Gold Merc vs. Classic Merc

So, I acquired a 2016 gold Merc today. I've looked at a few, and I've followed the threads here about the coin. I agree with most of what has been said. I'm not really interested in most mint products and I collect very few things that were "made for collectors." That aside, I love the designs of 1916 and the gold SLQ was nice enough that I decided to keep the one I bought to flip. This led to a desire to have the Merc too.
The coin that came today is graded SP70 by our hosts and is technically fabulous (thanks Mitch Spivak!!!) The design itself though is tremendously lacking in detail, and compared to the SLQ, even more cartoonish. 24k gold is one of the softest coinage metals available and should strike up almost any design perfectly. It's sad that so much of the fine detail was "smoothed over" in the reproduction. Ask any neophyte about the sign of a well-struck Merc and you'll hear "Full-Bands" every time.
I give you the wing detail of the cap of both the SP70 gold version and an MS68 silver version:
Hopefully the WLH will be struck more like the standing liberty and not the mercury. I just can't get too excited about the dime.
I agree. They are not the same animal, though I find the gold Merc to be rather fascinating in its own ways.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
It is actually a new design which was inspired by the original design. There was no attempt to exactly replicate the look of the 1916 coin.
For the sake of completeness, here's a photo of the whole coin. SP70 all the way:
Glad you liked the coin Bryce. That's PCGS perfection ! Wondercoin
Perhaps, but when the first samples were being shown at CSNS, people sure weren't inspired to like the new one.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
The US Mint had a zillion dollars ripped off from the numismatic economy, and a hundred years of progress in technology with which to work. What should have been a magnificent tribute to Weinman's art turned out to be a disappointment. They've already privatized our currency, letting the "Federal" Reserve print anything they like. Time to privatize the Mint, put someone like Dan Carr in charge, and especially, stop the Congress from flooding the coin market with unimaginative junk.
my early American coins & currency: --
I certainly think the gold Merc should have replicated the original in all was (to me) a disappointment. Cheers, RickO
They are two different animals, not ment to be the same by design!
Here's a few comparison photos I did with my gold dime the day I got it in the mail:
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
And one w/ the gold dime and the 2016 Dan Carr Mercury Dime silver round
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
I figure by 2017 all will be going to melt pot, totally glad I didn't play along in the mint game this year.
Exactly, and that's a missed opportunity by the Mint. They could have stayed true to the original design which would have been more popular with collectors. I probably would have bought one if they did. Mercurys are not my series, but it is one of the classic designs. The technology exists and gold is easier to mint, as CertifiedGold mentioned, its hard to believe it wouldn't be cost effective. And they still could have made a ton of money.
Sure glad I don't go for any of the mint junk.