Free Larry and Max !!!

So it appears Larry and Max were banned from this forum.
I would just like to know exactly why?
Without good members of this forum it means nothing and Larry was someone who breathes life into this board.
Sorry but I can't let this go without some explanation and I genuely hope there is some mistake?
I would just like to know exactly why?
Without good members of this forum it means nothing and Larry was someone who breathes life into this board.
Sorry but I can't let this go without some explanation and I genuely hope there is some mistake?

Odd Future, Wolf Gang, KTA
Free Larry the Tank Thomas, owner of worlds greatest USN sets (PMG, PCGS)
Free Earl (Larry)
kurtisjohnson is my eBay ID
He has been one of the better contributors to the boards. I am considering a hiatus until either he returns, or there is a good reason for his banning.
This is the way to loose good members.
Who is Larry and how has he offended our hosts?
Although Jason and PCGS Currency bought this forum when he bought the PCGS Currency rights when they switched to the newer software they stripped their ability to even "sticky" our monthly special. Can we also assume PCGS Currency where also stripped of the ability to ban a member of our currency forum? Will Jason even be able to make post concerning this banning.
It has, by all the appearances, that CU is doing whatever (dirty tricks) it takes to chase away those "pesky" currency members.
larry510 is his ID.
Dad 1916-2014
maxcrusha was also banned
Dad 1916-2014
I will ask maxcrusha directly.
This looks like it could get interesting if this information is true.
Edit to add: most of us on the forums at that time, made comments to some degree or another.
guessing Larry may have made a comment at that time as well?
If they are banning everyone that made comments on the thread, there will be hardly any members left. If so, the currency boards are about to become VERY quiet, and VERY dull. Key word is if so.
maxcrusha was also banned
Wow wow ???????????????????
5$ bills are WOW with the numbers - wanted:
Wanted - Flipper notes with the numbers 6-9 or 0-6-9 ON 1$ 2$ 5$ 10$ 20$
Wanted - 10$ Sereis 2013 - fancy Serial Numbers
Is this some sort of post April fools day prank ?
I will ask maxcrusha directly.
This looks like it could get interesting if this information is true.
Edit to add: most of us on the forums at that time, made comments to some degree or another.
This is crazy... I wonder who else is gone?
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
sure going to miss Larry's high end 67/68Q pics
Dad 1916-2014
Well, guess I'll just hold my breath.
Looking for CU $1 FRN 20160523 - any series or block. Please PM
it was big
and UGLY
Jason and Laura had no say in this as they were stripped of their moderating and ownership rights in this Forum by CU.
Surprised I haven't been axed.
What I can 100% confirm is that they did ban Larry and Max (Greg) and they did it with no notification or "process". Basically they just decided to pull their plug and it seems that it is because of the JimRob thread.
If you cant call out a note doctor on a currency forum then there is a problem.
If you cant speak the truth on a forum then there is a problem.
If you cant trust the people in full control of the forum there is a problem.
If the people in control of the forum are tactically trying to destroy our little community then there is a problem.
Folks, it is time for someone (ideally the real PCGS Currency) to make a new forum specifically for Currency Collectors and it is time for the real PCGS Currency or actual members with this hobby's best interest in mind to be in control of the forum.
Someone needs to build it and we will come...
Although I can definitely understand where PCGS is coming from, it will no doubt have an adverse effect on the collecting communities ability to inform others in regards to dealers and collectors that practice unethical business practices. In short, PCGS is unintentionally protecting those that we need to be protected from.
Rule 1) This is not a public forum. This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers to exchange information regarding collecting US coins. We make the rules this is not a democracy.
Rule 2) Anyone posting crude or vulgar pictures or language will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.
Rule 3) Anyone attacking another poster or making disparaging personal remarks will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.
Rule 4) Anyone making libelous remarks concerning any individual, any company, or any other entity will no longer be allowed to post. No more warnings.
