Does Lady Liberty Have a Better Chance Now?
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Back in 2013, Andy Barr (R-KY) of the House introduced H.R. 2535 to put Lady Liberty back on US dimes, quarters, half dollars. The bill was not taken up and he mentioned that he's been frustrated in moving an agenda forward. Does Lady Liberty have a better chance now? What needs to happen to get a bill like H.R. 2535 through?
Dead on arrival unless someone comes up with a detailed proposal that appeals to the political party in power. A coin featuring Ronald Reagan would have a much better chance of becoming reality. Lady Liberty has been exiled to the land of bullion "coins".
Liberty should be on the front, eagle on the back.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
For this act, Lady Liberty would be on the front. I wonder if the ANA or other collector organizations supported this.
This is essentially the 24K gold American Liberty High Relief coins and silver medals that the mint is producing.
It's different because H.R. 2535 is for circulating coins - gold coins and medals don't circulate (now). From the article (emphasis mine):
This type of Lady Liberty on the obverse of circulating coinage is what many people on the forums have been asking for. That there is a sitting representative pushing for this means it has a better shot than before. Hopefully everyone that wants this is writing their Congressmen, Andy Barr, the ANA, etc. Writing to PCGS may not hurt either as PCGS has experience working with the government on legislation.
Yes, I know the proposal was for circulating coins. But the legislation went nowhere, and the mint's new series fits exactly what the bill stated should be on the coin. They even kept the name American Liberty, and the first coin was produced in 2015.
That's probably not a coincidence, but I don't have the time to do the research to see if they were actually related...
I would really like to see this become reality.... and stop with the dead presidents etc....I could accept the Washington quarter, since he was the first President and a truly remarkable man.... other than that.. let's go to Liberty and American symbolism.... Cheers, RickO
Liberty should replace Lincoln on the penny.
It would be great to use the St. Gaudens cent design. Perhaps for the last cent before the denomination is discontinued?
Place a different portrait of Liberty on the obverse of each denomination, and use new separate, distinctive reverse designs. Relegate all others to various commemoratives. Use modern design from the very best sculptors - and pay them properly: at least $25,000 for a coin design. Do not use century-old retreads.
Add a $5 bimetallic coin and eliminate the cent, five-cent and half dollar.
Roger, did any discussions of that sort arise while you were on CCAC? Did you have any discussions on H.R. 2535 and putting Lady Liberty back on circulating coins?