Home Metal Detecting

Possibly my last hunt ever.

My wife and I went to Wisconsin for almost three weeks from October 6th to October 25th. With visiting sons, daughters , grandson and other family members, I did find time to go out and swing the coil four times. Nothing fantastic, but I found the following.
Zincoln pennies...45
Wheat pennies..... 2 Both 1941
Clad dimes........... 32
Clad quarters....... 66
Total........ $20.22
I found my 82 year old arms and legs are not what they used to be. I did enjoy it though. I may get to Spokane, Washington next summer and I might be able to go again. I hope everyone is finding good things. I don't recognise this site anymore. MDH


  • LeroyLeroy Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    " I found my 82 year old arms and legs are not what they used to be."

    Today's muscle cars aren't what they used to be either, but there's a lot of the old ones still running strong.

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @metaldetectinghound...Hang in there... the exercise is good and the finds are stimulating....and there must be opportunity where you live.....You have lots of good hunts left... Cheers, RickO

  • mariner67mariner67 Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    Excellent advice RickO!!

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  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I know what you mean, MDH. I'm only 50, but physically feeling the toll of morbid obesity and weaker knees. Ain't hangin' the 'tector up yet by any means, but I only get out a couple of times a year now.

    Maybe if I got out more, my physical situation would actually improve some, but I can certainly sympathize with your plight.

    I dunno about you, but I relive fond memories of my outings and can still vividly, almost photographically, recall the best hunts of even a quarter century ago or more.

    Even if I were never to detect another day, I certainly have no regrets about the hundred upon thousands of hours I have spent at it.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,803 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I too have issues with age related problems. New shoulder (of course my right and I'm right handed). Working with weights for it and hoping to put off having to buy a harness. However, you might just look into them for yourself.
    Be well, my friend,

    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have heard, on other forums, that those harnesses for the MD work really well.... Cheers, RickO

  • I tried the swingy thing and it didn't work for me. It was too restrictive and I gave it away. I have arthritis and I find that over the winter when the weather isn't warm enough for me to go out often, I gain weight and am in more pain than I wish. In the summer when I'm out a lot and bending and swinging I'm doing great. Losing weight and in very little pain.

    The worst day detecting is better than the best day working.
  • coinpro76coinpro76 Posts: 366 ✭✭✭
    edited January 16, 2017 2:45PM

    I have been thinking of picking up the hobby, I do have a metal detector and I am in the market for a good pinpointer.
    Do you have any tips or advice for a novice?
    I live in Canada and I was thinking of hitting the beaches here on the westcoast however I do not know "Beach Law" as far as any discovery may go, I know if I find a personal piece with a name or anything and I can return it to its owner, its just good karma but as far as any coins or anything goes I am excited to get started. I have also been thinking of heading out to some ghost towns and doing some scouting. I have a friend who lives up in the Yukon who slangs tales of locals metal detecting near the sluice boxes in the old mining camps and pulling out thousands of dollars in old Morgans the old miners dropped!

    all around collector of many fine things

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow...MD'ing in the Yukon.... now THAT sounds exciting.... Cheers, RickO

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