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"I took them home and looked at them later...." (updated)

ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
I'm pretty sure I’ve read those words here before, mostly by Ring Monster in Residence, pcgs69.

I thought I’d try that too. More specifically, a rather extreme form of it:

Back around 2006-07 I was doing a fair bit of water detecting and found lots of rings.
With such an embarrassment of riches, I didn’t look too carefully at everything…
A jar I looked into the other day contained quite a few rings. Might be worth another look..


One ring immediately stood out by just screaming “I am silver!”. I remembered this one from way back. I thought it was silver then too, but didn’t see any markings. Here it is:


But wait…. What’s that on the outside of the ring?..

Sterling silver. I must have looked at this with my naked eye only, and expecting the markings to be on the inside (like they normally are).
This is really tiny stuff.


Next up was a small ring that looked like crusty silver. After zapping it, it came out like this:


This is getting a bit embarrassing now, but I’ll take it!


That’s two sterling silver rings so far. I’m not even done with this batch yet. I actually think there may be more here.

I'll have to root through all my old stashes and have a second look! image
Finding them might be a bigger challenge than finding more rings in the wild though. This squirrel seems to forget where most of his stuff is. It's a miracle I'm making it through the winters... image

---Edited to add:

Going through those decade-old finds, I suddenly had a thought…

Two months ago I dug some stuff and posted this picture:


I just realized that I never checked out the ring in the bottom left corner. I just tossed it into a “2016 misc” jar along with other random stuff (costume jewelry, keys, bullets, buttons, etc)

I fished it out, and……


I believe there's a seam at the back that's given up. It was this way when found.

0.830 silver


Jeez. I really need to be more careful. At least there’s one rule I always follow:
I never throw finds away until I’m absolutely sure they’re trash.


Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro


  • pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
    Although I may wait until I get home to inspect the items, your 10 year wait is a bit extreme!

    Wow, quite the selection! You may even have a piece or two of gold hanging out in there.

    Looks like you got some good silver rings there. Any idea on age? Is 830 a common purity in your neck of the woods? That blue stone one, maybe '50s?

  • ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    830 is a common purity. The ring with the blue stone is a bit more recent than the 50s (it has a date stamp).
    Seeing 830 is kind of bad news, as this purity was introduced (for rings made here) in 1969. 813 is nicer, as that's what was commonly used for roughly 100 years prior.

    No idea on the other rings, somewhere in the 60s-80s range perhaps.
    The only thing I can say for sure is that they're older than 2008! image

    I don't think there are many more good rings on the plate. About half can be dismissed as junk very quickly, but there are at least 2 or 3 interesting ones that require some further investigation.
    Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice pile o' rings, there, O Scandinavian Squirrel.

    I wanna see some more gold ones with "posey" inscriptions, please, so get back to work, will you? image


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    Great to see you posting here again Sir! image

    Posey rings... hmm, they've been in short supply lately!
    As it happens, I actually went to that very site about a month ago. Got a sterling silver ring but nothing spectacular.

    Now, you get your butt outside and show me some dug gold Escudos! I would prefer Spanish 8-Escudo pieces, but other denominations and countries of origin are also acceptable. image
    Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow... nice pile of rings...however, I do not know how you can just let them sit for so long...I always check my finds out as soon as I get them home. Cheers, RickO
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