updated UPDATE: For my last official hunt by just me I've decided to try something
I have never done before. I am going to detect around several one room school houses and old churches that have not been used in 75 plus years. I've never done a coin hunt so this ought to be interesting. Will bring a digger (my wife most likely) and a camera.
Will be doing this at the end of July if all works out.
PS: any tips?
Heading off....hope to get the permission needed....wish me luck and will let you all know
when I return in a week or so. Sent detector ahead (kept the box it came in for times
just like this one) and it's ready and waiting.
Will be doing this at the end of July if all works out.

PS: any tips?
Heading off....hope to get the permission needed....wish me luck and will let you all know
when I return in a week or so. Sent detector ahead (kept the box it came in for times
just like this one) and it's ready and waiting.
Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
Your sites sound promising! However, you may find that there's a bit more trash than you expect...
My personal observations are that sites where "people dropped lots of coins 100 years ago, and nobody's been there since" don't really exist. Modern junk always finds a way to get into the ground too.
Depending on how much production you can expect to get from your digger, you may want to be quite selective and go for the really good signals, and then the deep ones of course.
Keeping her motivated will be key of course, but you're the expert on how to accomplish that!
PS. Not trying to put any post-surgery ideas in your head, but just a thought: There are some pretty good harnesses and cords that one can rig up to take the weight of the detector almost completely off your arm and transfer it to your back instead.
These are essential e.g. for gold detectorists when using the largest coils. Maybe the occasional coinshooting trip in easy terrain could still be possible with appropriate arm/shoulder offloading arrangements and a digger?
In any case, good luck on your coin hunt! Looking forward to seeing the pictures!
I'll post results of course.
Have not seen the harness idea, any links?
here's a link to it on Minelab's site: link
It's a Minelab product, but works with any detector.
there are also videos of it on youtube, both by Minelab and by various reviewers.
The Pro-Swing 45 is a fairly new development and definitely makes a difference.
Edited to add: these contraptions are a bit of a hassle when switching between detecting and digging, as the bungee cord between the harness and the detector shaft gets in the way. However, this of course becomes a non-issue if someone else is digging
Do you own one?
PS: I would sure invite that girl that demo'd one to be my digger!!
Lafayette Grading Set
Zot, I see that they have two different models. Can you elaborate on either?
Do you own one?
PS: I would sure invite that girl that demo'd one to be my digger!!
I believe there's the Pro-Swing 45 (which I linked to), and then there's the standard harness for Minelab GPX detectors. Mine is pictured below
(A harness is always needed with these detectors, as you carry the battery on your back).
I've had both models. The standard harness is decent, and you can connect a bungy cord from the loops you see on the shoulder straps to the shaft of the detector.
This certainly helps offload your arm.
However, the Pro-Swing 45 is a more advanced harness that you can adjust to get a really tight fit, and it has a stiff "arm" (I believe they call it the "J-strut") that transfers the weight more effectively. A fair bit of R&D has gone into the ergonomics. I would go for the Pro-Swing. The "arm" makes a difference. The standard harness doesn't have it.
I had a quick look at some customer reviews (on Amazon.com) for the Pro-Swing 45. Quite a few people with shoulder / rotator cuff issues have purchased it and it appears the harness helps them a lot ("detector feels like it's floating in mid air", etc)
PS. Agreed about the girl
Cheers, RickO
But did try the detector out and it is working, made the trip ok.
Next shot is Saturday, one more old schoolhouse about an hour and twenty away. Enjoying some nice cool weather and off and on sun/rain. Mid 70.s low 80,s. A big change from the 113 it was when I left Vegas!
Too bad about the permission issues. Good luck with the schoolhouse!
Need to plan better and perhaps at a different time of year. Weeds are foot tall or more...would be heck digging in those babies and lots of them have thistles/stickers.
Sorry, guys but the cards did not fall right this time.
Now, ten days to my surgery and new shoulder.....so planning for next year.
Back to Vegas!