said yes, and the price was very reasonable, so I snapped it up. FWIW, I'd grade it a MS63+. The images are by Bob Campbell, and I think he did an excellent job. For the obverse image I used a pic that emphasizes the color, but as you can see from the reverse image, there is actually a LOT of luster underlying the color on the obverse.


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