Rule 5) If you have nothing to contribute to an OP then do not post. Snide remarks and other negative comments will result in your losing your ability to post. No more warnings.
Rule 6) This forum is about US Coins. If your post is not directly related to US Coins then this is the wrong forum. Do not post it or your posting privileges may be removed.
Rule 7) This is a PCGS forum. Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or services are not allowed. Those posts will be removed and your posting privileges may be removed as well.
Rule 8) This forum is provided for the education and sharing of information. Not as a personal soapbox. If you want to learn and share information about US Coins you are welcome.
Rule 9) Your signature may contain multiple images and/or links but must be limited to a single line. If you would like additional advertising space on this site please contact our Advertising Department. Violators will have their posting privileges removed.
Rule 10) If you don't like any of the rules outlined above see Rule 1.
Edited: 8/8/2016 at 10:46 PM by Collectors Universe Moderator
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also, i think that thread went POOF
Reporting facts does not constitute libel.
Always looking for more depression scrip -- PM me if you have any for sale or trade
Very sad! I hope that they will be reinstated.
Two pillars of the forum - I learned a lot from Max - A huge collector & dealer
If they don't return to the forum, you will not see more of my crazy pictures
5$ bills are WOW with the numbers - wanted:
Wanted - Flipper notes with the numbers 6-9 or 0-6-9 ON 1$ 2$ 5$ 10$ 20$
Wanted - 10$ Sereis 2013 - fancy Serial Numbers
It is with great sadness that I feel I must stop participating in this forum. I do not want to contribute in any way to a company that I wholeheartedly disagree with how they are behaving. So I will express my opinion through my wallet and my cessation of participation in a forum what seems to be arbitrary and totalitarian control. I mean, they wont even give us a Currency Moderator and seem to have gone out of their way to ostracize this community. Well congratulations, you have succeeded in destroying a beautiful thing and I am moving on.
Well I decided to take my own advice and I just bought and I bought forum software. It is going to take some work but I am pretty pissed off currently so I will get it figured out.
Yes, we may loose all of our messages, threads, pictures ect... But we cant let this keep going on. It is only going to get worse and we are the only ones who are ACTUALLY IN CONTROL. We decide our own fate...
Join me at where it will be a community driven Paper Money Forum.
Please check out the Pledge / First Post.
Family, Neighborhood, Community,
make the World a better place.
This news makes for some difficult times as both have shown some really great notes and helped expand the knowledge base of collectors. I am sure many of us in the collecting community enjoyed seeing the outstanding collections they both presented for all of us to enjoy.
The TPG "war" of several years ago really thinned out the herd - especially on the national side - some temporarily and unfortunately several permanently. I fear this may be a repeat performance. Too bad as this has been a great place to exchange knowledge about a wide range of things paper.
The first claim (that Jason & Laura "banned whomever they didn't like") is false, and patently so. Nice try at spin.
The claim that CU owns this Forum (as opposed to merely hosting it for PCGS Currency) is currently the subject of a new lawsuit against CU. [BTW: CU lost the first lawsuit against PCGS Currency. Where is DBCoin now? Why aren't shareholders outraged by the massive cost of that failed litigation - all to prop up CU's failed venture back into currency grading?]
I've deleted a lot of my content and don't intend to contribute to this Forum again as long as CU is running rough-shot over matters.
If those in charge of the boards want a bunch of DBcoins and Borchgraves as members, that is their loss, and I have no sympathy for them.
I already have a membership on the PMG forums, and that is where I can be found until Max and Larry are reinstated.
Anyone is welcome to keep in touch.
Gnat is correct...our contention is that CU sold us this part of the message board back when they sold us PCGS Currency, and arbitrarily stole it back last year when our fiasco with them hit a new level of pettiness. Operationally, this seemed to be understood by both companies up until they stripped us of our administrative rights, deleted all of our advertising content, and removed all of our website links.
It is also true that, back when we rightfully had control over our own message board, we did occasionally ban people...sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently. I don't have a problem with the rules that PCGS applies to their forum because we usually apply very similar rules--although we very rarely did so without warning, and never did so without a very good reason. My problem is that they don't have the right to arbitrarily control our message board...but that's another lawsuit for another day...
President, PCGS Currency
twitter: @ActionCurrency
Quitting doesn't solve much. CU doesn't allow any ads on the currency pages. So they have to have the cost of hosting it without any revenue. It isn't like you are going to have people come here for the currency posts and then defect to coins or anything.
"Join me at where it will be a community driven Paper Money Forum."
Looks like a good alternative to this train wreck...
Borchgrave - you are not fooling anyone, you are obviously a pathetic Don Willis shill and everyone knows it. Same with CBCoins, of course.
LuckyBucks - Good call on the CU boycott, but don't hold your breath on a reinstatement of Larry and Greg and instead of choosing the ghost town that is the PMG forums -- well, see below.
There are alternate choices available, namely a new killer forum ( with much better look, feel and functionality that actually looks like it was designed in 2016 and not 2002. More options, less rigid, more welcoming to newcomers.
I am an infrequent poster here (but long-time lurker) but plan on being much more active over in the greener pastures. There is really no need for paper money collectors to be dependent on another hobby's arrogant greedy henchmen if you ask me.
Obviously it would be nice for PCGS Currency to prevail against CU again with this forums matter, but I don't think we need to wait any longer. Let's just get it moving now.
Hey Dopey Don - feel free to ban me as well, this is the last post I will be making here LOL
Our legal battle has so far been as successful as we had expected, and we would hope that rational thought will eventually take control at CU and work with us rather than against us...this whole fiasco could not have been a very good investment for the shareholders.
But until then, we will continue to fight to rightfully regain control over this message board and will continue to fight to protect all of the other investments that we have made in our business. We love this hobby, and it galls me to the core that this whole experience has done nothing but damage my enjoyment of what is otherwise my "dream job."
President, PCGS Currency
Somehow I've managed to make it through all of this without being banned. Count me as surprised.
Haha. Well at least it is a relief to know that the ban did not come from you guys, Jason.
As I mentioned in the other post, a mass exodus over to another forum really helps accomplish only what the upper management over at CU really wanted to accomplish all hurts the rightful owners of this message board.
It is unfortunate, but when the users of this forum can't discuss topics that are utterly essential to the health of the hobby, then we are forced to turn elsewhere.
I empathize with your perspective and lack of control over these decisions. Hopefully, you understand that any migration elsewhere is not a punishment - it's the only available solution to a very real problem.
As I mentioned in the other post, a mass exodus over to another forum really helps accomplish only what the upper management over at CU really wanted to accomplish all hurts the rightful owners of this message board.
Our legal battle has so far been as successful as we had expected, and we would hope that rational thought will eventually take control at CU and work with us rather than against us...this whole fiasco could not have been a very good investment for the shareholders.
But until then, we will continue to fight to rightfully regain control over this message board and will continue to fight to protect all of the other investments that we have made in our business. We love this hobby, and it galls me to the core that this whole experience has done nothing but damage my enjoyment of what is otherwise my "dream job."
I just do not think it is in our best interest to deal with the banning of active members,whose opinions are valued without it being warranted. I also dont think that discussing the tactics of sellers unscrupulous or not, should be out of bounds. It should be one of the exact things we are doing so we can lower the initial tuition all collectors have to pay. The less people who get financially harmed, the more collectors we retain.
In all honesty I think your interests are being harmed by your inability (not of your own fault) to moderate this forum effectively. Perhaps it turns out to benefit you in the future as damages.
Regardless you and Laura and the entire PCGS Currency Team are who we respect and want to do business with. I hope to see this resolved quickly but I know that not how these things usually work. Whenever it is resolved we will all still be behind you!